Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1409: Mo Fan's progress

Although Blue Rain won 7-3 this time. But because of the unreasonably extended 30-minute game time, their emotions are still very limited now. And at the press conference after the game, Huang Shaotian strongly condemned Tang Yin and Ye Xiu for delaying the game.

However, he was stopped by his own team members and reporters because of the accumulation of words. After that, the reporters focused on Yu Wenzhou, hoping that the captain could talk about this game that made them depressed.

But Yu Wenzhou, who had always been able to rely on his strong analytical skills to accurately analyze problems in the past, did not understand this time. He really didn't see the significance of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's procrastination for more than 30 minutes. If they really want to find opportunities, wait for them to reveal their flaws and turn defeat into victory. Yu Wenzhou didn't think the two of them would be so naive.

But if the other party did this, even though he didn't understand Tang Yin's way of thinking, Tang Yin wouldn't do such a boring thing.

What's the reason for reaching out?

In fact, Yu Wenzhou has been thinking about such a question after the game. Even when the two teams shook hands at the end, he deliberately asked Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. These two people only responded with one look. After he got up with a very inscrutable smile, he didn't say anything, how could it be such a cheap word.

Now facing the reporter's question, Yu Wenzhou shook his head very honestly to show that he was clear, and said at the same time: "Actually, I have been thinking about this issue, but I still haven't figured out the meaning of the time and effort they have to do. Where is it?"

"What's the purpose of the two of them being inhuman? I guess it's because they can't beat us, so I want to use this method to disgust us."

Regarding Huang Shaotian's words, Yu Wenzhou could only shake his head helplessly. He couldn't say this directly.

"I think Captain, you are one of those two idiots who are too sophisticated." Huang Shaotian said.

"Even if you don't want to copy it, it still has to conform to the basic Luo Ji." Yu Wenzhou said helplessly. He couldn't bear to say too much to Huang Shaotian.

"Isn't it normal for the two of them to be disgusting people?" Huang Shaotian said.

"Normally it's okay for them to do some disgusting things, but now it's a game. That's not their character." Yu Wenzhou said.

In this way, the two core gods of Blue Rain began to discuss Tang Yin and Ye Xiu Si Luo Ji in front of reporters. But at the end of the discussion, the two still did not reach a conclusion, and the more than 30 minutes that made people want to turn the table became one of the ten unsolved mysteries of Glory.

And after the game, all kinds of unscrupulous media began to do all kinds of unscrupulous reports on this matter. try to find out the secrets. For a while, there was a lot of commotion in the circle. This led to various speculations about the matter during that time.

I don't know how many Glory fans are playing players, and how much time is spent on this more than 30 minutes, just hoping to know the truth.

But Happy, the culprit who caused this riot, doesn't have any self-consciousness about causing trouble to others now. After the game, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu didn't even mention it again. Even after the battle, they skipped most of the escape time. Just a little mention of good selection ideas. Gu Jun

In the final analysis, this time this time, Tang Yin and the others simply fulfilled Mo Fan's temperament. Originally, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu had planned to **** Mo Fan away for the first time, but they felt very relieved that Mo Fan would come back to rescue after the successful breakout.

After all, they didn't arrange this link from the beginning, and the result of the game was determined at that time. Take a look at how long Mo Fan can hide alone. Mo Fan's return to the carbine really surprised them, because this proves that now Mo Fan finally understands the situation of his teammates. Finally didn't move and just threw it to the game of course.

Especially after several breakthroughs, they cooperated well with Mo Fan, and it is conceivable that Mo Fan's awareness of cooperation is getting better and better. It was Tang Yin and Ye Xiu who were happy.

Watching these teammates grow up one by one, although they lost the game, both of them are in a good mood. But I had to admit that after the nineteenth round, Happy's results were really bad. In a total of seven games, they had already lost five games.

And now Happy is fifth in the overall rankings, but the distance between it and sixth is also very close. But even so, Happy's total points are still the third echelon in the standings.

There are now three echelons in the playoffs area, and the first echelon of the reincarnation continued to lead the field with more than 180 points, alone in a gear. Then came Blue Rain and Tiny Herb. The two of them were in the 170-point echelon, while Happy was Tyranny and Lei Ting stayed in the 160-point bracket. After them, there are Baihua and 301, the fourth echelon with 150 points.

As a result, the situation on the standings has become complicated. Although they are all one echelon away, the two most recent pairs between the echelons are not ten points, and there are also those in the same echelon. As a result, almost every game, there are some changes in the playoff area.

The biggest changes now are the strong rise of 301, and the whistling who was regarded as a victim and pushed down by it.

However, the points gap between Team 301 and Team Wind Howl is not close, so Team Wind Howl has no plans to give up on this. Although some fans who were in poor condition during this period have left the field ahead of time, their team's personal strength is here. Even if you can't find a suitable system for the team competition for a while, as long as you grasp the individual competition, it is not impossible to go back.

Coupled with its dominance over weak teams, Wind Howl is still very aggressive in everyone's eyes. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

The team that they can't ignore after that is Misty Rain. The Misty Rain's team has become more and more perfect after this game. The newcomers have also grown up like everyone in Happy, so Misty Rain's score is the tightest. As for the void behind Misty Rain, he is still a threat to the playoffs, but it is already very limited. And the score of the team and playoffs after him has been opened by more than 40 points. Don't think about it at all.


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