Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1377: Happy's treatment

Chapter 1408 Happy's treatment (please subscribe, please recommend)

Pan Sen and Li Yibo chatted in this kind of talk-like program, and passed the relatively long rest time. Soon it was time for both teams to play.

Happy: Ye Xiu, Tang Yin, Su Mucheng, Qiao Yifan, An Wenming, and the sixth person, Tang Rou.

The lineup on Samsara's side is: Zhou Zekai, Jiang Botao, Sun Xiang, Lu Boyuan, Fang Minghua, and the sixth player Wu Qi.

The announcement of the lineup of the two sides, followed by the commentary on the lineup of the two sides this time.

"Eh? I found that today's lineup seems to have something in common. What do you think? Director Li?" Pan Sen laughed when he saw the lineup of both sides.


"Look at the lineups of both sides this time, they didn't say much about the changes because of the special opponents, but on the choice of players. They all chose their most commonly used lineups. There is absolutely no need to make any targeted adjustments. Meaning." Pan Lin said.

"That's right, it can be seen from here that the mentality of both teams is peaceful after all. They don't value this match as much as the outside media quarreled before the match, but play him as a normal match." Li Yibo also said. Agree.

"Well, even if it's just a positive and normal attitude, this game is still very exciting." Pan Sen said with a sigh, remembering the previous ring match.

After the two of them said a few simple words, the two teams of players on the stage also shook hands with each other and began to walk to their respective players' seats.

The team battle is about to be added. The projection of the whole system will show all the roles of the two teams at the first time. According to the management of the visiting team, the home team will be the finale. The players of the two teams will play alternately. The data is displayed.

And when Team Samsara's One Autumn Leaf and Happy's Dancing Rain stood on the stage together again, the atmosphere at the scene became a little weird. You must know that the fans who would come to this Xiaoshan stadium to watch the game, a large part of them were Excellent Era fans back then.

As for One Autumn Leaf and Dancing Rain, they fought together for six years in their memory, and walked side by side for six years. And these six years really carried too many memories and good things for them. But now once again standing on the stage they are most familiar with, it is no longer the best combination for six consecutive years, but a real opponent.

Eh, such a feeling was quite painful for Excellent Era fans who were used to fighting side by side with them. Even their applause became a little low......

Fortunately, this situation did not last for too long. After all, there were still characters to accept, and the next step was the treatment of the two teams.

Reincarnation heals laughter with ease; Happy's An Wenyi, the character's little hands are cold.

"Huh?" But when An Wenyi's cold hand appeared on the projection, everyone found that this guy was a little different.

"Is this little hand cold?" Everyone was a little confused when they saw this little hand cold, which was completely different from the first half. After all, except for the face, none of the cold hands they knew.

Pan Lin, who was the commentator, and guest Li Yibo also noticed the change in the coldness of the little hand at the first time.

"Little hands are cold, this is... a change of equipment?" Pan Sen asked in confusion.

At this time, Li Yibo also looked at the data on the big screen that was cold to his little hands. At a glance, I don't know if I don't scan it, I'm shocked at a glance. Directly to the person, he **** and relies on the air-conditioning.

"Intelligence of 1850?" Li Yibo felt that his eyes might have been spent by Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai's splendid battle. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and finally looked at the cold little hand again. Discovery still shows: Intelligence 1850!

"1850?" Hearing this number, Pan Sen's was obviously stunned. As a full-time commentator of Glory, Pan Sen's knowledge reserve about Glory can be said to be quite rich. Although he can't be familiar with all the attributes of all the professions in Glory to the point of memorization. But he is still very clear about the ceiling in each attribute.

Hearing such exaggerated numbers, the first thing he thought of was the intelligence of the character Shi Buzhuan used by Zhang Xinjie, the current first priest of Glory. But his intelligence attribute is only 1570!

"I remember that even Shi Buzhuan's intelligence is only 1570!" Pan Sen's tone was full of unbelievable surprises, knowing that he had checked it himself and found that Xiaoshou's cold intelligence is now 1850.

This is Li Yibo's once again noticing Li Yibo's equipment, the whole set of silver equipment, which is not surprising. After all, this is standard in Happy, but the whole set of equipment is directly replaced, and it is also a whole set!

Li Yibo is depressed now, he was just saying that Happy didn't pay attention to their treatment, their treatment was just a smoke bomb they released, but now the other party bought a new set of equipment for the other party during a holiday. , and the intelligence attribute is more than 280 points of the first priest of glory, this is not too much!

When he was still stunned because he was slapped in the face again, Pan Sen, who continued to watch the cold data of his little hands, suddenly called out, "Guide Li, come and have a look. Is there something wrong with this thinking?"

Li Yibo was a little distracted at this moment, but Pan Lin continued to watch, but found something.

Li Yibo returned to his senses, his eyes returned to the right one, and relying on his professional player's vision, he quickly saw the clue of the attribute point of cold hands.

"It turned out to be dedicated to intelligence, no wonder his intelligence attribute is so exaggerated." Li Yibo said.

"In the professional circle, is there still such a thing?" Pan Sen hesitated.

"It's alright!" Li Yibo's answer was unequivocal, because in order for a professional character to fully utilize the player's strength, many of the attributes need to be balanced. If you want to pile on one item like this, it will only appear in online games. After all, some priests can give up some for higher healing abilities. They don't need anything else in the dungeon.

But this is a professional arena. Of course, it's okay to have stronger healing, but other abilities can be ignored. The attribute points given to everyone by the system are all the same, so the subsequent adjustments to the surrounding area need to be purchased, and the attributes on the purchase are also limited, so naturally there is a need for trade-offs.

Although intelligence is a priority attribute, it cannot occupy resources of other attributes indefinitely.

But what about the cold hands in front of you? He did just that. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Then they are looking at the crit attribute...

"This...it's just a priest who heals by standing in the online game pve..." Li Yibo felt that he could no longer control his spit-out soul.


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(End of this chapter)

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