Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1406: Captain...you are cruel

"Xiaoyin...Isn't this too impersonal?" Lan Yu's treatment, Xu Jingxi, said with some fear. After all, because of the treatment, he was the only one who had not been trained by Tang Yin. He was very fortunate at the time, and now he is even more fortunate that he is a healer.

"Where is this going? Do you know that there was a time when the major guilds offered rewards to Xiaoyin, Lao Ye, and Yizhan?" Huang Shaotian asked.

"I heard someone from the guild say, what's wrong?" After all, all the major guilds were involved, and there was quite a lot of trouble after the incident, and they had heard of it.

"At that time, Tang Yin's Whirlpool Second Pillar and Destroyer Tireless killed six hundred at a time. How much could you earn by doing it?" Huang Shaotian asked.

"About 200,000." Xu Jingxi roughly estimated.

"It's 210,000, and that's the difference between us and Xiaoyin," Huang Shaotian said.

"What did Xiaoyin do?" Yu Wenzhou asked curiously.

"210,000 is a huge loss in silver terms. Think about it, as long as you bring one more priest, will the profit be doubled? That's 420,000, and this is only in the realm of God. , then go to the area where they came up and kill it again, it's 840,000, plus the five vests of Yi Zhan. Think about how big the gap is here." Huang Shaotian said.

Everyone: "..." Is this TM still a person?

"It's really a waste of talent for Xiaoyin not to go into business." Yu Wenzhou couldn't help sighing.

"Um... Captain, do you think it's necessary for Xiaoyin to go into business?" Huang Shaotian asked rhetorically.

This question awakened Yu Wenzhou, yes, as far as Tang Yin's luck is concerned, why not just toss a coin and do business? Does it make sense?

Even Yu Wenzhou had to sigh, this little silver is a total bug...  

"Hey, you guys are still addicted to complaining, is there such a game?" Tang Yin felt that if he didn't say anything, Huang Shaotian would tell his family background.

"You guys are too embarrassed to say it! Come out if you have the skills, what kind of way is it to hide from the XZ like this?" Huang Shaotian was also quite depressed, after all they said so much, they still couldn't attract Tang Yin.

"What do you know, we call it practice, don't know that the playoffs are based on head counts? We call it adapting to the rhythm of the playoffs, how about it? Are you convinced? Is it **** by comparison? The words are much better." Tang Yin said proudly, but everyone at Happy knew very well that this was not the case at all. They also have nothing to fit into the playoffs schedule. Tang Yin is just talking nonsense.

"I'm convinced of you..." Huang Shaotian used extremely high manipulations while typing at a high speed, and used ellipses for the swear words that were about to explode. "Just the three of you still want to kill that head by force?"

"It's hard to say, if you have the ability to pick three, by the way, Shaotian, have you picked three?" Tang Yin said.

Huang Shaotian: "..." He really couldn't answer these words, after all, he was the main core of the team when he debuted. In the ring match, it's all about playing the final defense, and because Blue Rain is a strong team, he didn't even have a chance of 1v3. But look at Tang Yin, who just made his debut, and as soon as his illness healed, he came to a one-on-one three.

"Okay, come here, I will torture them one by one!" Huang Shaotian said.

"Oh? So brave? Then you want the others to step back a hundred positions." Ye Xiu also joined the chat at this time.

"It's already retired!" Huang Shaotian said.

"So fast? Really?" Ye Xiu asked.

"We are retreating." Huang Shaotian said.

"Wait, let's come and have a look." Ye Xiu said.

And Ye Xiu's words directly made the Blue Rain people on high alert. After all, they started talking about Tang Yin, and now Huang Shaotian and Ye Xiu's conversation has only one purpose, that is to pull them out. And now may be an opportunity, so the five people began to observe the surroundings in 360 degrees.

As long as there is a little trouble, they can find it at the first time and launch an attack.

"Aren't you all there? Where did you retreat? Liars." Ye Xiu even added an angry emoji after sending it.

"Where did you read it? Who is a liar!" Huang Shaotian became even more angry. After all, they didn't find anyone on their side, which means that these two guys with no lower limit didn't come out at all.

"Who said that? Xiaoyin just looked at it with his electronic eyes." Ye Xiu said.

Huang Shaotian: "..." I forgot that Xiaoyin had this trick.

"That's not right, it's also Xiaoyin's look, how did you know?" Huang Shaotian didn't give up.

"Xiaoyin is by my side, it's a matter of turning around." Ye Xiu said something serious. But now the audience has begun to call it mean. After all, they have the perspective of God and see it very clearly, Tang Yin did not use this skill at all.

"You are despicable!" The **** of trash talk of a generation, since Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were stunned for a while, he didn't know what to say.

"What is despicable, find us quickly, it's been a while. Is it interesting to play a game for so long?" Tang Yin laughed.

At this moment, both Blue Rain and the audience burst into tears. This is obviously a situation caused by you. How could you be so embarrassed to speak so righteously?

"It's almost here, I should have guessed their approximate location." This is Blue Rain's team channel, Yu Wenzhou said.

"We'll be divided into two paths next time. Shaotian and I will go to the narrow crossing on the left. Song Xiao, you and Zheng Xuan will go to the right, and take this guy to try to circle around, avoiding the perspective." Yu Wenzhou said.

"Uh...that captain...what about me?" Guardian player Xu Jingxi always said with a bad premonition.

"Don't worry, there are uses. The left and right are ambush, you are the bait, just walk straight to the middle." Yu Wenzhou said.

"Captain...you are too cruel" Xu Jingxi said bitterly as he looked at the captain in front of him...

This hide-and-seek has been dragged by Tang Yin and the others for more than ten minutes, if this is Happy's home game. Fans will probably find it interesting to see this scene. But the problem right now was that this was Blue Rain's home ground. It was obviously impossible to counterattack, but it still continued like this. There was already all kinds of boos.

Ye Xiu and the others were just saying that this was a practice for the playoffs. At that moment, the booing stopped, but just when everyone agreed with this statement, a series of messages from Huang Shaotian directly woke them up. Even an excuse. The boos were louder.

Coupled with Shaotian's revelations about Tang Yin, his booing towards Xingxin now carries all kinds of grievances. After all, on their side, there is wool plucked from their guild. And where does the guild's wool come from, isn't it accumulated by these players little by little?


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