Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1396: The timing is accurate

Song Yingqi nodded when he heard the words of his deputy team, but although he returned to his position, he was still thinking about the previous game in his mind. No way, he was very curious about why Mo Fan had to play with such a strange rhythm, and the feeling that he couldn't get the answer to the question he wanted to know was simply a torture for their obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Zhang Xinjie, who also has obsessive-compulsive disorder, is very clear about this, but he can't say anything about it. At this time, their third match against the Xing Department had also begun. This time, Xingxin's No. 3 position was still Mucheng, while Tyranny's side was Fang Rui.

"Hey, who hasn't eaten dumplings once?" said Fang Rui, who finally scored a point for the team. This time he successfully defeated Mucheng. However, Fang Rui's qigong master was really good, and he had a one-on-three record last season. And this season, Mucheng was still somewhat unaccustomed to his qigong master, but the other party had enough basic understanding of Mucheng. This gave Fang Rui an advantage.

In addition, the map he chose was completely for his wretchedness. There were many obstacles, and the restrictions on the gunners were also large. This year's Mucheng fight can be said to be really tiring.

In the Thunder Tournament that followed, Happy's side was Baozi, Tang Rou, and Tang Yin's lineup, while Tyranny's side was Qin Muyun, Bai Yanfei, and Han Wenqing. This time, the blood volume of both sides was very tight, and they fought five games in a row, but the most popular Han Wenqing still failed to break Tang Yin's blockade, allowing Happy to add two more points.

"Xingxin's Bao Rongxing is really unstable. When it's good, his play is very magical, and he wins inexplicably. But when it's bad, it's the same as sleepwalking, and he often makes some low-level mistakes. He was easily defeated by Bai Yanfei. However, Tang Rou's strength is still the same, which has greatly narrowed the gap between the two sides in terms of blood volume. It gave Tang Yin an effective help in the final victory." Li Yibo said, although he was born in Tyranny, Seeing Tyranny's failure would be somewhat complicated. But after all, he is a guest now, and of course he can't attach these emotions when commenting. After all, he used to be a professional player, so it is still easy to do this.

With that, the single-player match ended, and in the final score, Happy had a four-to-one lead. In the end, it's still a team match!

"Pay more attention to Zhang Xinjie's operation and style of play during the team competition. Speaking of which, I remember that he is still your idol, right?" Tang Yin said to An Wenyi before the game started.

Now An Wenyi is still on the cusp of public opinion, and he holds the lifeline of everyone in Happy in every game. And the next game will be a tough battle for An Wenyi.

Although An Wenyi was a fan of Team Tyranny before, but after joining Happy, as his bond with Happy deepened, his sense of belonging to Happy became stronger. Naturally, his feelings towards Tyranny were also indifferent. Now he can face the Tyranny team calmly.

Is it Zhang Xinjie? Hearing Tang Yin's words, An Wenyi looked at Tyranny's player seat subconsciously, while the current Zhang Xinjie closed his eyes from his position.

"His games have always been the object of my study." An Wenyi said, An Wenyi, who wants to improve his strength, is of course also using the method of learning from the great gods, and Zhang Xinjie's games are the ones he observes the most.

"There is still a big difference between the video and the actual game, so be careful." Ye Xiu also patted An Wenyi on the shoulder and said.

"Yes." Of course An Wenyi knew that his ability to live was what Happy wanted to improve the most. As long as he could improve his own operations, he would not let it go, and among them was Zhang Xinjie, the number one priest of Glory. The battle is definitely the most effective. And there are only two such opportunities in a season, so of course he will not let it go.

Soon the team game will start.

Happy's players are: Ye Xiu, Tang Yin, Zhang Jiale, Qiao Yifan and An Wenyi starting, Tang Rou sixth

On Tyranny's side, Fang Rui, Lin Jingyan, Bai Yanfei, Qin Muyun and Zhang Xinjie were the starting players, and Song Qiying was the sixth player.

"This time, Tyranny still used their rotation strategy. After Han Wenqing appeared in the ring competition, he did not appear in the team competition this time. Now Tyranny has begun to consider the physical strength of the captain, and it seems that he has already begun to take part in the playoffs. I'm ready." Pan Sen said when he saw Tyranny's lineup. It was the first time for Han Wenqing to enter Samsara, and the purpose was to ensure Han Wenqing's experience. The Strategist they won the ninth season. It is now conceivable to use it to start laying out for the playoffs.

The rotation play of other teams is determined according to the opponent, so that targeted arrangements can be made. On the other hand, Tyranny's rotation was different. They not only made targeted arrangements for their opponents, but also considered the players' physical strength. Although it is said that this way of play at the beginning led to their relatively average results.

But it turns out that their results are the most stable of all teams, and they even rushed to the second place without a sound. This made the voices who originally questioned them disappeared a lot. But after all, there is no compulsion from last season. People who understand the cause and effect of it are also sighed for a while.

However, in this team match, in the end, Team Tyranny won the match point.

Although their captain did not participate in the battle this time, they were all old fried dough sticks, and their commander was Zhang Xinjie, so although there was no Han Wenqing, their style of play was still strong. On the other hand, Happy's side, because of An Wenyi's reasons, now they are a little embarrassed when they meet a strong team, not to mention that they encountered Tyranny, who has the first priest of glory, and the last two priests exposed. The data comparison chart of An Wenyi's performance is simply appalling.

"Sigh..." An Wenyi could only sigh at such a result, and now he is a little numb to failure. And this time, it is directly against an existence like Zhang Xinjie. Facing the operation of the other party, An Wenyi only has all kinds of "can't do it" in his mind.

In the end, when the two players shook hands with each other, An Wenyi kept his head down like this. After all, he wanted to have his own reasons for every failure of the team, which was also a pressure for him not to fight. Maybe even the opponent will complain that he is a "pig teammate."

So he didn't want to face each other's eyes, especially his idol was among them.

"The timing is very accurate." But at this moment, a familiar figure sounded. Let him look up directly.

"I finally know now why Happy chose you so firmly." Zhang Xinjie, the first Glory pastor he admired the most, stretched out his hand and said to him...


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