Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1401: so far

"Xiao Tang, destroy this first." Ye Xiu greeted, Tang Yin didn't say much, and directly rushed to them with Fulong Xiangtian, the target was the unlucky player they set fire to. .

He Wu's treatment saw his teammates being targeted in this way, and he immediately started to treat him. There is a wave of milk teammates here.


A gunshot, a broken move, and a stun in one go. Tang Yin shot again, and with a swipe, he directly shot the opponent's priest in the head and stunned him. Then there's a frozen grenade. After all, they finally took the initiative again, and of course they couldn't send it back so easily, otherwise, it would be a waste of time.

As for Tang Yin's other frozen grenades and ice bombs? Why do you think this poor guy is standing between Tang Yin and the others? When Tang Yin attacked here, he paid attention to the opponent's treatment. Ye Xiu and Mu Cheng continued to do their best to output, and now that Tang Rou, a violent person, joined in, the output was even more exaggerated. And An Wenyi also fought with everyone after Tang Rou.

At this moment, all of Happy's current team had expired, and together they carried out a brutal beating against the figure in the middle. In the face of such a siege that he didn't even have a chance to move, the player finally fell before his teammates came again. With this, Happy successfully took back the head of the one who was behind.

"Force kill for treatment!" Relying on their current advantage, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu said this together. After all, the number advantage is now on their Happy side.

Without any hesitation, the entire team went straight to the opponent for treatment. That's right, it's a strong kill!

Everyone in Xingxin immediately attacked He Wu's treatment. When the support from everyone in He Wu was about to arrive, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu jumped out of the besieging team. Lord Grim's weapons fluttered in his hands, and he fluttered all over his body. The rain slanted and the flowers bloomed. The strength of the two abruptly stopped the four who were supported by He Wulai. At this moment, what is the tacit understanding between the two, and what is the cooperation performance is most vivid!

Then the output of the latter two girls was even more violent, and even the hands that pressed the keyboard were even harder, as if they were not hitting the priest of the other party, but someone. As for who they were, what was the situation. Tang Yin said, we don't dare to say, we don't dare to ask...

In the face of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's combined interception, He Wu and the others rushed left and right, but they didn't rush over. Instead, Tang Yin and the others relied on An Wenyi's treatment to carry out a counterattack.

On this side, Tang Yin and the others had a cure, but the opposite side lacked any response because the cure was besieged. On the contrary, their successive forced breakthroughs lost a lot of blood.

It was only when everyone found out that it was not so much that Happy was killing the opponent for treatment, but rather that Happy was kidnapping the opponent for treatment, thus continuously draining the opponent's blood.

"Hit them for treatment!" Wu Shuai saw that they couldn't afford it at all, so he left to change the direction of the attack, and the whole team wanted to kill An Wenyi.

"Tsk tsk tsk, who said that our treatment was useless just now, why are you so anxious to change now? Don't be like this, it's all thanks to you for the change." Tang Yin's daily trash talk. Relying on Biao's hand speed abruptly, he typed while outputting.

But this sentence of Tang Yin mocked that He Wu and everyone said they were stunned, yes, such an exchange is obviously their loss. After all, Ye Xiu's treatment is so useless that everyone at Glory recognizes it, but in this situation, what can you do if you don't besiege the opponent's priest?

Indecision in the game has always been a taboo as a leader, so Wu Shuai did not make too much evaluation in this regard. Although there was some underestimation in his heart, he did not hesitate to take his teammates to kill An Wenyi. .

An Wenyi didn't say much in the face of the rushing people. He directly gave himself a big treatment, filled up the blood bar, and then set himself various legal defense and physical defense buffs, and then watched the other party in this way. own output. The expression is understated and steady.

To put it bluntly, An Wenyi has a lot of people on their side. He has a lot of blood, and he has buffed himself. And the priest who is already crippled by the other party is the first to lose blood. Gu busy

As for why don't you struggle, didn't you see that the priest on the opposite side couldn't even move his face? Facing the three professional players, An Wenyi knew very well that his next resistance was meaningless, so he might as well stack himself a little more defense before he came.

In the face of An Wenyi's almost rotten heart, everyone in He Wu really burst into tears. Not to mention the question of whether the exchange value is worth it, just the progress and efficiency of the other party are a lot higher than theirs. This person is the output, but it does not mean that you can make up for it. Not to mention that their pastor's state is not as good as An Wenyi's. When it falls, it is estimated that the other party will end a lot faster than them.

"Take this pastor with you!" Commander Wu made a decision immediately, that is, while fighting, he would lead An Wenyi away from everyone in Xingxin. It was possible that when Happy killed them for treatment, they still had enough time to kill An Wenyi.

"Don't think about it, it's too late." An Wenyi said very comfortably, An Wenyi who usually tried his best to play the game but couldn't control the situation, but now he can type on the public channel leisurely. And still under the siege of three people.

And the fact is as An Wenyi said, it's too late!

Martial Commander is also very clear about this. After all, as a confrontation, he still has this judgment, but he still wants to fight for it as much as possible. But all of this became clear to An Wenyi after he said those words, and everyone in Xingxin was very clear. This sentence is but in vain.

That's it.

Wu Shuai knew very well that the outcome of this match was already doomed.

As soon as the Martial Commander finished sighing, the priest over there had already fallen, and for An Wenyi, they only destroyed a little more than half of the opponent's HP with their full output.

But at this moment, Wu Shuai had a whole new idea. That is to imitate the opponent's strong killing and healing method, but he also realized that when they couldn't play without the treatment, a huge beam of light directly covered An Wenyi, then rotated and spread. It was the Gunners who awakened the satellite rays.

In the face of this gunner's awakening, they had to temporarily avoid the edge. This time, they couldn't even attack the opponent for treatment.

There is no way, without treatment, they have no capital to fight against each other's skills.

At this time, Wu Shuai recognized and showed that UU reading www.uukanshu. com, who didn't have the treatment support, couldn't even play the kind of kidnapping treatment that Happy had just done. After all, without the support of treatment, they simply cannot afford it. And the other party dared to fight like that before because their treatment could provide support to Tang Yin and Ye Xiu.

At this moment, Wu Shuai's mentality really exploded...


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