Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1394: Tyranny's Doubt

"Speaking of which, this player is also very interesting." After speaking, Li Yibo brought up his own topic. Introducing Mo Fan: "This player Mo Fan was a very well-known scavenger in online games before. After the first scavenger's Vortex Two Pillars disappeared, he was definitely the ceiling in scavenging." Li Yibo said.

And when they heard the name of the whirlpool Erzhuzi again, everyone in Happy looked at Tang Yin with strange eyes. After all, they knew very well how the Second Vortex Pillar disappeared, but that was directly plucking a large piece of wool from the major guilds. Although he said that the last money was given to Wei Chen as his break-up fee, he couldn't bear the high amount.

"Well, don't look at me, I've been out of the scavenger world for many years. This can only mean that I quit the arena, but there are still legends about my brother in the rivers and lakes." Tang Yin said with such a powerful expression on my face.

Everyone: "..." The guy who can do whatever he wants if he is lucky, it is better to have a knife.

Tang Yin saw the dangerous expressions on the faces of the new crowd, very wisely chose to follow his heart, and returned his attention to the game, definitely not because of cowardice...

Everyone here at Happy was thinking about **** Tang Yin, who has not been banned yet, and Li Yibo's commentary on the commentary was still going on.

"After that, Ye Xiu and Tang Yin began to recruit him into the team in online games, and then they went through a challenge match together, and finally made it to the league. But in recent years, it is a rare wild player who is not a professional. And He He He is just the opposite, Song Qiying is a genuine professional from a training camp. And he stood out from Tyranny's training camp with very good results." Li Yibo Xi'an explained the backgrounds of both parties.

"Compared to Mo Fan's pure reliance on himself, Song Qiying's growth is more professional, and he grew up under an absolutely orthodox training system. However, although he grew up in Tyranny, his boxing master is not the same as Han Wenqing in style. This serious attitude towards things is more like their vice-captain Zhang Jiaxing." Li Yibo concluded in the end.

"What do you say, this pair of rookies is really interesting, and looking at it this way, there are so many things to watch in this game." Panson said.

"Then the competition will tell us who's performance is better!" Li Yibo said.

At the beginning of the game, both sides went directly to the middle of the map, but the dialogue window was very quiet. But it was always right, after all, whether it was the silent Mo Fan, or the cautious Song Yingqi who seemed to be a copy of Zhang Xinjie, both of them were the type who didn't like to talk, so naturally they wouldn't talk at this time.

And the facts also confirmed this, the two fought directly as soon as they met, without any hesitation.

One is the wild style of play, the other is the rigorous and serious school style, the collision of the two extreme styles may be coming soon. Song Yingqi, here is directly ready to defeat Mo Fan's three-pronged axe routine.

However, Mo Fan's explosive strength during this period is comparable to that of a great **** like Sun Xiang. Now Song Yingqi is obviously struggling to deal with it, but these are not what he cares about. What really makes him depressed is that every time he has just grasped Mo Fan The rhythm counterattacked here, and he ran away without any hesitation.

And this kind of game rhythm is the most annoying to him, because it is too jumpy. He had never seen such a play before.

But he has nothing to do with such an opponent.

"What do you guys think of this game?" Han Wenqing suddenly asked in Tyranny's player seat, the game that everyone in Tyranny was paying attention to.

"This Mo Fan seems to be able to control five or six skills in succession at a time, because every time he finishes these skills, he directly interrupts the combo, and then he will not launch an attack, and even in the middle of the gap, there will be a very large number of attacks. The clear rhythm is slowed down, which seems to be a bit like CD streaming." Zhang Xinjie analyzed.

"However, although he can only control a few skills at a time, the control ability of these skills is very good." Lin Jingyan said.

"Moreover, compared to before, he can be said to have improved significantly now. He has more variety in skill combos, but the problem of coherent attacks still remains unsolved," Fang Rui also said.

"If he can solve this problem, then his strength will be very terrifying." Lin Jingyan said, after all, he may be another great player.

"Old Lin is right." Fang Rui agreed with his partner's words.

"However, the skill set he is using now seems to be complete in terms of completeness, and it is difficult to continue to increase its extensibility." Zhang Jiaxing continued to analyze, and each analysis became more and more detailed.

"He doesn't want to rely on this style of play to conquer the world, right?" Fang Rui asked curiously.

"I don't know, I feel he can say better, but he doesn't seem to be trying to break through himself." Lin Jingyan said.

"What if it's because you can't try it?" Han Wenqing who spoke this time.

"Can't try?"

Everyone in Tyranny was stunned when they heard what their captain said.

"Then...it seems that I can only persist and improve my style of play." Zhang Xinjie added Han Wenqing's assumption in his mind, and now Mo Fan can do it. Makes sense.

After that, Tyranny's people were full. After all, what is the reason for this, and many of their professional players care about such gossip. However, as Happy's opponent, it is necessary to study the limit of the opponent's possible growth.

Mo Fan, what kind of player will he become in the future?

"This game is over, let's go back and study this Mo Fan and see what's going on with this guy," Zhang Xinjie said.

As for me, Tyranny's side suddenly paid attention to Mo Fan, the reason is very simple, because this time Mo Fan won. And just after the game ended, Song Qiying went directly to Happy's game booth to intercept Mo Fan who was going back.

"Uh... Is this guy still struggling with the players' handshakes after the game? This obsessive-compulsive disorder is more than Zhang Xinjie?" Zhang Jiale asked curiously when he saw Song Qiying looking for Mo Fan's voice,

"Do you think Mo Fan will pay attention to each other?" Wei Chen also asked curiously. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Uh... It's really hard to say. It depends on whether Mo Fan can see the other party's purpose. If he knows, he shouldn't refuse..." Zhang Jiale said.


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