Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1405: Don't do anything Tang Xiaoyin

"It's the trouble, when are you going to fight?" Tang Yin said after looking at the teamfight time that had passed for more than 40 minutes. Don't look at this as if he's talking about the opposite, but now there's only him on the field, Ye Xiu and Mo Fan are still there. The rest, even Ye Xiu, had already left. On the other hand, Blue Rain was still full.

"Xiao Yin, you are too embarrassed to talk, you have already lost. If it wasn't for the two of you being lewd, you wouldn't come out and play hide and seek. This game would have ended a long time ago! Are you so interesting? Let's just go head to head, fair and square. Do you dare to tell the outcome of this match? Do you dare?" Huang Shaotian was a burst of output against Tang Yin, after all, he finally won a game against Tang Yin some time ago, so he couldn't continue to annoy him. Now, of course, all the depression in the past will be vented.

The current scene is five on three, and Blue Rain's treatment is still there. It can be said that the outcome of this game is doomed. But at this juncture, Tang Yin and the others suddenly hid and began to deal with Blue Rain. ,

"These two guys are too hateful!" And the members of the team guild who saw this scene felt sour in their hearts. Back in the realm of the gods, the large numbers of people they sent out one after another were all played by the two people in front of them. Mo Fan, the current number one scavenger, is even more disgusted by them. And now the three people they hate now, although they don't play with them, they are starting to brush their team.

But the strange thing is that it is obviously such an atmosphere. But seeing the five members of my own team have been dragged by them for a long time, I am inexplicably relieved, what is going on?

As far as the current situation is concerned, Happy no longer has any chance of victory. But the three of them were still happily hiding. Hide here, hide there. The original 30-minute game was abruptly postponed by them to the current 42 minutes.

"What you said, the competition is not over until the last one. You don't know how powerful this is. And the team competition is duel? Do you believe it, Lao Ye?" Tang Yin asked Ye Xiu as he spoke. .

"Neither can I." Ye Xiu replied lightly.

"You... what are you guys, you are hiding in the east. Xiaoyin, do you think you are still scavenging?" Huang Shaotian typed back and shot back.

"Huh? Xiaoyin has also scavenged?" This time, it was Yu Wenzhou's turn to be surprised. Anyway, the victory is certain now, and Yu Wenzhou doesn't mind listening to some hangups. At the same time, the characters of the Blue Rain crowd also came over slightly. All have burst into a defensive formation. That's right, they are also curious about Tang Yin's gossip. After all, this is an instructor who has abused them all once, and is there anything more interesting in this world than digging the instructor's black material?

But this is a game after all, so in order to ensure the final result, they showed a defensive posture and said.

"Mmmm, and he's still the ceiling of the scavenger world? The vortex Erzhuzi, you know, is the most annoying character of Glory. That's Tang Yin's trumpet. Don't look at Xiaoyin, he looks very decent, if you know it Even their team's reputation for destroying people is better than him." Huang Shaotian said that he had no psychological pressure to expose Tang Yin's dark history. On the contrary, if these words can force Tang Yin out, then they can solve the battle earlier.

"Isn't the little silver trumpet the most popular orange outfit merchant in Glory? Why do you still go to scavenge? Wait, isn't this guy robbing the equipment of the major guilds, and then selling it to the major guilds?" A Blue Rain team member said that, listening to the tone, he also had some understanding of the situation of the Glory online game.

And this part of their conversation caused a burst of exclamations and abuse at the scene. After all, we don't know everything. Now the team Tang Yin is the public enemy of glory, the second column of the whirlpool, so why not spray him to death? Coupled with this Blue Rain player's speech, the more they thought about it, the more likely it was.

But there is also curiosity, that is, the core personnel of the major guilds. You must know that every time they grab the wild map, the equipment that the boss loses is recorded. After all, these are the assets of the team and cannot be sloppy. In order to analyze the strength of other guilds, their undercover agents in other guilds will also report the losses of other guilds. If Tang Yin really picked it up and planned to resell it, they would have discovered it long ago. How could Tang Yin be allowed to stay away for so long?

After all, there is no one in the Glory online game who is not curious about the source of the weapons and equipment when they woke up, but it was because each auction was different from what they lost, so they finally dispelled their doubts.

You must know that they suspected that they had been awake for more than a year, but they did not find any similarities. All kinds of data don't match. Finally, they gave up their doubts about waking up from the dream, and now they were told that these two were the same person, so they were surprised.

"Oh, that's not the case. Tang Yin sells everything he does. After all, scavenging is too inefficient for him." Huang Shaotian said.

Huang Shaotian's words shocked all Glory players. To know why the vortex two pillars can become the public enemy of glory, isn't he able to pick up a large number of equipment every time he appears? But is this efficiency still slow? The other party still doesn't like it? Are we really playing the same game?

"What does Xiao Yin do scavenging? Hobbies?" Yu Wenzhou became even more curious.

"Uh... this is not. In Xiao Yin's words, it is to maintain the holding rate of the entire game equipment, so that his equipment will not depreciate, and it can be more convenient to smash the wool... As for all the equipment, he took it down and disassembled it. I don't know his other name, but when he woke up, the stock in the warehouse was about three times that of our Blue Rain. In the seventh season, we didn't have three materials. Is it? I just asked Xiaoyin for it." Huang Shaotian continued to reveal Tang Yin's old secrets, but the more he saw this match, the more confused the Glory players became.

They feel that their concept of glory has been broken, rebuilt, and broken again and again today. Repeat the cycle.

There's no way that the amount of information in it is too large. Tang Yin's ability to not become a businessman is simply a condescending talent. While robbing various guild equipment to decompose the materials, it also guarantees the stability of the value of its own products. This operation, even the capitalists will cry when they see it.

And the stock of that material, they knew they were rich when they woke up, but they didn't expect to be so rich. You must know that Blue Rain's Blue Stream Pavilion is one of the three major guilds of Glory, and it also has the three largest inventory of materials. But Tang Yin's material is three times that of them. Is this tm still human?

And the executives of the major guilds saw this scene even more complicated. Looking at Happy's group of people, they have the most luxurious equipment in All Glory, but these gorgeous equipments are all wool from their bodies...

Sure enough, Tang Yin doesn't do anything about people. . . . .


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