Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1395: Song Yingqi's doubts

Zhang Jiale had just finished speaking, and Mo Fan had already walked out of the battle room. As expected by Zhang Jiale, Mo Fan didn't look in Song Yingqi's direction at all, and walked directly to the player's seat.

"Hey!" Seeing that the other party ignored him, Song Yingqi immediately went up and called out. Came directly in front of Mo Fan, blocking his direction.

When Mo Fan saw another person suddenly appearing on the road, he also looked at the other person with a puzzled expression.

Don't look at Song Yingqi playing as a muscular fighter, but Zhenzhong runs a few steps and starts straight away

Song Yingqi's physique seemed to be quite ordinary.

"I...I want to ask you, how can you fight like that?" Song Yingqi asked very puzzled.

Hearing the other party's words, Mo Fan obviously frowned. Obviously he didn't understand what the other party was talking about. Naturally, he didn't pay any attention to what he meant, and turned his head to continue walking,

Song Yingqi did not continue to stop this, but continued to pant while following Mo Fan: "Your attack rhythm is really strange, why don't you just hit all the attacks in one go? With your skills , the ability to link attacks together will be greater."

This time Mo Fan knew what the other party was saying, but he didn't stop, so he turned to look at Song Yingqi and said, "I can't."

"Why not?" Song Yingqi was even more puzzled by this answer.

Why not?

Is this question really Mo Fan? After all, he really doesn't know how to explain this kind of thing to explain it clearly. In the end, he simply gave Song Yingqi an answer that made him crazy: "Because I can't."

"What is "because you can't"! All these things must have a concept of cause and effect, do you have to play such a rhythm? Or is it because of some persistence or limitation in your heart that you must play at this rhythm The game?" Song Yingqi was already scratching his head, after all, the feeling that he couldn't find the answer made him really crazy.

Hearing the other party's inquiries, Mo Fan's brows deepened, but he really didn't know what to say about this kind of thing. So now Mo Fan just wants to get rid of this annoying guy, which also causes Mo Fan to move faster and faster.

"No, why haven't you spoken yet? Oh! I see, does this involve any secret of yours? Uh... If this is the case, I really can't ask more questions as an opponent. But I really feel that you You should change some of your style of play, your style of play is really ruthless and you need to rest in many places." Song Yingqi exclaimed.

By the time he finished speaking, he had followed Mo Fan to the player seat of Happy's team. And seeing that he was on his own team, he immediately accelerated back to his position.

And Song Yingqi stopped there, after all, if he went further, he would reach the opposing team. Now he can only have a helpless expression, and his expression is a little gloomy. And his last words were heard by everyone in Happy. They thought that this guy came all the way to shake hands with Mo Fan, which led them to tease that this guy was stronger than Zhang Xinjie's obsessive-compulsive disorder. For a handshake, I can go all the way with Mo Fan. It turned out to be for this in the end.

Seeing the rookie's dejected appearance, Ye Xiu finally couldn't bear to open his mouth and said, "Little boy, you are right, his style of play still needs to be improved in many ways, but so do you. You have it too. There is a lot of room for improvement.”

"Well, I am very aware of this, and I will work hard for it, but he..." Song Yingqi said a little unwillingly.

"Don't worry about this, Mo Fan is also working hard to strengthen himself. We are all professional players, we all have the same goal, and naturally we will not stop ourselves, so will you, come on! I look forward to your next encounter. "Ye Xiu said.

"Thank you for your teachings, senior!" Song Yingqi bowed to Ye Xiu after listening to Ye Xiu's words.

"Wait, don't do this..." Seeing the other party's move, Ye Xiu immediately blocked, but he still didn't catch up. And just like in response to Ye Xiu's words, there was an uproar in the audience for a while, and then there were all kinds of boos and whistles. Here is also for Song Yingqi.

"I said there's no need for this..." Ye Xiu was also quite helpless. After all, no matter what the reason was, the future heir of the King of Fighters in their hearts actually bowed to this wicked Ye Xiu, and the result alone made them Very upset.

"This is what it should be." Song Yingqi's attitude was very firm, and the reactions of the fans at the scene did not affect him at all. After saying goodbye to Ye Xiu, he also returned to the Tyranny seat.

Tang Yin couldn't help laughing when he saw Tyranny who was facing a great enemy. He patted Ye Xiu on the shoulder and said, "Okay, how can you be gentle with the younger generation? But just Tyranny's expression, tsk tsk." Tang Yin smiled road. After all, it's not surprising that Tyranny has such a reaction. Who is Ye Xiu's lower limit?

"He is a good seedling, inheriting the characteristics of Han Wenqing and Zhang Xinjie." Ye Xiu said with some emotion.

Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Tang Yin didn't say much. Seeing that Tyranny's people seemed to be in a round with them at this time, they were all looking this way. Tang Yin and Ye Xiu waved to them very kindly.

Tang Yin and the others had guessed correctly. Tyranny was indeed talking about Ye Xiu.

"Xiao Song, what did Ye Xiu tell you?" Zhang Xinjie asked first.

"You don't care about that guy at all, don't even take it to heart, you just need to know that what he says is all rubbish." Fang Rui also said.

"Senior just said that I still have a lot to improve, so let me do my best." Song Yingqi said.

"Well, why does it sound so human?" Fang Rui said in disbelief. Not only did they, but even the rest of Tyranny felt incredulous, and all turned their attention to Happy's player seat. Just saw Ye Xiu and Tang Yin, there is no lower limit, and a person who is not human is smiling and waving at them.

They turned their heads to look back, and then Fang Rui said to Song Yingqi very seriously, "Anyway, don't have any contact with them in the future, do you know? Look at the smiles of the two of them, and there is a conspiracy at first glance." Fang Rui Said, I don't care at all that I am an existence with no lower limit...

Hearing Fang Rui's words, Song Yingqi looked back strangely. He couldn't see any conspiracy either?

"It's alright, don't worry too much about these things. Don't worry too much about the outcome, we just go back and review the game. You should rest first. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Zhang Xinjie said.


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