Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1400: drive a train

And the players He Wu, who had been beaten by this wave of Xingxin's outbursts, started to fight back.

But the three people on Happy's side were still working together to output, and they didn't seem to have any intention of stopping. It seemed that it wasn't easy for them. In a short period of time, An Wenyi added various buffs to them one after another. On the contrary, the three of them felt a little reluctant to part. In the face of the opponent's counterattack, he directly chose to ignore it and continued the attack under the yamen.

Does the other party want to kill directly?

Obviously Yifan is at a disadvantage in numbers, since the players will be forced to kill at this time? The pressure on one's own treatment is not small. But Happy's treatment was notoriously bad in the league. How dare they play such a situation?

He Wu really didn't take An Wenyi and his cold hands in his eyes before this, but seeing how the three of them were desperately trying to output, and their lives were handed over to the priest, no matter how hard the priest was. , that can also allow him to give the team treatment so easily!

"Quickly interrupt!" Wu Shuai said immediately.

"Ah? Interrupt what?" The team members were a little dazed when they heard the captain's sudden sentence, because Wu Shuai roared directly without typing, and they all thought they had heard it wrong.

"Of course it's healing!" Martial Commander continued to roar. Isn't it common sense to interrupt the opponent's treatment at this time? Do you have to stress this out yourself?

"Uh...the other party's treatment...where is it?" A member of He Wu continued to ask.

"Uh..." This time, it was Wu Shuai's turn to be depressed, because he turned his vision three hundred and sixty degrees and still couldn't find the place where his little hands were cold.

Before, they meant to avoid the bombing of the Xingxin people, and they didn't care about the cold hands, so they naturally didn't pay attention to the content of the other party's treatment. And as a result, no one of them now knows where the cold hands are.

"I'm tm!" Wu Shuai is in a bad mood now, and it's over to send someone to look for it at this time. There is no other way but to ignore the existence of the other party once again.

"Rescue people first" Wu Shuai simply returned to the original purpose, his skills arrived one after another and started to attack Tang Yin and the others, but Happy and the others still ignored them. Except for some evasion by listening to the sound, their attacks Still focusing on which poor player.

The scene was completed in no time. The three of Happy surrounded a He Wu player and flew all kinds of bombs up and down. And the rest of the He Wu team members behind them attacked them again. But one concentrated fire, and one fire was scattered. Even a fool knows whose purpose is to be accomplished first.

"Plan Ye Xiu!" The Martial Commander, who also thought of this, directly called his teammates to start gathering fire on Ye Xiu. After all, if this somewhat miserable teammate could replace Ye Xiu, then this wave would be their **** profit.

"If you have the ability, don't run!" Wu Shuai thought.

And Ye Xiu really didn't run away. Ye Xiu's attack on the opponent only increased his displacement. Even only attacks that would not affect his output, he directly resisted. As a result of this, the people of He Wu and the others fought even more vigorously. As a result, they managed to squeeze Ye Xiu's blood down a bit. In the next second, a white light flashed, and after a strong white light flashed in everyone's eyes, Ye Xiu's blood level was directly increased, and it was more than before the fight.

Soon everyone recognized this skill, the priest's big recovery technique, and a big recovery technique with a critical strike effect. This directly doubles the recovery amount of the Great Recovery Technique. Although the blood volume was quickly suppressed by He Wu's people, they also felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Where is the pastor?" Wu Shuai is about to explode now. This pastor, whom they have never seen before, is now causing them huge trouble,

"Did no one see it? Everyone should pay attention!" Wu Shuai shouted anxiously.

So when An Wenyi took the treatment in one place, He Wu finally radiated the light from the weapon of the humanist master.

"Nine o'clock!" Player He Wu, who found An Wenyi's position, said immediately.

"Go, bring him out!" Wu Shuai said immediately. At this moment, they finally began to face the existence of An Wenyi, and specially sent a teammate to him.

And An Wenyi saw that his position was exposed, turned around and ran without any hesitation, his posture was very clean and neat!

However, the current An Wenyi is not the same equipment he used to have. For the sake of people, he has a good decoy effect, and he has deliberately piled up a lot of movement speed. But now it's different. Now those original movement speeds are all on the healing amount. So the movement speed is much slower.

But An Wenyi is still very proficient in the glorious tradition of escape as a priest contestant. It's a pity that you can hear the voice of the pursuer behind you without running a few steps. There is no way, without the speed bonus, it is inevitable for the opponent to catch up with An Wenyi.

And just when the player He Wu was happy for him to finally catch this guy.


With an explosion, his character was directly blasted out.

How Long Breaks the Army! The person who came was the sixth person from Happy this time, Tang Rou!

"It's just right!" An Wenyi typed. You can imagine how relaxed he is now.

"Your train is not bad!" Tang Rou also praised back.

The opening is one of the online games, and it is used when everyone attracts monsters. It means to guide the monsters, very precisely guide the monsters to the point where they need it most. That's how beautiful it is to drive a train.

"Continue to pull up!" Tang Rou who came on the court has always had a high fighting spirit and was indomitable. I ignored the one who was knocked out by him, and killed him directly at the point where the battle was the most intense.

Fight the mountains and rivers!

Routine waved her hands and leaped towards Tang Rou who was in the air. Dou Qi and magic surged on her spear, and her equipment fluttered under the hurricane. Like a shooting star, she fell directly into the battlefield.


Fighting the mountains and rivers, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is shaking! Tang Rou suddenly rushed out, and when he appeared, he pretended to be the one who flew away from He Wu. The next moment, he turned his attention to them and rushed into the formation with a single blow. The magic and grudge exploded underground in an instant, and the ground was overturned, directly knocking the He Wu crowd who were still beating Ye Xiu into pieces. The handsome and heroic figure once again set off the climax of the whole process!


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