Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1374: This is Happy's home court!

After this period of attack, even if they were able to evade each other's attacks in the counter-shot, now the blood volume of both sides is about 20%, it can be said that this wave is their last outbreak.

In the face of the explosion of the search for a big move, Tang Yin's hand speed directly broke 700, and various skills were like rain flowers in the sky. Air combat machinery was assisted by the side, and heavy firearms broke out. The sharpshooter's attack was like rain flowers in the sky, and the ammunition expert The grenades and enhanced bullets cover the whole process like a goddess scattered flowers.

Tang Yin's explosion was even more spectacular than the one with Du Ming. Now Tang Yin is no longer pursuing whether the skill damage is complete or not. Many skills are replaced by the next one when they appear, such as the gunner's GMT machine gun and flamethrower, and the sharpshooter's continuous output skills such as suppressing shooting, high wind and rain, and indiscriminate shooting.

Now in Tang Yin's hands, these skills are all an excess of combo moves. Pursuing all the damage is just a waste of precious output time. And the above skills explode, what skills are suppressed, and what skills are connected. A series of play routines were arranged in Tang Yin's mind. There are not many even combos of the same profession.

In the face of such a style of play, Zhou Zekai was suppressed again for a very simple reason. Just like Ye Xiu's loose people, you can't even be sure what the opponent will use to kill a skill, so what defense are you using?

On the contrary, Zhou Zekai's outbreak is indeed stronger, after all, the skill level is here. But don't forget, the understanding and skills of the sharpshooter profession. Tang Yinke is no worse than Zhou Zekai. And it's not hard to guess his style of play.

The blood volume of the two sides is also getting closer under such circumstances.

The storm started with Tang Yin's 15% health and Zhou Zekai's 20%. But with the explosion of Tang Yin's hand speed, Zhou Zekai's blood volume dropped faster than Tang Yin's.

This scene completely shocked all the characters, and even Zhou Zekai's team members couldn't believe it. If the team is fighting, this is an outbreak. Their captain has the advantage of skill level, since he is suppressed by the opponent!

However, it was only Zhou Zekai that was held, and neither side had any obvious advantage. Although Zhou Zekai was suppressed, he still had 5% of the HP that was ahead due to the previous outbreak.

His blood volume decline rate is indeed faster than Tang Yin, but it is also very limited. In the end, it is hard to say that the most blood will be emptied first. And Zhou Zekai is now directly exchanging with Tang Yin.

To put it bluntly, it may be difficult for Tang Yin to evade his own attack, and the price he has to pay is the same as Tang Yin.

Even if he is indeed suppressed by Tang Yin's hand speed, it is hard to say who will win in the end. So he and Zhou Zekai chose the same method, which is why both of them started to attack.

In view of Tang Yin's explosive output, Zhou Zekai relied on his top-notch precision to maximize the output of all his skills. The two added the rest to the official state, curved shots and burst shots. Because there are other professional skills in Tang Yin's play, the bonuses of these skills are not available, but Zhou Zekai can get all the bonuses. This is why he can keep up with Tang Yin's hand speed of over 700.

After all, it is explosive output. The sharpshooter is not as good as the gunner, the focus of fire is not as good as the mechanic with enough mechanical creations, and the limiting ability is not as good as the ammunition expert. But it is also the same, because of the state skills such as scattering and burst shooting, the explosive ability of the sharpshooter is only under the gunner, the focus ability is only under the mechanic when all mechanical creatures are present, and the limiting ability of the most other occupations is also Only under the ammunition expert, it can be said that it is the existence with the most average attributes in the gunner.

On average, the sharpshooter has the advantage of being extremely flexible and versatile. The sharpshooter's biggest melee flaw is also the smallest in the sharpshooter. That's why Tang Yin chose the sharpshooter, the professional offensive alliance of the shooter. Because when their strength has reached their level, the sharpshooters with the most flexibility, the fewest weaknesses, and the most average attributes can maximize their talents.

The two men's attack continued, but when Tang Yin's HP reached ten percent, Zhou Zekai's HP also reached about twelve percent.

Zhou Zekai was full of firepower, while Tang Yin's attacks were already varied. This is also the reason why Zhou Zekai wanted to force Tang Yin to exchange blood with him. After all, Tang Yin's attack is too difficult to find a pattern, and it is too late to start looking for it now. So Zhou Zekai simply didn't look for it, relying on his own blood volume advantage to make a tough fight.

And Tang Yin is exactly what he meant. In the face of Zhou Zekai's outbreak, he could only rely on absolute firepower to suppress it. And at this critical moment, Tang Yin used his most deterrent skill! Ice bomb!

Frozen grenade Zhou Zekai can still knock it flying, but ice bombs can't.

The appearance of the ice bomb forced Zhou Zekai to retreat in the storm, but Tang Yin was direct. Laser Cannon!

A beam of light flashed across, and Zhou Zekai barely twisted his body to dodge. But the movement under his feet did not dare to stop at all. Dodge Tang Yin's attacks one after another. Although facing Tang Yin's ice bomb, Zhou Zekai maintained his firepower output for a long time. It's just that now that Tang Yin has been hit by him, it is even more impossible for him to hit Tang Yin.

Tang Yin also knew that each major team had studied their own countermeasures for ice bombs. After all, there are only fifteen bullets, and the sharpshooter's extremely fast attack rhythm will not last long.

So Tang Yin Tang Yin's Ice Bomb is a restriction skill, but the range of restriction is different. Sometimes it is not the skill that hits the person to achieve the limiting effect.

Fifteen rounds of ice bullets were quickly finished by Tang Yin, and when Zhou Zekai was about to counterattack again, he found the flamethrower in Tang Yin's hand, and it was a burst of output against him. This time, Tang Yin pressed and long pressed, and the flames continued to spray, and a wave of fire was sprayed directly.

Faced with a flamethrower with a very high stiffness attribute, Zhou Zekai would have to retreat again, because the advantage of a flamethrower is in the attack range, not the attack distance. But he did not succeed in retreating because he hit the wall. To be precise, it hit a huge stone pillar!

It was too late for him to try to escape, the flames came! That's right, the purpose of Tang Yin's freezing is to force Zhou Zekai to the position he wants! And this time, I can only say that Zhou Zekai suffered the loss of being familiar with the map, because this is Happy's home field!


Faced with such a result, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Erha didn't know what to say...

All I can do is to mourn for the deaths of all the people on China Eastern Airlines flight mu5735. …

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