Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1402: MVP An Wenyi

Is there really no chance?

This time, Wu Shuai finally felt the point, a sense of powerlessness that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't change the outcome of the matter. Soon He Wu's sixth felt, but the disadvantage of treating them who were killed was too obvious. Without the support of treatment, they don't even have the ability to save the situation. At this moment, even a professional alliance like An Wenyi recognized as the weakest priest, everyone is fascinated by martial arts.

If they can think of such a pastor again now, then they won't lose so passively, absolutely not!

But no matter how unwilling Wu Commander was, in the end, he could only dissipate in the sky under the infinite combo of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. Not even a chance to land. With that, the match between He Wu and Xingxin was over, and Xing won another 9-1 victory!

At the press conference after the game, in the face of reporters' inquiries, Wu Shuai then said some very official scenes, but although he kept talking, he was still thinking about the game in his heart. No way, because everything happened so suddenly. Obviously, their advantages were very obvious at the beginning, why did they suddenly turn all the way down?

So in the game just now, what was the match point that decided the game? where is there?

Why would they suddenly be passive and finally defeated under such an advantage?

The four Wushuai gradually returned to the previous game, and scenes of the game appeared in his mind. First, they sent off Happy's ghost Qiao Yifan in an instant, and then according to the original plan, they successfully surrounded and attacked their sub-team, thus attracting Ye Xiu to come to the rescue.

And when Ye Xiu came up, they directly attacked and tried to kill Ye Xiu, then...then they were slapped by Ye Xiu, and the reason was that Ye Xiu's teammate who attacked that corner was suddenly hit by the Holy Spirit. the fire. The skills are useless.

Tang Rou's unexpected situation happened in the pizza, and they didn't have so much time to think about why. Now that I think about it, is it really Ye Xiu's ability to fight under the Thousand Chance Umbrella?

Wu Shuai carefully recalled this crucial scene. Ye Xiu directly broke through them when he was surrounded by them, and Tang Yin, who had just been surrounded by them, was not in a hurry to rescue them, but instead managed to attack them. It was as if they knew they could escape, and Divine Fire was a skill that needed to be read, but Ye Xiu didn't sing at the time, so if they did, they wouldn't be completely defenseless.

Thinking of this, Wu Shuai's thoughts became clearer, and the final answer was ready to come out. Although it is difficult for him to believe this answer. But send out all the possibilities, and the remaining one is the truth even in the impossible!

That is, that sacred fire was released by An Wenyi!

It was put by the pastor who, in everyone's opinion, had no professional level at all, and the timing was just right. If such a coincidence was said to be a coincidence, Wu Shuai would not believe it. And under such circumstances, he could still subtly use the divine fire to attack Lord Grim. And let it break out of their siege effortlessly, then the truth is already very clear.

That's right!

After that, Happy still counterattacked. First, the gunnery's wide-area skills broke his formation. A reversal of the game thus completed.

The match point of this round was when An Wenyi helped Ye Xiu break through their siege. And this moment is them, it should not be said that the priest who looks down on the entire alliance completed it. If it hadn't been for him, no matter how strong he was, he wouldn't be able to break their siege with a simple Falling Flower Palm. Here and is a professional league, not an online game pk, they are not a rookie. Did the five weaklings of the professional league say this casually?

But is that really because of that guy's strength?

Want to understand the problem, even though reason tells him it's the truth. But to say that An Wenyi has such ability, he still doesn't believe it. He admitted that the match point this time was on An Wenyi, but there must be an element of luck in it. But the results of intellectual analysis repeatedly told him that this was no longer a coincidence.

What terrified Wu Shuai the most was that Wu Shuai, who continued to think about it, found that such a turning point in the match point still appeared after that and more than once.

The military commander, who has become more and more sure of the truth, still can't believe that since they lost to the priest who was complaining about the entire alliance.

"It's impossible!" The martial commanders who thought of this place blurted out.

"Ah? Impossible? What did you just say is impossible?" At this time, the reporter was interviewing another He Wu player, but the martial commander who said it well here suddenly said "impossible", which directly drew everyone's attention. Forces are attracted to the past.

"Xinxin's pastor is not easy!" Wu Shuai said very seriously.

"Hehehe." After hearing the words of the captain of the He Wu team, the reporters didn't know what expression to use for a while.

After all, Wu Shuai's current appearance seemed like he couldn't beat the opponent, and even the shortcoming of Happy, who was about to become a well-known fact, had to be denied, which made people feel very petty. After all, with the current rankings and strengths of the two teams, even if he doesn't make excuses, there will be no criticism. Why is this necessary?

Wu Shuai's words did not arouse the interest of the reporters at all, and they continued their own interviews. It has always been the end of He Wu's press conference and the beginning of Happy. As a result, the first sentence I heard when I came up here was that Ye Xiu praised An Wenyi.

"Fortunately, An Wenyi's outstanding performance today allowed us to win."

An Wenyi? Can this guy even tie in the words great performance?

Listening to Ye Xiu's words, the reporters became confused. Can these words really be written together? Will it be scolded to death if I publish it?

"What's wrong? Didn't they find out?" Tang Yin felt amused when he saw the reporter who heard Lao Ye's words with a confused expression, and added the knife.

Looking at everyone's dazed expressions, they continued to say in a suspicious tone, "You guys didn't miss the game, did you?"

"Of course!" A reporter replied immediately.

"Did the data of this match come from the analysis?" Ye Xiu directly asked the staff of the alliance at the moment.

"It has already been made." The technical staff of the alliance said immediately.

"Who is the mvp in this teamfight?" Ye Xiu asked.

"An Wenyi." The technician looked at the report in his hand and said in a surprised tone.

"Ah?" The reporters were completely confused. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Tang Yin and Ye Xiu smiled tacitly and said, "It seems that only the Alliance is watching the game seriously."

A group of reporters: "..." Who am I? am i there? What am I going to do?


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