Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1415: Ruan Cheng, who continued to blackmail Happy

That's right, it is Sun Zheping from Yi Zhan who is currently fighting against Ye Xiu, and facing Ye Xiu's garbage bag, Sun Zhe directly replayed it on the public channel coolly: "Your record ends here!"

"If you don't brag, you'll die? What did Lao Lin say in the last round, but what's the result?" Ye Xiu replied indifferently.

"Last round? You said the last round was not Blue Rain? What does it have to do with Lao Lin?"

"Uh... the last round." Ye Xiu added.

Blood Shadow Crazy Blade!

Sun Zheping also lazily continued to argue with Ye Xiu, and a scarlet sword light came directly to him. With the shadow of blood all over the sky, he directly chopped off Ye Xiu.

Faced with such a big move, Ye Xiu could only dodge and dodge. Ye Xiu had just dodged his forefoot, and the next moment Sun Zheping's giant blood shadow blade had already slashed at Ye Xiu's position, and the rubble flew around. But suddenly the stones that were flying around suddenly wanted to shoot Ye Xiu!


Sun Zheping swung the giant sword in his hand, bringing up hurricanes, and these hurricanes slaughtered Ye Xiu with the rubble that had just splashed.

You must know that this time it was Happy's home court, and Ye Xiu chose the map directly. It was as simple as ever. But this was originally a map that Ye Xiu could rush to attack, but this time it was the first time he was attacked by the opponent, and he kept attacking. In the face of Sun Zheping's outburst, even Ye Xiu felt breathless for a while.

Even the unrivaled San Ren Kombat in the alliance has no chance to perform.


Back again!

Keep going!

When the opponent attacked, Ye Xiu just retreated three times in a row. After retreating until he could no longer retreat, he was slashed by Lin Jingyan's sword, but as soon as he was hit here, Ye Xiu's voice drifted away like a petal in the next moment. Sun Zheping's blow went straight through Ye Xiu's body. Only then did everyone realize that Ye Xiu in front of him was just a phantom.

Shadow Clone Technique? This is the first thought in everyone's mind, after all, this is one of Ye Xiu's most commonly used escape skills. But everyone soon realized that the effect of this skill is completely different from that of Shadow Clone.

It's a sword shadow step!

At the same time, Ye Xiu, who appeared next to Sun Zheping, directly gave the answer to this skill. Then the sword light flashed, and the four Ye Xiu directly attacked Sun Zheping. This also declared that there was no point in asking who was Ye Xiu's true body. Because Ye Xiu started his attack rhythm.

But in the case of San Ren Kuai, the victory in this match belonged to Ye Xiu after all.

But Ye Xiu, who put the mouse down, breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this time he was really forced to be a little nervous, and he almost really lost. With Sun Zheping's current performance, it's really hard to believe that this guy's hand is still injured and hasn't been healed.

"This guy, he is really becoming more and more reckless when he competes." Zhang Jiale looked at the figure on the competition stage and said. At this time, after half a season of competition, the blood of the mad battle in his heart has been completely ignited?

It's a pity no matter how you think about it, because of the hand injury. He plays an individual game every round, sometimes not even playing but resting. And this kind of game arrangement is simply not fun, right?

And the fact is indeed correct, as Zhang Jiale thought.

yeah... gu chan

It's not at all addicting!

Sun Zheping watched as he fell to the ground and slept for another summer. Looking at his character's eyes that finally dissipated, he might not be reconciled.

It would be nice if each game could be a few minutes longer...

In this regard, the first round of the 26th round came to an end.

In the end, Happy's side won the Righteous Slash with a very brutal score of 9 to 1. Although it was said that the two teams would go to dinner together after the game, and the friendship between the two teams should not be too good, but this did not affect the cruelty of the people in Happy towards Yi Zhan. After all, Tang Yin's way of hospitality has always been: if you have friends from afar, you will be punished if you follow them!

But after all, the revolutionary friendship between the two sides is here, so this time I only whip dozens of them and drive them away!

As for those who have friends from afar, they must work their muscles and bones first, starve their bodies and skin, and be empty of their bodies...Leave them for the next time.

Afterwards, it was Lan Yu and Wei Chen. Although Tiny Herb was said to be playing away from home this time, their performance was very strong. After Gao Yingjie scored one point, he once again won the remaining two individual matches, and the next in the ring. race. Go straight to the team game with a five-point advantage.

However, in the final team match, Blue Rain directly counterattacked, and Yu Wenzhou's terrifying tactician showed once again. Tiny Herb didn't have the slightest chance to make a comeback, and was completely suppressed by Yu Wenzhou's advantage over the map. The final result of the two teams was fixed at five to five.

As for the battle between Wind Howl and Tyranny, although Tang Hao's defeat was a bit of a thorn in the eyes of Wind Howl fans, they both won the next two individual matches, but they also won the two. With less than ten health, Han Wenqing's fist fell, and the team competition was under Zhang Xinjie's command, but they were unable to fight back, so Wind Howl ended Tyranny 2-8.

And the two points that Wind Howl won were of limited help to him in the standings, because the opponent of 301 in this round was He Wu, and 301 directly won He Wu with a score of 8 to 2, and was in close pursuit. The Hundred Blossoms that followed, this round even won a complete victory.

In contrast, the lingering days of howling had just begun. In the twenty-seventh round, the opponent they had to face was Blue Rain.

In this regard, even if the next whistling has a home field advantage, the outside world is still not optimistic about him. It can be said that the current status of Wind Howl in everyone's heart is getting lower and lower. No one paid any attention to the topic of whether Wind Howl could rely on this match to fight a turnaround. even numb...

And in the twenty-seventh round, the one that attracted the most attention was Tiny Herb's home game against Team Happy.

And along with the popularity of this game, some of Happy's black children who haven't seen it for a long time finally discovered one of Happy's shortcomings once again.

Because the main changes in the next season are home and away games, the changes in the order will not be too big. Although Happy's opening in the second half of the season was much better than the first half. But it's far less powerful than he used to be. And soon, some people who were looking for Xingxin's black spots would list all the teams that had double-killed Xingxin twice.

Samsara, Blue Rain, Tyranny... Although Samsara is just a draw~www.readwn.com~ this doesn't affect their use!

So a comment on the game called "It looks beautiful" appeared on the Internet, and this comment also appeared in the e-sports era in the second half of the month. As for the author, everyone is already very familiar with it. It is Ruan Cheng, who has been the leader of the e-sports era since Happy's debut.


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