Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1392: Self-defeating Tyranny fans

Ye Xiu suddenly turned around and shot, turning a 360 degrees, and a few shots shot directly beside Lin Jingyan, but even so, Lin Jingyan still didn't move. It can be said that the ability to judge ballistics is amazing.

"How is it?" Ye Xiu continued on the public channel.

"Good marksmanship, learned it from your deputy team?" Lin Jingyan replied.

"Then show you something else." Ye Xiu said.

"Please continue your performance?" Instructor Lin continued.


As a result, his message was sent out to the public, and a burst of purple smoke exploded from under Ye Xiu. The rich purple smoke enveloped him in an instant, making his figure disappear from Lin Jingyan's sight.

"This is not good-looking, bad review." Lin Jingyan said, but he had already started to turn his perspective. Worried about where Ye Xiu suddenly came out.

But logically speaking, it should not be exposed directly.

Because there are still some doubts in his heart, Lin Jingyan's judgment is now beginning to be a little uncertain.

After all, he still didn't know what Ye Xiu's intention was.

After all, no trace of Lord Grim was found now, which made him even more afraid to move around, so he could only continue to hold back and wait for the disappearance of this ninja Yanyu.

"Bad review? Then I'll show you another one." Ye Xiu then sent another message, and within the same time, Yan Yu also dissipated happily, replaced by a violent white light.

"I TM!" Lin Jingyan scolded the country when he saw this skill.

Because this skill is more annoying than Yanyu, the ammunition expert's skill at this time is flash bomb. After all, everyone now knew that each form of Ye Xiu's Thousand Manipulation Umbrella could be equipped with a skill, so it was not surprising that Ye Xiu used the ninja's smoke jade and the ammunition expert's flashbangs one after another.

But the problem was that this flash bomb exploded suddenly after Yan Yu, which made Lin Jingyan, who was still carefully looking for Ye Xiu's figure, directly attacked. Now the entire screen is white.

Absolutely can't move! Now he can't even tell the direction, if he will move around at this time. It's really easy to be discovered by the other party.

"Aiya, don't you dare to move now? Since you can't move now, why don't you guess if I found you?" While Lin Jingyan was still nervous, Ye Xiu had once again made a public appearance. said the channel. After all, although Lin Jingyan was flashed and the entire screen turned white, it did not affect the information on the chat window.

The current Lin Jingyan can be said to want to cry but has no tears. This is why half a season has passed, and everyone still hasn't fully understood the reason for Lord Grim. After all, this guy not only has 24 professional skills, but also Advanced skills for hitting weapons. Coupled with the inventory of his Thousand Manipulation Umbrellas, God knows what skills he will bring in the battle that day.

They don't know Ye Xiu's skill tree, but Ye Xiu himself has formed several skill combinations one after another, each of which may be something they haven't seen before. , which called them to fight like this?

Looking at the completely white screen, Lin Jing really couldn't operate it if he wanted to, and in the end he had to endure it.

After all, although weapons can play skills, these skills are only one level at most. Level 1 skills have very limited effects. Lin Jingyan does not believe that the other party can find his hiding place in such a short time.

Thinking of this, Lin Jingyan slowly turned towards his heart and calmed himself down quickly. Always be ready to continue looking for Ye Xiu's flaws after these effects are over.

But although Lin Jingyan calmed down, Tyranny's fans were already in tears of depression.

The reason is very simple, because the current Ye Xiu has come to him, and the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella can directly stab him in the forehead.

Old Lin, you have been deceived!

They had a god's perspective and knew very well that Lin Jingyan had already been noticed by Ye Xiu when he was still in the tactical position.

The subsequent commentary also allowed the director to find a shot, and the shot was Ye Xiu's main point of view. In a very broken moment, a shadow flashed in a corner.

That's right, it's a shadow. It didn't even appear, but it was this shadow that flashed by. Ye Xiu noticed the final result at the time.

To know that this shadow was really very small, even Pan Lin and Li Yibo at the time discussed whether Ye Xiu saw the shadow or not for a long time.

But even if he saw it, just relying on a flashing shadow to determine the opponent's next movement direction and final location, such a predictive ability is simply crazy.

At this moment, even Tyranny fans sighed, are we really playing the same game? Or are you actually playing the deluxe version of the 599? If yes, tell us, can't we buy it?

After that, after the flash bomb directly blinded him, Ye Xiu swaggered out of the purple mist that had not completely dissipated. He came to Lin Jingyan silently.

In this way, relying on extremely high skills, Ye Xiu easily completed a close encounter with Lin Jingyan.

But it can also be declared that the victory and defeat have been decided...

By the time Lin Jingyan regained his vision, he had already been picked up by Ye Xiu. From the beginning to the present position, the San Ren Kombat that no one has cracked in the game. In the face of Ye Xiu's combo, no matter how hard Lin Jingyan tried, he still lost in the end...

With this, the first match was over, and Ye Xiu, who had ended victoriously, was greeted with ridicule and abuse throughout the whole process. What was wretched, hypocritical, despicable, shameless, and there was no lower limit, and so on.

No matter if this is Ye Xiu's exclusive treatment on Tyranny's side, if you lose all the ridicule, it's useless if you win. In the eyes of Tyranny's fans, you can always find all kinds of indecent, unremarkable, and unattractive. grade.

Originally a very arrogant group, in the matter of Ye Xiu's treatment of Ye Xiu, it gave people the feeling of being very petty.

However, Ye Xiu was used to these things, and even Ye Xiu specially asked Tang Yin not to toss the coin. After all, fans were innocent.

"It's good God Ye Xiu, even in the face of Tyranny's home court temperament, UU reading www.uukanshu.com still hasn't been affected in any way." Pan Sen sighed.

In contrast, Li Yibo, who was one piece of the game, smiled wryly. He was a player from Tyranny. Although he has retired for a while, he still feels the same way about Lin Jingyan's current situation. He couldn't help but say, "Ye Xiu really didn't have any influence, but he managed to influence Lin Jingyan's performance. This time, Tyranny's fans are really self-defeating."


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