Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1422: underrated player

"Qiao Yifan has a good rhythm at the start, but with his current style of play, it can be said that he has forced himself into a passive position from the beginning!" Seeing such a scene, Ruan Cheng felt that now he finally has a self There was a chance to comment, and unsurprisingly, as soon as he opened his mouth, he began to find fault with Happy.

"Uh...I want to ensure the stability of the situation, and then I'm looking for opportunities to attack. Isn't this the way the ghosts go head-to-head? Otherwise, how do I fight? The characteristics of the ghosts make it easy to lose if they are melee-fighted by the opponent. It's not too far. So I think it's not bad in terms of the current situation of the two sides, after all, in terms of the professional characteristics of both sides, Yifan's ghost formation is indeed more passive." Li Yibo said.

"So, let's just say, the way Happy's Array Ghosts are placed in a heads-up match is very strange and incomprehensible." Ruan Cheng continued to output.

Li Yibo was really speechless this time, and he now understands. This Ruan Cheng is completely asking about being black and black, and these arguments are all the more blameless. But think about it, after all, Ruan Cheng is a famous anti-Xing faction party, so it's normal to do this.

It's just that these words are not only true, but you can target anyone you want when you write your manuscript. But now in the explanation, what we are talking about is an objective one. That's right, the value of the ghost array can be more reflected in the team competition. But if it's just because of this, it means that his ability is not good in singles, but it's not that he can't show it. If you think that the ghosts can't play singles, then keep up with the nonsense.

This kind of thinking may be how some players understand it, because for ordinary forgetting, it is more difficult to operate the ghost battle. But this is not the reason why Yifan is passive now. The reason why Yifan was passive right now was because Tiny Herb chose the map this time. It was a simple map similar to Ye Xiu's style, and there wasn't much terrain that he could use.

Under such conditions, the current Yifan can rely on the formation of ghost formations to limit the opponent's offensive and contain the opponent's offensive. This alone is worthy of recognition. At this time, it is completely a matter of choosing what to say about being passive. bone.

After all, Ruan Cheng was a staff member of Glory's convenience. Of course he understood all the twists and turns, and now he dared to speak out about Happy's fault directly because he felt that Tiny Herb could win this match, and as long as If Tiny Herb won, his views would naturally be supported.

After all, Gao Yingjie's strength is like this. As a genius, he defeated Blue Rain's Lu Hanwen in the last round. This strength, coupled with the limitations of the ghosts in heads-up and the advantages of the map, these are his confidence.

Although Yifan's current performance is a little surprising to him, as long as he makes a mistake, he can no longer control the balance of the scene. It can be said that Qiao Yifan needs to work hard for this situation, but Gao Yingjie can take it easy. But the moment Yifan made a mistake was when Gao Yingjie launched a strong attack.

So, hurry up and make mistakes! Ruan Cheng kept shouting this in his heart.

But no matter how he shouted in his heart, the ghost formations on the arena bloomed one after another with Yifan's great sword. It's like a steady stream of rivers, the disappearance of one side, and soon the corresponding position on the other side or the original position is filled with one. Always separate Yifan and Yingjie.

And with the passage of time, Ruan Cheng's face became more and more ugly.

Waiting for work?

Of course it was impossible. Facing such a careful layout of Yifan, Gao Yingjie didn't dare to run around casually. Instead, he should always pay attention and analyze the intention of this sail to put this formation. Is it to resist him in the past, or to secretly surround him and trap him, now the position of each ghost formation, these are all he needs to think about.

Therefore, all Gao Yingjie's moves and attacks are to test the rhythm of breaking Yifan. Don't think that Yifan is passive now. In fact, he is already defending instead of attacking. The rhythm of this game has quietly fallen. in his hand.

"From the beginning of the challenge, I feel that Yifan is a player who has always been underestimated by everyone." Li Yibo said with a sigh of relief while looking at the current competition.

"But if he keeps defending like this, can he win the game?" Pan Sen asked, after all, although Yifan was attacking with defense and controlling the rhythm. But so far he has not become any offensive arrangement. It's obviously impossible to win like this.

Li Yibo didn't figure it out either, but Yifan himself should be very clear about this issue. If it wasn't clear, why did he work so hard to support such a situation? But he really didn't understand what Yifan wanted to do.

While Li Yibo was still thinking, Ruan Cheng suddenly said, "Yifan made a mistake!"

That's right, Ruan Cheng, who finally saw Yifan's mistake, was so excited. In the game, it was originally a seamless ghost formation, because there seemed to be some problems in the control of Yifan's time, which was a little slower than normal. But this made Gao Yingjie seize the opportunity, and just before the intercepted ghost formation fell, he waved his broom and flew at an ultra-low altitude.

"So it's not advisable for me, Qiao Yifan, to play passively from the beginning. Just like now, if there are some mistakes, the opponent will catch him. I hope that after this time, Qiao Yifan can learn a lesson. ." This is a joy, they kept talking for a while, while Li Yibo and Pan Sen felt sorry for Yifan. But what Ruan Cheng said also had some truth. Thinking about this situation, they would not be able to refute it. It is even more impossible to quarrel directly in the live broadcast room.

Gao Yingjie, who rushed through the blockade of the Yifan Ghost Array, had already smeared on his broom in the air, directly attaching the ice powder to his special weapon, and facing his friend who was rushing straight in, Yifan was a direct roll.

This map is indeed very structured and has almost no bunkers, but it hardly means that there are no weapons. Yifan has rolled over and dodged directly behind a stone pillar with only a small section left, but even though it was a broken stone pillar, it just happened to cover the Yifan weapon.

This is?

Gao Yingjie can be said to attach great importance to Yifan. When Yifan used the terrain to cover for the first time, he immediately began to pay attention to the surrounding terrain.


The problem that Gao Yingjie discovered was that he immediately threw a total of lava flasks at Yifan.

After the flask fell to the ground, it shattered, and a large piece of magma appeared directly, which naturally included the location where Yifan was hiding.

It's a pity that just before the magma burned to this side, Yifan had once again completed a chant, UU reading www. uukanshu.com A ghost formation fell first!


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