Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1404: howling of despair

What should Whistling do now?

This is the front page headlines in major e-sports newspapers this week. The other battles of the giants were not on the list, but Wind Howl really didn't want to be on the front page headlines in this form.

And the question of howling was also the topic that everyone commented the most after inheriting how weak An Wenyi was and how strong Bai Shu was.

As for Team Wind Howl, during this period of time, their various channels of interaction with fans have received protests from fans to varying degrees. In the face of such a situation, Wind Howl desperately needed a match to prove their strength, and their chance did come. In the twenty-fifth round, their opponent was the Samsara team! And the home game is them.

Although there is nothing more convincing than defeating Samsara, in a situation like Wind Howl, even their players feel overdone if they want to find convincing in Samsara. Even they already have the urge to throw the account into the pan and fry it until golden on both sides and eat it directly. As for whether the child next door will be greedy and cry, it is not within their scope of thinking.

"This is our best chance, what could be more convincing than directly defeating the poison and reincarnation?" But there are also people who don't think much, such as their captain Tang Hao, who is still fearless and said in front of them.

Whistling crowd: "..."

Until the preparation room before the game, Tang Hao was still mobilizing his team members. But obviously Tang Hao didn't know the reason why he was in a hurry, and then failed again, and then three and exhausted. This week, his teammates have been numb to these words.

But after all, they are professional players, everyone still cheered up, and then in the individual competition, they lost three straight, and the defeat was very silky...

For a while, there were boos all over the place, after all, this is an individual competition. That's it, what about the next game?

Facing such a scene, Tang Hao's face turned blue, but what else could he do now? He himself doesn't know...

Soon, the second round of the ring match has also ended, and the selection of the audience is not just about boos, but the audience has begun to leave the stage early, you must know that even the main team competition has not yet started, like this Even Excellent Era, who had left the professional league, had never appeared before. It was conceivable how many mistakes the fans had made against Wind Howl, and this was his strongest protest against the team.

The single-player matches were all over, and Wind Howl at home was directly behind 0-5.

Some people even thought that Wind Howl would not be beaten 10-0 again after the battle with Happy. You had to know that at least there was a fig leaf like Happy's home game at that time, but now that they were swept by the opponent directly, it was no longer a question of shame.

At the beginning of the team game, the cheers in the audience were almost all from Samsara. You must know that this is the home ground of Wind Howl, and what made the staff of Wind Howl even more desperate was that some of the cheers for Samsara were from their fan group. What kind of disappointment would such a result be. And in this atmosphere, the final team match started completely.

Another match in the same round, this is the match between 301 and Zhaohua.

"Appeared again..." The audience exclaimed for a while, seeing Zhaohua's healer being directly killed by the captain of 301 at 2 minutes and 34 seconds after the team match.

But these are not the most surprising to everyone. What shocked everyone the most was that Yang Cong, the captain of 301, did not die immediately after using his life-threatening blow. At the last moment, he was guarded by Baishu's knight Tide, and then his crippled blood was directly treated by them. After a while of output of the treatment skills, the milk started to rise!

What's the situation, can you save it after a single blow? Is it possible to die after the fight?

At this moment, the head of the audience was a little numb from the 301 show. This is the first case since the establishment of the professional league!

To what extent did these guys in 301 practice this assassination style?

The overall strength of the Zhaohua team itself is not as good as 301, and now it has lost the treatment, and the subsequent games can be said to be defeated like a mountain. The final result of the two sides also appeared quickly. This round of 301 also won a 10-0 victory!

Not long after this side ended, Samsara and Wind Howl also ended the game. Samsara can be said to have "lived up to expectations" and won Whistling in the team competition. The same 10 to 0 is very sweeping.

Originally, 3010%, who were eight points away from the playoffs, advanced, and Wind Howl's ranking dropped again. As for whether they can stay in the top eight in the playoffs in the end, it depends on the final result of another game. .

And this game is Team Hundred Blossoms, but what makes Wu Howl fans desperate is that the opponent of this round of Hundred Blossoms is a light-cut team that was simply forgotten by the author, this genuine downstream team. Seek the psychological shadow area of ​​howling fans.

In the end, Hundred Blossoms played against the light referee and won 8-2, and the ranking was promoted to seventh. 301, who had just risen up, was pushed down. to eighth place, but also into the playoffs.

301 entering the playoffs area can be said to be quite scary. After all, they only scored 98 points at the end of the first half. Now they have only passed six rounds. Their total points have reached 150 points, and they scored 52 points in six rounds. . The average is 8.7 per game, and such fans are even higher than Samsara's average of 8.3 points.

Although it was said that in the nineteenth round, because of Yang Cong's sudden transformation, 301 directly won the treatment from Happy and won the team competition, but it still takes time for 301 to really start to become strong. From twenty rounds, that is, after Bai Shu joined in.

Because since then, 301 has truly possessed a tactical system centered on the Assassin's life-threatening strike that has never appeared in the entire Alliance. And Bai Shu can quickly run in with everyone in the team in such a short period of time, and directly form combat power. It is conceivable that he is also a player with a very high glory IQ.

And now the brand new style of play he brought has not been fully demonstrated, and the people of 301 are still groping and running in. But in this case. They still put up such terrible scores. How scary would it be if they completely completed the run-in?

At this time, everyone sent a letter, Bai Shu's arrival, not only a master that everyone has not seen before, but also a set of unknown tactics. And under such a configuration, what kind of team will emerge?

"My head hurts!" At this time, all the players of the team were saying.

And some people complain, and some people don't even have the time to complain...


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