Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1414: Do you still want this hand?

Because of this, even if Gao Yingjie was forcibly pulled down by Lu Hanwen, Gao Yingjie did not look nervous at all. He is very clear that the powerful attack power of the epee swordsman is achieved by sacrificing a certain attack speed, and this is also the biggest shortcoming and breakthrough of the epee swordsman.

Dispel the powder!

With the congratulations wielding the giant sword, Gao Yingjie relied on his excellent hand speed to seize the opportunity to disperse powder. This skill has a more useful skill effect in addition to the dispel state, that is, it reduces all the speed of the opponent, and this includes attack speed and shot speed.

Although dispelling powder is only a low-level skill, resulting in limited deceleration effect, for a play like Lu Hanwen, whose attack speed itself has a certain limitation due to weapon limitations, it is already like adding salt to the wound. .


Lu Hanwen, who was directly smothered by the dispelling powder, was obviously slow in attack speed, but even though it was slowed down, this attack still hit Gao Yingjie. Gao Yingjie had already prepared for this, but when he was about to fight back, he found that the sword light around him had disappeared. Looking at Lu Hanwen again, the giant sword stabbed like him, it was another swordsman's great move, the immortal to guide the way!

And Lu Hanwen's sudden change in this attack also successfully hit the opponent. And hesitant immortal to guide the way, the powerful impact blows the effect, and directly knocks Gao Yingjie into the air. And Lu Hanwen didn't catch up immediately after the blowout. After all, the effect of dispelling powder on the swordsman was quite obvious, not to mention that he was a giant sword.

And his use of immortals to guide the way itself is to widen the distance between the two sides, well, this period of deceleration can be passed.

Don't look at the dispelling powder is just a low-level skill, but his effect Cixi time is a full ten seconds.

10 seconds!

Don't say that an immortal guides the way, even if it is another knock-up skill. It took ten seconds for Gao Yingjie to get back from the distance. Even Gao Yingjie's reaction was extremely fast. The figure that was blown away just landed as a body, and then flicked the broom and took off at a low altitude. Don't say ten seconds, he was already killed in less than two seconds.

Ice powder!

This time, the powder was no longer sprinkled directly, but was directly used on one's own weapon. And was put on ice powder! The weapon can be turned into ice attribute attack.

And the weapon in Gao Yingjie's hand is called: Morning Dew!

And now, the morning dew under him exudes a faint blue light under the effect of Frost Powder's skill, and it leaves little ice crystals when flying through the air.

When he came to Lu Hanwen, he threw out the ice-blue morning dew that he was making, and gave Lu Hanwen a blow.

Don't think that the magician is a magician, but like a battle mage, he has a very high melee ability.

Although the main attack in melee combat is still mainly based on brooms, the weapons can be increased and adjusted through various attribute powders. Plus a broom master that can fly freely in the sky and perform six attacks or direction adjustments. This makes the profession of Mage Scholar very useful among professional players.

"How easy do you want to decide the winner?" But at this moment, Lu Hanwen once again sent out a message on the public channel.

Earth Split Wave Sword!

Above the giant sword, the power of the magic swordsman's wave was surrounded, and he swung directly at Lu Hanwen, who was approaching. Then the offensive still did not mean to stop, and once again a sword was drawn and slashed.

Vertical ground split wave sword attack, and horizontal slash attack. The two attacks were matched with the huge heavy sword in Lu Hanwen's hand, which greatly extended their skill range. The two skills were intertwined one after another, and directly swung a huge cross in front of Lu Hanwen. He slashed towards Gao Yingjie.

This move is very sudden, and it is matched with several advantages, and it can even be said to be just right.

When is.......

"The attack speed is a flaw..." Yu Wenzhou, who was watching Lu Hanwen's attack from the sidelines, said with a sigh. Gu Yu

There is no comparison, because this slowness is too unforgettable for Yu Wenzhou. It's just that now I see that the rookies of my own team are also facing this problem, and I sigh for a while. Because this attack is very beautiful, but because of the attack speed, there are some flaws in it.

For Gao Yingjie, these flaws, although not many, were useful at the time.

Weaknesses are very time-sensitive in Glory competitions, because many flaws are only at the moment when skills are interlaced. Therefore, although many flaws do exist, as long as the opponent does not exploit them, it is not a problem. Take Yu Wenzhou as an example, if Gao Yingjie was in his current position, the flaws in it would be meaningless to him, because his hand speed would not even be able to catch these flaws, he wouldn't even be able to dodge this blow.

But now it's not Yu Wenzhou, but Gao Yingjie!

"Can it pass? No problem." This was what Wang Jiexi thought in Tiny Herb's mind when she saw this scene.

He believed that his disciples would definitely be able to find the flaws and seize the opportunity!

But in the end, this is just Wang Jiexi's character, and there is still a fundamental difference between what others think and the truth. But it turned out that Wang Jiexi had a very detailed understanding of his close disciple, and Gao Yingjie did not let him make a mistake.

This young man, who carried Wei Chen's senior's expectations and future, accurately grasped this opportunity. Seeing that Gao Yingjie flipped his broom in the air at the limit, he passed through the neutral position of two slashes.


The morning dew carrying the power of frost waved down and hit Lu Hanwen directly. Although the effects of magic powder skills cannot be superimposed, new effects can refresh previous effects. The effect of Frost Powder is the same as that of ordinary ice-based skills, which are all slowing down and freezing with a certain probability. And this result made Lu Hanwen even more uncomfortable.

It's all over here...

Seeing such a battle situation, everyone has already guessed the result. And this result has sigh, there is joy.

This is competitive play, and the joys and sorrows that come with it are mostly polarized.

The match between the two rookies was now separated. Although the difference in blood volume was only a few percent, Gao Yingjie still won the first away victory for their team.

After the game of returning to Happy's side, after the game between the two rookies, it was another team battle between the two seniors.


A loud bang.

The two weapons collided fiercely~www.readwn.com~ brought out the special effects of the skills and the accompanying impact attributes, which shocked Zhou Zheng with a wave of air. The characters on both sides flew backwards in various ways, and rolled to the ground respectively, looking a little embarrassed.

"Do you want to be so sturdy, do you still want this hand? It's true, but the Berserker is fighting with his life." He supported the ground with one hand, and then the impact force followed the trend in an aerial battle, and Ye Xiu, who landed smoothly, swung a thousand Umbrella said.


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