Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1391: Not scientific!

Soon the players from both sides entered the field, loaded the characters, and entered the map. The players who entered the battle room naturally couldn't hear the shouts of the audience outside. But this didn't affect the Tyranny fans' continued output to Ye Xiu.

"Stop arguing, it's pointless." Ye Xiu's message suddenly popped up on the public road.

"It will be over soon anyway, why not?" Ye Xiu continued to talk to the audience in words.

Does this keep the audience from making noise? Lin Jingyan, who had also finished loading, was speechless when he saw Ye Xiu's message. He suspected that Ye Xiu was deliberately teasing their fans. Even in the soundproof environment in the battle room, he could vaguely hear the Tyranny fans outside. roar.

"It's unscientific!" Lin Jingyan was even more surprised. After all, the Glory Professional Alliance has developed for so many years. Except for the initial difficult time, at other times, the equipment of the alliance is being updated. After playing for so long, it was the first time that Lin Jingyan heard the voices of fans outside in the battle room. What's the situation outside now? This is no longer enough to add fuel to the fire.

"How are you, Lao Lin? Come out soon and we'll end the fight early." Ye Xiu continued to pick from the public channel.

Lin Jingyan didn't even read Ye Xiu's trash talk. After so many years in his career, the trash was no longer lethal to him. After all, he is no longer the new generation of rookies.

You must know that when Ye Xiu was still invincible in the professional circle, he had already made his debut. So he knew very well how strong Ye Xiu was. After so many years of competition in private, the two sides had played against each other a lot. But for things like win rate, he was lazy even with statistics. After all, even if he did statistics, it would only make him even more unhappy.

He has a very clear understanding of himself, and he is not arrogant, let alone domineering. Although he has had the name of a great **** on his head for so many years, he himself is very clear that he has never really entered the top wave. And in such a situation where he can't go up or down, sometimes even he himself feels a little confused.

Originally, in his opinion, his career was like this, and he slowly retired to the end. But at this insipid time, he was abandoned by the team.

Fortunately, after being invited by Team Tyranny, two guys in the later years of their careers gathered in this most powerful and **** team in the entire league.


To be honest, this has always been Lin Jingyan's goal, but his team has directly reached its limit, and now it has begun to decline. But looking at the team around him, and the captain who led the team, this made his heart that had been worn away once again ignited.

And that season they played very refreshingly, the whole process was vigorous, and finally won the first championship in his life! That was the moment when Lin Jingyan felt the proudest and most dazzling. It seems that the doubts and grievances received during that time have been responded to in the most powerful way.

At that moment, his fighting spirit that had just been lit up a little was completely burned. Look at the voice next to him, who is obviously older than him, but he is still as indomitable as before. No matter what is in front of him, he will straighten his back and face everything!

Even he continues to persevere!

And now his opponent, even after leaving the league for a year, still insists on pulling this team up from the Internet cafe, stepping on the original figure of Excellent Era, and killing Ye Xiu.

They were all older than him, but none of them gave up, so what reason did he have to retreat.

Therefore, Lin Jingyan did not leave at the peak, but continued his direct journey. Start a new endeavor.

Leng Anlei walked out from the refresh point and started tactical positioning directly, and did not go straight to the center of the map for the first time. After all, there should be no one in the entire alliance who wants to fight Ye Xiu head-on. The reason is very simple, even though it has been half a season, everyone still has not adapted to the existence of this loose person.

The reason is also very simple, because there is no condition to contact. The training for them can only rely on brain supplements, yes they are, Ye Xiu and Tang Yin come out. To this day, he was still puzzled, where did Ye Xiu dig this pervert.

Since it was difficult to take advantage of a frontal battle, Lin Jingyan simply played tactics and fought a roundabout battle. He's just half way there. Ye Xiu's message appeared on the channel again: "Lao Lin, you haven't arrived yet, I've been waiting for a long time."

Lin Jingyan still didn't care about Ye Xiu's trash talk. Continue at the rhythm of your own plan. After all, if he had already won by talking, Huang Shaotian would have won six consecutive championships.

After a detour, Lin Jingyan finally found Ye Xiu who was already standing in the middle of the map, and now he was carrying his Myriad Manifestations Umbrella, strolling around in a comfortable manner, as if he was here for sightseeing, not for a fight. game.

Faced with such a situation, even if he was already as old as Lin Jingyan, he still had the idea of ​​giving him a brick in his heart, but for the sake of the game, he still held back.

After all, both of them have been old rivals for so many years, so he knows it very well. Don't look at Ye Xiu's arrogance right now, but in reality, these are just shows. In short, these are just the bait for the other party. If someone really hits them directly, then they really fell into this guy's trap.

And these are the bitter and tearful history they have summed up against Ye Xiu for many years. You must know the sentence: Playing tactics has a dirty heart, and it was used to describe this guy from the beginning.

However, Lin Jingyan quickly threw these negative thoughts out of his head. After all, such thoughts were too detrimental to morale.

Lin Jingyan watched carefully from the side, keeping every movement and movement of Ye Xiu. After his observation, he found that although this guy seemed to be dodging, in fact, the place where he walked was killing several of the best and most suitable sneak attack point cards. There is no space at all.

"Lao Lin, how long do you want me to wait? If you continue to stand guard, you will get a yellow card." Ye Xiu continued to swipe the public channel.

"No hurry, I'm still watching you." This time Lin Jingyan responded.

"Is that so? Would you like me to show you some more handsome looks?" Ye Xiu replied. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Okay, please start your performance." Lin Jingyan said in the tone of a mentor.

"Then it's on!" Ye Xiu had just turned back, and as soon as he turned around, he took out a Gatling gun!


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