Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1379: 1st

Chapter 1410 First (for subscription, for recommendation)

finally. After Samsara's next tactical core and some tactical routines are clearly defined, they will need their adaptability. As for how adaptable they are, it depends on the ability of Happy's current treatment. .

Because they are all straight into the middle of the map, the two teams quickly meet on the map. The two sides had spread out as soon as they discovered the other side. After all, in such a complex map, both sides wanted to take the lead in occupying favorable terrain.

Ranged classes start looking for where to put the most firepower, while melee classes choose routes that give more cover to their charges.

In this regard, Happy, who played at home, was obviously much smoother. Obviously, they had long anticipated such a scene, and even had practice and plans for each position. Kuan Xingxin's people had already reached their desired position, and Mucheng, who was in the highest position, took the lead in hitting the first blow of the match.


A stinger shot across the air in a graceful arc, flew from Happy's side in the direction of Samsara, and then exploded like fireworks in the sky. People in reincarnation carry out indiscriminate attacks.

boom boom boom…

Several missiles covered the entire area, directly blowing the sea into flames. This bombing made the two close combatants, Sun Xiang and Lu Boyuan, utterly disgraced. After all, they were about to kill Happy's camp just now, but Mucheng's cannonball hit them on their way, killing them. cover.

At this time, another explosion exploded in the sky, and several small missiles blasted towards them.

"It's not over yet, is it?" Sun Xiang and Lu Boyuan were depressed, they just avoided a wave here and are still coming. As for Tang Yin, they didn't even have to think about it. This skill was useless when Tang Yin and their captain were fighting. Apparently, he changed his equipment before the game. It was all Tang Yin's skills that they recorded last time. useless.

"How can this guy be as annoying as Ye Xiu!" This was the voice of Sun Xiang and Lu Boyuan together.

Once again, they avoided this wave of explosions in various ways. Only then did the two climb out of the mine ditch. Although they didn't lose much blood, they looked quite embarrassed. He couldn't hit him, let alone Mucheng who was farther away. That's annoying.

Zhou Zekai has only completed his position selection. Although his position selection seems to be slow, he is also waiting for Happy's Mucheng to reveal his position, so that he can choose a position to suppress the opponent. After all, he is attacking from Samsara's side. The furthest away, although Tang Yin is also very troublesome, but in terms of support, Mucheng, the gunner, is even more annoying.

So he chose to restrict Mucheng first, and only Shunli tried to entangle Tang Yin. There is no way that he is the only remote in Samsara now, and some of his pressures are naturally greater.

But here Zhou Zekai has not reached the position chosen in the middle, there is already a series of gunshots, and who else has the attack frequency besides his silver?

As a result, Zhou Zekai just wanted to do it, but found that a figure under the cover of Tang Yin's ballistics had begun to approach him, and the person who came was Ye Xiu.

I saw Lord Grim do a forward somersault in mid-air, over a remnant wall. He was only five steps away from Zhou Zekai's position, and at this distance, Ye Xiu, who had multiple displacement skills, was no different from getting close.

Zhou Zekai also immediately realized the problem, his body moved, and he quickly moved backwards.

And Ye Xiu just wanted to follow him with one skill.

Ye Xiu, Zhou Zekai.

The encounter between these two is more interesting than the battle between Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai. After all, this is the confrontation between the old and new generations of glory. Although it wasn't to say that the two of them hadn't fought before, but since Ye Xiu returned to the alliance with a loose man, the two of them hadn't fought head-on.

After Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai fought in the last battle, everyone knew that their strength was between equals. In the end, although Tang Yin won, he still lost blood. If it wasn't for Zhou Zekai being dizzy, who would be tough? But although their strength is very close, at least they have already fought, and everyone already has a bottom line, but Ye Xiu and Zhou Zekai have not fought yet, which makes them very curious about which of them is stronger now.

After all, in the previous battle between Ye Xiu and Zhou Zekai, Excellent Era had already started to go downhill. At that time, Zhou Zekai also had a lot of Glory No. 1 players, and their battle was just a rookie with good strength who wanted to challenge the Glory God.

It's just that with the passage of time, everyone found that Zhou Zekai was not just "good strength". Since he entered the Samsara team, the Samsara team began to rise all the way. In the fifth game, he directly led the team to the playoffs, achieving zero breakthroughs in the playoffs of Samsara.

But that was the beginning, and his character problems were also exposed, and the wonderful appearance was not in harmony with the team's rhythm. So it stopped in the playoffs.

At that time, there were all kinds of headaches in reincarnation. Fortunately, in the sixth season, they found Jiang Botao, who they thought was a rookie, who made his debut in Hewu. After being observed by their professional Rong staff, they settled directly. Jiang Botao is the talent they need, the one who can stand beside Zhou Zekai and make his Guan Hui more dazzling.

It was during the winter transfer period of a single season that they acquired Jiang Botao directly from He Wu. After the run-in in the second half of the season, Jiang Botao did what they expected and became a bridge between Zhou Zekai and the players. Since then, that is, since the seventh season, Jiang Botao has been serving as the vice captain of Samsara.

At the same time, the younger generation of Samsara gradually matured, and they also successfully reached the second round of the playoffs in the seventh season. And Zhou Zekai's fame has soared since this.

At that time, Excellent Era's grades had already declined more and more seriously, and the halo of the first person in Glory had begun to sway, Wang Jiexi? Huang Shaotian? Zhou Zekai? These three were the most mentioned names at the time. And because Zhou Zekai is the youngest among them, everyone is very optimistic about him, the only thing missing is a total of championships.

Finally, in the eighth season, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Ye Xiu, the former first-person retired season, when the league needed one person to hold up the banner of the league's strongest fighting force, Zhou Zekai led Samsara to win The championship at the time! In this way, he achieved the sublimation of the first person of his glory.

And now the collision between the first person in the past and the first person in the contemporary era, how can everyone not look forward to it?


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(End of this chapter)

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