Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1378: Attack treatment!

Chapter 1409 Attack treatment! (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

"Not only that, but his ice-dark dual resistance is also extremely high!" Pan Lin said after finding another point.

"This shows that they attach great importance to control skills, but his mental attributes are relatively general in comparison, and obviously they have not been specially stacked." Li Yibo's tone was a little curious. After all, as far as the profession of a priest is concerned, it is actually the most important. The first attribute should be spirit, and then intelligence, but the other party just piled intelligence, which is very biased...

"Specializing in intelligence and critical strike rate, so that these two attributes can be strengthened to the greatest extent... If it is only about the healing ability, this may be the number one priest of Glory." Li Yibo said.

"But it's not right...." As a result, Li Yibo had just reached a conclusion, and he rejected it first, "Accurately speaking, it should be that the healing amount of the healing skill alone is the first priest of Glory, Because his spellcasting speed is not specially stacked, it is very general, so considering the reading speed and skill cooldown and other reasons, within the same time, it is really difficult to calculate the gap with the traditional priest who adds points."

"Then the question is, since it's so troublesome, why does Xingxin have to work so hard, time-consuming, and laborious to come up with a brand-new priest equipment? What are they doing?" Pan Lin asked curiously, and During their conversation, Xinxin had exchanged the priests of the two teams, and now he is the sixth man of the two teams.

However, it is also a change that is almost completely reborn, and now no one continues to pay attention to the attributes of the sixth person and accepts it. After all, most of the fans watching this game were Happy or Samsara fans. They were already familiar with the character attributes of their own characters, but they were very curious about the big change in their little hands.

Because Little Hand Cold is a silver weapon all over the body, so they can't see the detailed attributes added to him by each equipment. But in the eyes of most players, the 1850-point intelligence was the most influential at that time, and there was no shortage of people on the scene who could directly think of the intelligence attribute of the now-honored priest alone. For a time, Xiaoshan venues were full of discussions about this matter.

Could it be that this is what Xingxin is behind? So, is Happy's treatment now the rhythm of a counterattack?

But is this really okay? After all, the issue of An Wenyi's strength and technology has always been criticized by everyone, and it is precisely because the core of this is a technical problem. Can such a problem really be solved simply by relying on the challenge of equipment attributes?

After all, wouldn't it be easier to recruit a better healer directly from scratch instead of trying to get a whole new set of equipment? With the new conditions now, if you release an invitation, are you worried that you won't be able to recruit?

But Happy didn't do that. Instead, they used the most troublesome way to strengthen their shortcomings. How strange it seems...

Of course, there are still a small number of fans who will consider these far-reaching fans. After all, most of them are brand-new equipment of An Wenyi. After all, the same good equipment has always been the core of players' discussions, but Pan Lin and Li Yibo in the commentary continued to this topic!

After all, the topic of this matter is still very good, for example, why Happy would rather recruit a new character with such a big idea, rather than directly sign a new healer player.

Is it because An Wenyi has something that Happy is particularly fond of?

The two of them took Team Happy's team members to treat and study for a long time, but they didn't see anything special about An Wenyi, and at this time the game had already started. With the update of the map. The roles of both sides are also loaded.

The map that Happy chose this time was a place called Laogao Mining District. Hearing the name, we knew that this map was in a mining area. It is precisely because it is a mining area that his terrain is also more complicated. In all the open spaces on the entire map, there is no open space that can allow everyone from both teams to fully engage in melee team battles.

From the beginning of Pizza, everyone in Happy started to move towards the middle with all their strength, and Samsara's plan was the same, and at the same time as they were advancing, they also chatted on their team channel.

"Did you notice that Happy's pastor attributes just now?" Jiang Botao and Lu Boyuan sent this message almost at the same time.

"I noticed." Fang Minghua nodded.

"Then what do you think about this?" Jiang Botao asked. After all, Fang Minghua was the healer in their team, so this kind of professional analysis must of course be handed over to professionals.

"High intelligence, high critical strike, and strong recovery ability. From the perspective of treatment alone, they can indeed make up for their players." Fang Minghua said, after all, they still attach great importance to Happy. I have analyzed this Happy's shortcomings more than once. So he said the result directly.

"But in terms of the surrounding attributes, will he be too biased?" Jiang Botao asked.

"It's really a bit extreme. His spellcasting speed is very average, which means that he needs more cover now." Fang Minghua directly stated the current shortcomings of An Wenyi.

"In other words, they transferred some of An Wenyi's shortcomings and let them and their teammates bear it?" Jiang Botao's words had some connotation.

"That's right!" Fang Minghua's own deputy team's summary was very recognized.

"This adjustment...not bad..." Jiang Botao said.

"Then how do we play now?" Sun Xiang asked. The current lineup of Team Happy is similar to what they thought before, but after all, there has been a little change, so Sun Xiang asked.

"Personal advice, keep it the same," Fang Minghua said.

"Okay! Let's continue our original plan and apply pressure for treatment." Jiang Botao said. There is no way the captain doesn't like to talk, these things can only be said by him.

Although it was said that the weakness of Happy's treatment was also the main tactic used by the major teams against Happy, in fact, even if the treatment was not a weakness, he was the target of most tactics. It is even said that the main attack treatment has become a consistent routine in team competitions. And now the tactic of reincarnation is to increase the target of the treatment again.

They share the same views as Pan Lin and Li Yibo, and they don't think that Happy's problems can be solved by simply changing the character attributes. Because their problem is the technique of healing, not the characters being manipulated.

But now Happy's method, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has a relatively general singing time, which makes it more difficult for teammates to cover it. Such a result is destined to disperse a certain main force of the team. But how can a team game have so much focus to distract you? And if the task of this cover is not completed well, that is their chance.

So, attack the treatment!


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(End of this chapter)

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