Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1398: Xiaoyin, do you need support?

The fact that they had Ye Xiu's Lord Grim and Tang Yin's Freeway this season was enough of their annoyance, but now 301 jumped out to find trouble again, and inexplicably created a master they didn't know at all. This is really annoying.

But what can they do? No matter how annoying the facts are, the analysis that needs to be done is still to be done. In this regard, Happy and the others are very lucky. The three most annoying points for each major team, two of which are their team's completely do not need to consider, as for the issue of 301, the next time they meet each other is 38 rounds, which is the last game of this season, So they have enough time to study this Bai Shu, Yang Cong, who has been transformed because of Bai Shu.

The biggest problem that Happy is facing now is still their treatment question. And since the 23rd round against Tyranny ended, the criticism of An Wenyi's treatment became more and more numerous. Even some media who had been particularly optimistic about Happy began to express their concerns.

In such a situation, why An Wenyi is capable, we believe... such statements have no effect. After all, these are all spoken out orally, and what everyone wants to see is more substantive. At least you have to have a good shot.

But the fact is cruel, the team He Wu, the away team leader of Happy in the twenty-fourth round.

To be fair, with the overall strength that Happy has shown now, against a true downstream team like He Wu, it is completely possible for Wang Shi to advance to zero. Such a team cannot test An Wenyi's strength at all. After all, just relying on the explosion of everyone in Happy might be able to beat the other party.

But the truth is, in this team fight. Happy was in trouble again.

"With your treatment, you still want to easily defeat our He Wu, don't you take us too seriously?" Captain He Wu and judo player Wu Shuai said on the public channel of the chat window.

Now that the team match had been played for eight minutes, the He Wu team was still fully present, but on the other hand, the Happy team's Qiao Yifan had been successfully sent away by the opponent. And now the sixth person hasn't arrived yet, so Happy is now at a disadvantage of four against five.

At this time, He Wu also launched a very violent attack on Happy, trying to take someone away before Happy's sixth man came on the field.

All because of this guy!

At this time, the thoughts of Happy fans who were present and all TV and online watching the game. In the previous match of course, Happy lost a serve, and they all entered the team match with a score of 4-1. But Happy, who entered the team competition, was passive at the beginning. He Wu pinpointed their biggest weakness with cold hands, and attacked him with great precision.

This time, it can be said that the tactical arrangement, occupational division of labor, and map selection advantages have been very exciting. And the benefits are also very obvious, and Qiao Yifan, who is responsible for covering An Wenyi, is directly taken away. But Qiao Yifan, Happy's last death of conscience, made Happy's supporters a burst of anger.

For a while, various negative comments appeared:

If it wasn't for him, Happy wouldn't be so passive at the beginning!

If it weren't for him, Qiao Yifan's opening ghost formation would have been more perfect.

If it wasn't for him, Qiao Yifan wouldn't have been played by the opponent so quickly.

And all of this is because of An Wenyi.

"I sprinkle rice, and chickens beat him better." Some fans who watched online video software began to use bullet screens, venting their anger with various words. And now after Qiao Yifan was beaten, the current He Wu people began to focus on Tang Yin, trying to send their deputy too.

"My God, what is the meaning of this priest's existence? It's not as good as the last output occupation!" Various barrages and comments frequently appeared in various complaints.

Of course, these are not what everyone in Happy can see now. But they know better than anyone how unfavorable the current situation is, and it is precisely because of this that they are more aware that if they lose this game, the blow to An Wenyi will definitely be unprecedented. Wenyi's last fig leaf can be described, even if they still believe in An Wenyi, will he still believe in himself?

You must know that the failures over and over again during this period have continued to destroy his self-confidence, and this time the strength of the battle is only the lower He Wu of the alliance. If he fails, and there are his reasons, then An Wenyi he Can you hold on?

"An Juju, the next target of our attack is your deputy team. I wonder if you can add it or not?" The message of Captain He Wu, Wu Shuai, appeared in the dialogue window again. He continued to trash talk to An Wenyi. He wasn't at all worried that their intentions would be known to the other party, because that was in their original plan.

"Don't mess up, Xiaoyin can handle it at this level, it's not as nervous as he said." Ye Xiu typed on his team channel.

"Small idea!" Tang Yin also replied, and now that he is 1v2, his hand speed has already picked up. And now that he can speak back, it means that he is still under Tang Yin's control. However, it is not easy to explain in three simple words.

"Understood." Tang Yin wanted to write more words to comfort An Wenyi, but An Wenyi replied directly to him.

Seeing An Wenyi's reply, both Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were slightly startled.

Although An Wenyi simply expressed a state, but in such a moment, An Wenyi can still take care of typing. This alone shows that he is not overwhelmed by the situation at all. Instead, he observed everything in the battlefield very calmly. When his teammates needed his treatment, and now his teammates didn't need his treatment, he could of course reply by typing.

Seeing An Wenyi's statement, Ye Xiu said with a smile, "Very good."

Tang Yin also smiled slightly, and the speed in his hand continued to increase.

Because both he and Ye Xiu knew very well, although it was said to the audience that it was An Wenyi who had implicated his teammates this time, in fact this time An Wenyi didn't have any major flaws in his performance. If you want to talk about mistakes, Qiao Yifan actually made mistakes. Because he was too concerned about protecting An Wenyi, he was in a bit of a hurry. com finally got out of touch with everyone's cooperation.

"Xiao Yin, do you need support?" Ye Xiu said directly on the public channel.

"Yes, didn't you see that I was being besieged by a group?" Tang Yin immediately began to cooperate. Since An Wenyi is fine, he can counterattack!


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