Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1410: Howling past and present

However, the main focus of the first few days is only their slightly changed rankings, but no matter what the subsequent games are, it is difficult to affect their entry into the playoffs, if you focus on which teams can enter the playoffs. They undoubtedly have nothing to watch.

On the contrary, the only thing to watch is the position of the eighth seat in the playoffs. After all, there is no difference between the eighth position and the next few players. In the end, it is hard to say who will come up and who will go down. This is also the point that everyone pays most attention to in the regular season.

Time passed, and a week passed quickly. The twenty-sixth round also begins. During this time, the position of the eighth seat has also become the main focus of the major media.

One of the more concerned is the Wind Howl team that has just left the playoff area. You know, they are desperate to return to the playoffs. After all, it was the team that called for the championship at the beginning, and it would be embarrassing if they could not even enter the playoffs in the end.

But even in such a situation, Goddess of Luck didn't want to care for them at all. After all, the first half of the game went smoothly for them, and the next game can be said to be a devil's journey.

The 26th round away challenge to Tyranny.

The twenty-seventh round is against Blue Rain at home.

Twenty-eighth round vs. 301.

There is no need to say more about the two giant teams. In the face of the existence of these two powerful teams, Wind Howl really has no confidence in winning. The opponent in the third round is a team with a brand new style of play, which is a headache for everyone. Some people even began to wonder where the ranking of breathing would fall after these three rounds.

Not to mention these conjectures from the outside world, even Wind Howl and his team showed some guilty conscience. But the low mood of the fans on the other side, this public relations still needs public relations. I can only keep thinking that the media and analysis show that they are constantly changing, please give them some patience and so on.

It was in this atmosphere that they faced off against Team Tyranny. Before the match, the two sides shook hands. Lin Jingyan was filled with emotion when he looked at this almost unfamiliar Whistling team.

If it is said that he was driven out by the whistling, the golden age of a useless profession has passed, and he is still gradually declining, and he no longer has the core competitiveness and strength. This is barely a normal transition between old and new for the club to the team.

However, after letting go of the first batch of old officials like Fang Rui, they were recruiting new players one after another. As a result, they lost their core competitiveness. This was Team Wind Howl's fault. After all, Fang Rui was not Lin Jingyan, and it was still too early for him to decline.

Looking at the now almost brand new Wind Howl, Lin Jingyan was really a little unfamiliar. This strangeness is not only from the players, but also from the style of play and the temperament of the entire team. Lin Jingyan doesn't know whether such a change is good or bad, and he has no position to worry about it now. Even Lin Jingyan didn't know what emotions to use to face the current whistling.

In terms of results alone, Whistling did better last season than he was when he was there, at least making it to the playoffs. But this season, when everyone got used to Wind Howl's changes, Wind Howl immediately began to go downhill. And the next few rounds will even continue to fall.

In terms of objective strength alone, the new Wind Howl is definitely stronger than when he was there, and it can be seen by just making the playoffs. Even this season, they have made the playoffs. In other words, they have actually done what the original Wind Howl always wanted to do, and the reason why everyone seems to be in such a bad state is because the expectations and requirements of current fans for Wind Howl are higher than that of the fans. high before.

Because in the eyes of the current Whistling Man, their goal is to hit the championship title, not just to fight for a playoff spot.

It's just that the current Lin Jingyan doesn't have any position to evaluate everything about Wind Howl, he just feels sad for Wind Howl's situation.

After all, Wind Howl is a place where elite players gather, but in the end, it was made into such a featureless whole. It is even said that the game has been played for more than a season, so there is no more mature combat system.

"What the **** are you doing?"

When shaking hands with Wu Howl, Lin Jingyan seemed to want to ask one for each one.

Although Wu Howl Club had some intention to drive him away at the beginning, after all, after playing for this team for so many years, how could he not have feelings for this team? Just like Ye Xiu, those high-level decisions did not affect his feelings for this team.

But when he watched the replay, the Howling fans left the field early and even cheered for the visiting team. Lin Jingyan is very aware of how wrong the fans are now. After all, no one can say better than him when it comes to understanding the fans of Wind Howl.

Lin Jingyan looked at the fan group on Wind Howl's side. In their home stadium, they didn't occupy many positions, even less than before. Did they dissipate because of mistakes against the team?

At this time, Lin Jingyan focused on the flying whistling flag.

It's the old way.

This Wind Howl raised his hand and he was very familiar with it. He was an old fan who had been with this Wind Howl for nine years. In terms of qualifications alone, he was even longer than many Wind Howl players, even more than his. Whistling's ex-captain is even longer. After all, he left Wind Howl in the eighth season, and his so-called seniority will always stay at the number of seven.

Even if he leaves. But where is the old road still, he still wants to wave the whistling flag like before. Let the whistling flag float on the field at all times.

Lin Jingyan waved his gray hand in Lao Lu's direction, and Lin Jingyan, who Lao Lu also saw, nodded to him.

The two of them had been similar for nine years, even as long as the team Wu Howl.

"I don't know if Lao Lu still remembers how Whistling looked before..." Lin Jingyan thought.

But he didn't think about it for too long, because the individual competition started soon, and he was the starting player on Tyranny's side in this round.

There was thunderous applause, these were all given to him by Tyranny fans. However, Lin Jingyan still involuntarily looked in the direction of the Wind Howl fan club. At this time, Lao Lu was not waving the flag, but was chatting with the people around him. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Lin Jingyan didn't care about these issues anymore, so he should care a lot now, and looked up at his opponent on the screen. But the result surprised him even more.

Because his opponent is Tang Hao! ?


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