Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1381: Team Healing

Chapter 1412 Team Healing (For Subscription, For Recommendation)

After all, for all players who play healing, nothing is to see their own skills go down, and the blood volume of teammates is counted in one jump. This is the biggest side check between Healer and his players. Other players are pursuing the highest output at one time, and the sense of achievement of Healer players comes from how much HP they can recover in one click.

The more HP recovers, the more they start. This time, it's just a small recovery spell. If the next major treatment goes on, wouldn't it just take off?

Thinking of this, finding himself getting more and more excited, An Wenyi forced himself to calm down and observe the overall situation. Because only in this way can we better seize an opportunity that can give him a big treatment. You must know that in the past few days and the new role now, the treatment in the connection has already made him feel like flying, and now in actual combat, this one is simply a spiritual opium for him.

This kind of skill can destroy the feeling that the opponent's painstaking efforts can be vanished in an instant, which is really good! And this is the sense of blow that belongs to his treatment, a kind of assassination of the opponent's spirit.

Hurry up and show up!

Even if he is as sensible as An Wenyi, he still has some blood while constantly implying that he needs to be calm. No way, he has been waiting for such an opportunity for too long, this is half a season.

Where are the opportunities?

An Wenyi controlled the character to turn the angle of view, looked at the battlefield where his teammates were, and looked for the places that needed his support.

At this time, One Autumn Leaf and Yunshan Chaos, who had been suppressed by Mucheng before, had also entered the battlefield, and Mucheng was still at the commanding heights, providing support for everyone in the team, which was a headache for everyone in Reincarnation.

On the other side, the priest who healed Fang Minghua in Samsara laughed and sang freely. Now he was in a position that was symmetrical with An Wenyi. Depending on the situation, he was also waiting for the situation of his teammates and was ready to support him at any time.

Is this a battle between treatments? This is too touching! The first time I experienced this feeling, I felt a little bit excited, which was completely different from the feeling of being in the back with him. Even An Wenyi had a feeling that the other party was paying attention to him.

It's where!

Excitement returned to excitement, but An Wenyi did not neglect to observe the game, and soon he found an opportunity. But this is not an opportunity to heal, but an opportunity to use divine fire. And his goal is One Autumn Leaf. If he can put it away, he might be able to restrain the opponent.

But there is another side. This side just discovered an opportunity for One Autumn Leaf, and the other side discovered that it would be good to give Jiang Botao's Wulang a hypnotic effect at this time.

But will this angle be noticed by the other party? After all, he was slow to hide, and Jiang Botao was surrounded by Zhou Zekai, who was entangled with his deputy team. If he was beaten by the opponent, wouldn't his hypnotic singing be interrupted?

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Zekai felt that he should use the sacred fire first to present Sun Xiang's actions.

Here, An Wenyi has just made up his mind. result.....

How Long Breaks the Army!

I saw One Autumn Leaf's spear flashing magic fighting qi waved and condensed, and a dragon-shaped phantom covered it. Killed directly to An Wenyi.

Dangerous, but not far away!

Facing Sun Xiang's heroic dragon and breaking the army. An Wenyi already had the answer in his mind immediately. As far as the distance between the two sides is now, it is impossible for Sun Xiang to fight directly. After all, many Dragons break the army all the time, but there is a distance limit. Although he said that he couldn't hit him from the distance, it also increased his own threat,

But An Wenyi didn't want to panic because of this.

Holy fire!

This skill was originally meant to be given to Ye Xiu, even if he broke the army with a dragon and reduced the distance between them. But it didn't affect him continuing to hit him with this skill.

An Wenyi pointed to the front with the certificate of Yinwu Brightness in his hand, and the pale flames burned directly at a distance of five positions away from An Wenyi.

The timing of An Wenyi's release of his skills alone is not a problem at all, and it can even be said that the card is in place, but the moment his skills appeared, he was already in front of Sun Xiang, and he was about to be burned. But at this dangerous moment, Sun Xiang jumped to the limit! Beyond the holy fire.

Sun Xiang is a god-level figure after all, and this reaction ability and operation speed are exactly what An Wenyi currently dreams of most. And these things he most wanted to have, at this moment, got the most perfect embodiment in Sun Xiang. Even if it is a sudden attack, it can still react and complete the operation, which is terrifying.

However, Sun Xiang, who forcibly canceled the Dragon Smashing Army, jumped with the help of skill movements, and the skills he avoided jumped stiffly into the sky, and then the even more powerful fighting qi magic condensed on his spear, and directly inserted it into An Wenyi. !

It is Doubashanhe!

One Autumn Leaf at this moment, in An Wenyi's eyes, looked particularly cold. His hands were dancing in the sky, and in the dark game background, the Dou Qi energy emanating from the spear became more and more dazzling.

An Wenyi was still surprised by Sun Xiang's ability to directly avoid him. There was nothing he could do. He was so envious of Sun Xiang's reaction and manipulation. But at this moment of envy, Sun Xiang's battle to break through the mountains and rivers has been stabbed.

Reaction itself is one of An Wenyi's weaknesses. In addition, Douban Shanhe is a skill with a huge range. He was stunned for a moment just now because of envy. How could he escape now?

There is no escape, and there is not even a skill that can be recruited. Even if there is Yifan near him, there is no way, because in front of this skill, no one can stop it!


The Dou Qi magic spread frantically centered on Sun Xiang's landing point. The boulders cracked and the earth shook!

Yifan's reaction ability is still online, and he avoided the attack range of Sun Xiang's skills at the first time, but An Wenyi is not so far. fly away.

However, although this skill is unstoppable, it can still be done without saving it afterwards.

I saw a magnetic cannon shot across the sky, and in an instant it came to An Wenyi who had just been blown away. This was to prevent someone from chasing An Wenyi at this time. Because of its ability to forcefully attract enemy units, the Suspended Magnetic Cannon is a very good means of cover.

But this kind of cover is temporary after all, and the safety of team therapy requires constant maintenance by all members. And from Sun Zhe's attack, Samsara took the initiative, because they were too close to Xingxin's protection target. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ye Xiu and Tang Yin seemed to be back on the defensive for the first time, but just as they were about to shrink their battle lines, countless bullets poured directly towards them.

It is the sharpshooter skills Storm and Obliteration!


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(End of this chapter)

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