Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1399: An Wenyi's outbreak

"Everyone pay attention!" In the He Wu team's team channel, Wu Shuai saw the conversation between Tang Yin and Ye Xiu and said, and then everyone started to focus on Tang Yin, but this was just what they were doing. Ye Xiu was attracted.

Although it was said that they had successfully sent away the other party, Qiao Yifan, they could not be satisfied with such a result. Don't look at what they say is very arrogant. But in fact, in the face of Happy, who was missing one person, he was still very apprehensive. But if they could directly send away Ye Xiu, the core of Happy, then this victory could be said to be a sure thing.

"Prepare!" Wu Shuai continued to say on the team channel. And everyone in the He Wu team has also raised their attention, and their hands are still attacking Tang Yin with a false pretence. He was just waiting for an opportunity to suddenly attack Ye Xiu.

As for this, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu had already seen it. This is why even if it is a one-on-two, Tang Yin can still find time to type a word. If they really attacked with all their strength and wanted to forcefully kill Tang Yin, even Tang Yin would not have time to type.

And Ye Xiu's previous words were equivalent to sending Tang Yin a signal to prepare for a counterattack. This is the tacit understanding between Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. Even if the chat is completely irrelevant to the purpose, they still know the other party's intention and give the best cooperation.

Sure enough, when Ye Xiu was about to kill him, the commander of Wu directly said "Turn!", and everyone in He Wu changed the direction of their attack at the same time, and launched a direct attack on Ye Xiu.

The one who was besieged in an instant changed from Tang Yin to Lord Grim.

Tang Yin started to explode. No one hit him now, so he started to give himself a state. The explosive bombs, explosive shots, and quick shots were used one after another. He Wu everyone who had their backs turned to him was a hurricane. .

But He Wu completely ignored the attack behind him. Everyone ignored Tang Yin and continued to surround Ye Xiu. That is to say, Tang Yin has run out of ice bombs and frozen grenades now. Otherwise, when they surrounded Ye Xiu, it was the best chance to control them.

And everyone in He Wu sold blood and forcibly surrounded Ye Xiu. As a result, just as the side was surrounded, a loud noise was heard. He Wu, which seemed to be a very solid encirclement, was directly shot down by Ye Xiu. The red opened, and it was easily killed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, so many people can't surround one person. It's very embarrassing." Tang Yin typed at the younger generation of He Wu and everyone. This wave of output is really comfortable. By the way, he also mocked the other party.

"What's the situation?" Martial Commander, who didn't understand the situation, roared in the player's seat. After all, if this kind of thing continues to be typed by the audience, it will be natural for them to lose face. Don't talk about the audience, the two people who are not human will laugh at them in various ways, and they will simply shout out in the battle room.

"I don't know either, my skills are suddenly cooling down!" The He Wu team member who was slapped by Ye Xiu immediately typed.

"No, it's not the cooldown, it's the seal. When did I hit the opponent's sacred fire?" The man immediately found out that it wasn't the skill CD, but all the skills were sealed and replenished immediately.

Holy fire?

The audience watching the game here also didn't understand it. What kind of sacred fire, they didn't see it so much?

And everyone in He Wu on the field also looked at An Wenyi. They knew very well that their teammates would not lie. That can only prove one point. Happy's An Wenyi just made a move...?

Thinking of An Wenyi's shot, everyone's thoughts were hesitant.

After all, before that, they almost ignored each other's treatment. After all, this treatment was a tool used as bait in their eyes, and no one cared about where he was afterwards.

"Is this one from Lord Grim?" Someone gave a more reasonable explanation.

"That's right!" After hearing the teammate's explanation, everyone in He Wu looked suddenly enlightened. After all, Ye Xiu's Myriad Manifestations Umbrella could be loaded with various skills, and it was quite normal to hit the priest's holy fire with one blow. After all, this guy's attacks have always been hard to guard against.

"Nice job!" Ye Xiu said on the public channel Tang Rou just when everyone in He Wu felt that they had discovered the truth. Apparently a compliment to the public after that blow divine.

That's right, Ye Xiu didn't use the sacred fire of Gong's blow, but An Wenyi, who was always paying attention to the situation, and it was used at just the right time. It happened to be a perfect match with Ye Xiu. Very accurately, the Sacred Fire got stuck in the moment before Ye Xiu's attack, when the opponent was about to use his skills to teach him.

It was this sacred fire that directly caused the opponent's skills to get stuck. In the end, Ye Xiuyi shot down the flower palm and sent it flying.

"Go on!" But He Wu, who thought they had discovered the cause of the problem, didn't think much about it, and continued to chase after Ye Xiu. Don't think about Tang Yin behind him at all.

Tang Yin certainly wouldn't be accustomed to them. After the torrential rain ended, it was just a quantum bomb.

In the face of the missiles flying from the sky, He Wu and everyone can only temporarily avoid the edge. Avoid successively to the left and right. For a time, the originally compact formation was in a mess. Then counted the thick laser beams falling from the sky, followed by the mushroom cloud of the quantum bomb, directly blasting all the characters within its range. Completely destroyed the offensive of the He Wu team.

And their side's offensive had just been suppressed, and Happy's side was talking about a counterattack. Although they are still at a disadvantage in numbers. But they will not miss such an opportunity.

Arc Flash, Shovel, Knee Hit!

Ye Xiu's three simple skills came to the side of a He Wu player and started to shoot!

Barrett sniper rifle, shooting indiscriminately.

Tang Yin's attack left even more. A Barrett sniper shot directly shot him in the head, dealing double damage and stunned him at the same time. Then there is the dense bullet rain coverage.

And this wave of Tang Yin's attacks was completed in the light circle that fell around them when Ye Xiu hit his knees and hit the opponent. This light circle is An Wenyi's boosting skill, a skill that can improve and strengthen his state. .

And with such an increase, if we don't attack in an all-round way now, when will we wait?

For a while Tang Yin, UU reading www. uukanshu.com, Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, did everything possible to get rid of people. To which child was selected... oh no.... The player is a brutal output, the blood loss rate is slow, and it is said that opening the gate and releasing the water is slow.

This wave of An Wenyi's outbreak can be said to have directly reversed the situation.


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