Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1397: It's not over, is it?

An Wenyi shook hands with Zhang Xinjie in a daze, and when he returned to his senses and wanted to say something, Zhang Xinjie had already begun to shake hands with the next one.

No wonder An Wenyi was so stunned, don't look at the casual words of the other party, but Zhang Xinjie was the one who said those words. As far as Zhang Xinjie's strict style has always been, he is not the kind of person who will compliment each other at will when he is polite. Since he would say so, it naturally has a certain basis.

It's not that An Wenyi doesn't believe what Tang Yin and the others said. In fact, he knows very well that since the beginning of the season, no one in the team has used his own strength to support and trust him. An Wenyi is really moved by this. So he also worked hard to respond to this support and trust.

But as the game failed again and again, the reasons for him also appeared again and again, so that now he has begun to be a little unsure, and then he is self-doubt.

No way, An Wenyi is too rational, even the help of the team can't completely pull him out of underestimation.

But this time was different. This time, it was Tyranny's Zhang Xinjie who said this to him. He admired him the most, and he was always known for being a rigorous player in the league. Say what he needs most when he needs it most.

In an instant, the deep confusion in An Wenyi's heart dissipated. From a certain point of view, this was also an opportunity.

I can definitely do it. At this moment, An Wenyi was extremely confident, because even Zhang Xinjie recognized it. Then there will be absolutely no problem.

For a while, An Wenyi's heart was filled with such a voice. After shaking hands, he no longer lowered his head, but faced each of the Tyranny players, smiled at them, shook hands...

In this regard, Happy lost the game by a score of 4-6, and this time, the game broadcast on TV was relatively dull, which made the broadcaster very regretful. After all, this game really didn't have any particularly amazing performance. Even the most exciting team games ended quickly because the two sides healed from the gap.

On the contrary, Blue Rain, which they didn't like so much, played in the team's game of Samsara and played very well. And in the end, Blue Rain won the game with a score of 7-3.

This is the second defeat after Samsara lost to Hundred Blossoms. Their lead in the standings was also reduced to within 20 points by second place. Although Samsara's results are still strong, it is not without the possibility of surpassing, and even the rigidity of Samsara's victory this season is still loose.

The game this time was wonderful throughout, and the game on the other side was a bit unexpected. Because the other side is the Thunder home game against 301. You must know that this is the Thunder with a very strong teamfight, and it is still at home. But in the end it ended in a tragic 1-9.

The reason is very simple, because Yang Cong, the captain of 301, once again used a life-threatening blow this time, and directly brought Xiao Shiqin, the core and soul of Thunder. This is another victory for the team.

Starting from Happy, and then to Tyranny, Lei Ting, since Yang Cong started to use the Death Strike, this was the third time he had successfully killed the opponent's key figure in a team battle.

No one thought that Yang Cong, who was not such a suicidal assassin, would be so crazy after he completely released himself. Although he has used one-hit kills three times, he directly hit the circle three times, and such a 100% hit rate is simply suffocating. Gu Zhen

Of course, 301 is not only their captain Yang Cong who has attracted attention, because there is another one who did not participate in the nineteenth round against Happy, but played an important role in the subsequent battles against Tyranny and Thunder. Bai Shu.

Everyone is very curious, why is this foreign player who has just joined 301 so in tune with 301? This caused everyone to start looking for the English Premier League game online to find the answer. Used to explore the real strength behind this white man.

And because of the existence of Bai Shu, everyone felt that 301 had the momentum to rise as a team this season. Don't look at the fact that they are still ninth in the overall list, but the points of the three zeros in these rounds have increased rapidly. On the other hand, the Wind Howl team before them, although these few rounds have once again become stronger, but this is entirely because they are playing mid- and lower-level teams during this time. If they encounter a strong team again, they may be surpassed by 301 at any time. It might even be between two or three rounds.

Team 301... This team used to be a supporting role, but this time it really became a formidable opponent among the major teams. Each major team also began to study the opponent's tactics, and Happy was no exception.

But after all, there are too few videos about foreign teams in China, so with the help of the almighty Luo Ji, he overcame the wall and escaped from prison, and finally finally waited for a video site in England and got it. A large number of Baishu battles and their play information.

The team that Bai Shu played for in England was called "sprout", and the team he belonged to played was very scary. In that team, Bai Shu used a knight with an id named "bough". Except for this knight accident, There are also two assassin players in their team. And this is not in the single match, but in the team match with the first two assassin players! Not a rotation.

The league rules in England are somewhat different from them, the English Premier League. Their team game is a six-vs-six format.

And the favorite play style of this team called sprout is now in use by 301, using the assassin's life-threatening blow to replace the opponent's main force,

In this team, Bai Shu's work is very important, because he is responsible for assisting the two assassins in the cover work. It can be said that whether the two assassin players can completely kill with one hit, his role is very important.

After Tang Yin's observation and analysis, they found that this Bai Shu was not only a master at covering his teammates. He can also limit the movement of the opponent while the assassin is attacking. Even in many cases, the teammates' life-threatening blow could not completely kill the opponent, and he was the one who made up for it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com to give the final blow to those opponents who took a life-threatening blow but already had residual blood.

It is impossible to make a summary after counting the time, because the other party's consciousness, techniques, habits, all of which require a lot of time to study. This makes the major teams depressed. They have been complaining about the poisonous season for a while. Why are there so many strange things? It's not over, is it?


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