Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1380: so cool

Chapter 1411 Too cool (please subscribe, please recommend)

And who is the real first person between the two?

The level of discussion on this topic is even about who is Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai, after all, Ye Xiu's popularity is here, and although Tang Yin said that he is very strong, he is still a rookie in the final analysis. Before the Challenger Tournament, there were very few even optimistic about Tang Yin.

However, just like everyone was not optimistic about Tang Yin at the beginning, in terms of who is stronger between Ye Xiu and Zhou Zekai, one of Ye Xiu's age is the reason, plus he is still leading a grass-roots team that has always been dominated by newcomers. Does everyone have the qualifications to challenge Zhou Zekai to the first person in Glory?

It's ridiculous to say, a person who has been in glory for ten years and has been the number one honoree in the past. Now that the topic of the first person in glory appears again, it is actually a kind of challenger. But that's it, since there are still people who think he is not qualified.

But when this match started, these people were being slapped in the face. Proof of strength, qualification? No one can talk to them about qualifications! Even if your team has the current glory of the first person, it will not work.

You say your team is strong, right? The individual competition was directly shaved. You said that you have the honor of being the first person, right? It was directly won by the rookie who just debuted, and it was still a one-on-two situation.

So far, no one dared to discuss whether Ye Xiu had this qualification!

The only regret may be, whether it is an individual match or a ring match. Ye Xiu and Zhou Zekai never met in the game, but now, on the stage of the team game, the two finally met, and they had a face-to-face match at the very beginning.

Ye Xiu went up close, Zhou Zekai quickly backed away, at this moment everyone even felt that the air was condensed, and then...


The back of Zhou Zekai's head exploded with a burst of blood!

I wipe! !

At this moment, both Samsara and Happy's fans all burst out.

Adversity Now they are playing a peak duel of masters. Is it appropriate for you, Tang Yin, to make a surprise attack at this time?

And Zhou Zekai, who was shot in the head by Tang Yin's sniper rifle, fell into a dizzy state again. This scene is very familiar to him now, and his heart is also complicated. Now he finally knows what Wang Jiexi is facing when facing Tang Yin. Not even flying, the stun of Tang Yin's sniper rifle is really annoying.

Tang Yin's sneak attack really gave the Heat to the people present, and this guy has no lower limit. So often the first-person battle between two generations was interrupted by his sneak attack. Players and media who were interested in this topic and the result for a while felt like they wanted to bring Tang Yin to the ground.

Compared to this, the atmosphere in Happy's player seats was very good.

"Tsk tsk, Xiaoyin's sneak attack perfectly exemplifies what it is called, not afraid of the power of the Great God, but afraid of the Great God's sneak attack. Such a cold gun... Tsk tsk, it's too brutal." Wei Chen laughed.

Of course, Ye Xiu would not let go of this opportunity created by Tang Yin, but when he attacked Zhou Zekai, a flame rushed through the dizzy Zhou Zekai and wanted Ye Xiu. It is the Explosive Flame Wave Sword.

And Jiang Botao has already been killed in the flames, just like Tang Yin can support Ye Xiu, Zhou Zekai naturally has someone to support.

The vice-teams of the two teams have been keeping an eye on their captains and are always ready to support them. What is the first-person battle, what is qualified to challenge, these are just topics of discussion among players, these professional players don't even think about this. The victory they pursue, as for these false names, who cares?

After all, this is a team match, and it's obvious that neither Happy nor Samsara have such thoughts in a team match. The kind of confrontation that fans were looking forward to was impossible to happen here, and now the captains and vice-captains of both sides have been fighting together, Lord Grim and Jiang Botao who came from behind are attacking each other, and Zhou Zekai is taking precautions Tang Yin, who changed his position with one shot, was attacking everywhere.

Both players started to attack their targets, and Happy, relying on his familiarity with the map, had a certain degree of initiative at the beginning of the game, especially since Tang Yin had just copied some of Su Mucheng, now it is definitely a letdown. The most depressing existence of Samsara players.

And Zhou Zekai, the only one who could restrain Su Mucheng, was now being entangled by Tang Yin again. Sometimes Ye Xiu would come over to join in. And because Sun Xiang and Lu Boyuan were restrained by Mucheng's commanding heights, Yifan had more room to move, so he came directly to assist Ye Xiu, and An Wenyi's cold hands came with him.

An Wenyi just stood firm, and the bright certificate of the silver cross in his hand exudes a holy light, which looks very dazzling. And this is the proof that he sings magic.

The appearance of An Wenyi surprised the whole process, because in everyone's impression, this was the first time An Wenyi was so close to the battlefield and supported his teammates in frontal conflicts. Even An Wenyi himself was a little excited about this. After all, this was his first time participating in a team battle.

Before that, he had been arranged in one way or another, and the reason, purpose and meaning of it, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu had always been professional.

The reason is very simple, because now he is still their shortcoming, and his level is not enough. An Wenyi didn't say much about this. This is something that the entire alliance knows. Of course, An Wenyi will not deceive himself or act. This is also because Tang Yin and the others believe in An Wenyi's character. Some things don't need to be said so obscurely. Instead, they directly tell people what he needs to improve, which is more helpful to his growth.

Facts have proved that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu are not mistaken, An Wenyi has a full understanding of himself. He is also very clear about his own shortcomings and the direction of improvement, and one who limits him is only his talent. It is also because of his talent that his improvement seems slow. That's why he was so worried during the New Year's Eve.

But Xingxin directly used practical actions to completely obliterate all his concerns.

This also gave An Wenyi a confidence in himself, he believed that he could be a worthy treatment for Happy. A priest who can master team-wide healing. Instead of trying to be a fringe role or a bait before.

chant. Small reply.

This is a small skill. Although he didn't push the casting speed much, he still completed it quickly because the skill itself had a low chanting time.

A holy light appeared on Ye Xiu's body.


Seeing Lord Grim's bloodline is a direct improvement, this is the refreshing feeling that can only appear when treating a guy like Tang Yin who has turned off luck and is still perverted.

Now anyone can do it with just one teammate, it's really... so cool!


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(End of this chapter)

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