Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1376: Li Yibo's guess

In this regard, the arena match between Happy and Samsara finally ended with Happy's victory, and the score between the two sides came to 5-0. This season, the extremely strong Samsara team has also scored such a score, which is simply unimaginable. And Happy's fans were also shouting ten to zero, ten to zero, and now they found that the slogan was more and more smooth.

Although the difference in blood between Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai was very limited in the end, there was even a bit of luck in it. But if you lose, you lose, and as a result, the fans of Human Reincarnation feel a little down. On the contrary, it is Happy's side. You must know that this is where they are playing. Now that they have won a score difference like 5-0, the opponent is the Samsara team that has been leading all the way this season. This directly makes them fly. Get up.

But compared to the excited state of mind of his fans, Happy is a little more serious now. After all, the core of Tang Yin and the others are removed. Samsara's players were generally stronger than them, and Tang Rou and the others still needed to grow. In the next game, it is a team game that depends on the direct ability of teammates. I have to admit that the reincarnation team really has no weaknesses. …

But compared with them who have no weaknesses, their weaknesses are more obvious...

The rest period after the ring match and before the team match is relatively long, the purpose is to allow the players of the two teams to have more time to discuss the next team match. And at this time, players don't necessarily have to be on the player's seat. You can even go straight back to the prep break room. This is so that some teams can discuss tactics just fine, but if there is no sudden change in tactics, there is usually no need to go to the preparation room specially.

After all, before the game, the major teams are allocated. Just a little emphasis at this point. It also saves you wasting time walking around.

"The heads-up match is over. We didn't expect this result. I didn't expect Happy's 5-0 result against Samsara. Remember that in the last round, except for Ye Xiu and Tang Yin's score, all of Happy's others No one has scored. It seems that half a season has passed, and Team Happy's players have grown a lot. Director Li, what do you think will happen to the next team game?" Just when the two teams were resting, the TV was on the other side. Ads will be inserted directly, but the audience will be bored. Therefore, as a commentator, Pan Sen certainly can't make the audience boring, so he started to find a topic.

"Seriously, this is really hard to say." Li Yibo said after thinking for a while.

"In terms of strength on paper, Samsara's lineup is still relatively strong. The quality of the players is also relatively good. And Happy's advantage lies in the home court. So we don't know what they will use this time. tactics." Li Yibo continued.

"Then, in your opinion, where is the most likely turning point in this match between the two teams?" Pan Sen continued to ask.

Pan Sen's question made Li Yibo very depressed. Facing Samsara and Happy, he really didn't dare to make any accurate predictions. But he is also very clear that such words cannot be avoided by the Jedi, otherwise what would the other party invite you as a guest to do?

So even though the team might be slapped in the face, Li Yibo could only bite the bullet and say, "I think the biggest variable will be Happy's treatment."

After Li Yibo finished speaking, he felt that this was a good entry point, so he simply continued: "After all, it's no secret that treatment has been a shortcoming of Happy since very early on. It's one of the best ways to play. It's okay that no one has succeeded before. But 301 has been successful once before."

"After all, he proved it in one game. Although Happy's pastor's performance in the game is limited. But when he died, the team's operation went wrong. And such a serious flaw will definitely become their biggest flaw. It's a pain point, so I think that in this team battle, Happy's treatment should be the target of the Samsara tactics."

"Then will they just let their assassins directly take Happy's healing away with a life-threatening blow like 301?" Pan Sen continued to ask.

"It's possible, whether it's a one-hit kill, a strong attack, or a squeezing tactic similar to what Thunder and Happy used before, these are all possible, after all, it's Samsara's team ability, they can choose the direction Too many." Li Yibo said.

"When you say this, there's already a lot to look forward to in this match, and after you say that, I'm still a little curious. Faced with such a situation, Happy will arrange their pastor like this again this time. Well, and this time it is their appearance, what interesting tactical arrangements will they use at home?" Panson said.

"Haha, it's really hard to say." Li Yibo laughed when he heard his partner's words.

"After all, the loophole of cold hands can be said to be quite obvious, but in the face of such loopholes, Happy has no intention to make up for it. You must know their current results and their financial situation, they want to be in the winter transfer period. Recruiting and fighting a pastor can definitely help. But they don't seem to have thought about this direction at all," Li Yibo said.

"Sometimes I'm a real character. Would Happy just design a special trap for this priest, who we seem to be a loophole, so that we can directly take care of it in the game."

"Hey!" Pan Sen was a little surprised when he heard Li Yibo's opinion, but after thinking about it, he found that this idea was really interesting, and said, "What do you think, this idea seems to be really possible."

"Well, after all, as long as there is such an obvious loophole, there is no team that doesn't want to target it. And as long as they target it, Happy will be able to better predict the opponent's tactics and attack points. In addition, Happy has Ye Xiu, the four Glory tacticians, and Tang Yin, a rookie with excellent tactical literacy, how these teams will play, it is really possible for them to guess." Li Yibo said.

"It makes sense!" Pan Lin sighed at Li Yibo's guess, but he was also a little surprised. After all, Li Yibo hadn't guessed the tactics of each major team so boldly for so long. UU read www.uukanshu. com Today, Tang came suddenly, and he was still not used to it.

"So what kind of tactics they will play in this game, I, like you, are looking forward to it." Li Yibo said, and the so-called he breathed a long breath. Now he can be said to be a straight bachelor. . Either don't say it, or say it all. Even if it is wrong, it makes others feel that his statement is reasonable.


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