Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1421: 1Fan little angel, learning is broken...

"But it's a pity, it's actually an opponent." Gao Yingjie continued, and Yifan saw that Gao Yingjie's information was a little far off.

When Yifan was still in Tiny Herb, the two friends would often chat about topics on the field. How should the two cooperate, and what should they do when they encounter those occupations. Having said that, he did a lot of practice for it. But these are all because Yifan did not have the opportunity to play, and did not have the opportunity to show.

So although it was said that both of them were doing this at the time, they did not cooperate once in the game. Until today, this is the first time that the two have been together on the same stage. It's a pity that they are now different people. Although their friendship has not changed, their stances have changed. The cooperation and play paths of the two people's exciting research have no chance to be used. Because now they are opponents, although one person is allowed to stay on the field at the end!

"Come on together and go all out." Qiao Yifan said, taking back the distracted mind and adjusting his state.

"I will." Gao Yingjie also said very solemnly, and now he is no longer the timid young man who faced everything back then. The hand holding the mouse also became firmer. Directly controls his character and rushes towards Yifan.

Yifan did not hesitate to meet him directly, and this time the map they were fighting against had a style that Ye Xiu liked. There are no particularly complicated terrain and obstacles in the map, plus it is a small map for heads-up, the map itself is small. The two sides quickly entered each other's field of vision.

And thinking about this map with no bunkers, in this face-to-face situation, ghosts like Yifan are generally not close to opponents. The reason is very simple, and the main output method of ghosts comes from their ghost slashes. And the ghost array needs to sing. If you are approached by the opponent, you will not have the opportunity to chanting skills. That array of ghosts will face the biggest limitation in their ability to make faces.

And this is almost common sense. Of course, Gao Yingjie is very clear. When Yifan's figure appeared in his field of vision, he was ready to attack. After all, the way the ghosts defend themselves is the ghost formation, but Gao Yingjie's magic scholar has a lot of medium and long-range attack methods, and he can rely on these skills to interrupt Yifan's singing.


"Will it be a little too early?" The commentator Pan Sen said a little surprised looking at the situation on the field.

Learn to change that both sides have entered each other's field of vision, but this is only seeing each other, but the distance between the two sides is still far away. There is absolutely no attack distance. But at this distance, Yifan has already started to control the character to stop and set up a ghost formation.

"Is this too cautious?" Pan Sen really didn't understand Yifan's approach.

Yifan has finished singing here, but Gao Yingjie is still far away from his own home. As a result, he still couldn't interrupt Yifan. Yifan first released a dark formation, the effect is that all characters entering the range of the dark formation will be blinded 100%.

But this array Yifan was not placed directly above his farthest attack distance, but was placed closer to himself, and when the dark array was just released, Yifan continued to move forward.

But he didn't move forward for long. After a few steps, he stopped again and continued to start his own singing, summoning the ghost formation.

"I see!" At this time, Li Yibo noticed that he was in front of the dark formation but did not move forward, but chose Gao Yingjie, who was detouring from the side. In an instant, I understood the purpose of the early formation.

And the intention is also very simple, although it is said that the magician has the strongest air mobility in the glory. However, the skill effect of the ghost formation includes the sky above it. Throwing one in front of Gao Yingjie at this time can force him to detour, and wouldn't this detour increase his moving distance? And this gave one shot time to release the second array.

Ice Array!

An ice-blue magic circle appeared in front of Gao Yingjie again. The sides of the dark circle were connected, but there was no overlap. It can be said that the restricted area of ​​the ghost array has been maximized.

But Yifan still seems to be a little dissatisfied with this, the sword in his hand is very ghostly, and he obviously wants to open another one. But this time, Gao Yingjie directly raised his hand, and several star-shaped magic missiles gathered by magic were smashed like one shot.

Exactly the star rays!

The star ray is only a low-level skill, but its start is very fast, and in the face of the opponent's attack, he can only dodge quickly with one shot, and his third ghost array singing is interrupted.

Lightning chain!

Seeing that Gao Yingjie waved the broom again and pointed at the sky, a huge chain of thunder fell towards the first shot. This is the skill style of the magician. It is not a simple elemental attack, but a variety of magic props. Except for some magical technology creations, others do not need to be chanted. This is also an advantage of this profession.

And Wang Jiexi's ability to play such a paradoxical and changeable style of play is also because of this characteristic of a magician. Although Gao Yingjie failed to replicate Wang Jiexi's style of play, he also brought out this characteristic of a magician.

The two consecutive skills are both mid-range attacks. It is completely possible to attack the current party, which makes Yifan have no time to continue singing skills. But Gao Yingjie used this skill to try to bypass Yifan's ghost formation.

Of course, Yifan wouldn't just stand there and wait for Gao Yingjie to get close. Right now, Yifan was dodging the opponent's attack while walking. Gao Yingjie came around from the left, and he forgot to go to the right. Anyway, the ghost array he released was always between them, which gave a sense of sight of the King of Qin around the pillar.

But the ghost array is not a real pillar after all, he is time-sensitive. It cannot always exist. So now Gao Yingjie is always paying attention to this fan's movements, and feels that he will not be given a chance to sing Ghost Slash.

But there is also a problem here. There are indeed many of his magic props skills that don't need to be chanted. This is their advantage, but the attack distance of these skills is also very limited.

After only running for a while, the two of them ran to the farthest left and right ends of the two ghost formations. Gao Yingjie knew very well that now Yifan was out of his attack range, and Yifan also began to chant.

So, Gao Yingjie, who continued to test out the first shot, dropped a ghost formation in front of him again.

Array of Silence.

This ghost formation is the ultimate move of ghost swordsmen, UU reading www.uukanshu. All skills of com's characters in it will be sealed, and the effect is the same as that of Holy Fire. And such an effect is fatal in a match of similar strength, all Gao Yingjie was once again blocked in front of the battle against this skill.

At this moment, Gao Yingjie had only one thought: Little Angel Yifan, he has learned badly...


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