Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1423: 1 sail plan


Gao Yingjie looked at the ghost formation falling from the sky, without hesitating too much, he directly changed the direction of flight, and tried to fly out of it.

"Beautiful layout!" This time, it was Li Yibo's turn to shout excitedly, and what he shouted was not Yifan's blow, but Yifan's layout. As the ghost formation that accompanied this sail fell, the thoughts of the sailing team became clear.

Coupled with this seemingly mistake of Yifan, the ghost formation was released after dodging, but it could echo the position of the ghost formation before, directly confining Gao Yingjie to a space where he did not fight.

And the mistake that made Ruan Cheng excited before, looking at it now, it is obviously the bait that Yifan has been preparing for a long time. It is for Xi Yong Gao Yingjie to take the position, and directly rely on the bunker to perform this ghost array singing.

Because Gao Yingjie, who always pays attention to Yifan's actions, will definitely seize the opportunity as soon as he discovers Yifan's mistakes. It wasn't until he saw Yifan's next move that he realized that something was wrong. It's a pity that although Gao Yingjie has discovered the problem, his lava flask is still one step behind.

In the face of the falling ghost formation, Gao Yingjie could only go to the only "way out" that Yifan left for him, and now that Yifan's goal has been achieved, it doesn't matter at all as to get burned by Gao Yingjie's lava flask. .

At this moment, Li Yibo looked at Ruan Cheng like now with some joy.

This was a scene he was so familiar with, ever since Happy entered the professional league. He was already familiar with this kind of face slap in an instant, but Happy used to slap him in the face, but now it's alright, today I'm going to be a hater. With this speech, he seemed so wise and witty even if he didn't say anything!

Originally, Li Yibo felt a little uncomfortable about having one more guest, after all, what was the difference between him and his job. But at this moment, he realized that Ruan Cheng was so good sitting next to him. This fellow swordsman is his shield, shielding him from all situations where he may be slapped in the face.

In contrast, the current Ruan Cheng's expression is particularly ugly. But the game is not over yet. Professionals like Li Yibo and Ruan Cheng are already very clear about the direction of the upcoming competition.

There is still a ghost formation on Yifan's side, which is the direction Gao Yingjie is fleeing from. As long as another ghost formation is opened, Yifan will be able to trap him, and Gao Yingjie's side is naturally trying to stop him. You must know that now Yifan The position just now was surrounded by magma, and it was impossible to continue to hide, and without cover, it would be very difficult for him to complete the chant again.

Now Yifan needs a bunker to cover his figure. At this time, everyone's eyes are also focused on the ruins of this map, and this piece of another stump that can provide shelter for Yifan, there are also 8 personalities

"Looking at Ali Qiao Yifan, it has been planned before. Although it is an away game, the observation of the map can be said to be very thorough." Pan Sen said when the director's perspective was placed on Yifan.

"This may be one of the purposes of using the ghost array to maintain the balance of the situation. From the beginning of the game, he has begun to look for a place to expand his tactical layout. Since such a place can still be found in such a map, it is also It's hard for him." Li Yibo also said, and then looked at Ruan Cheng, whose face was getting darker and darker, with a look of "Yuanfang, what do you think?"

Hearing Li Yibo's words, Ruan Cheng felt a pang in his heart. After all, Li Yibo's commentary was already a slap in the face to him.

"Since he just faced Qiao Yifan's ghost formation and made a decisive dodge, I think Gao Yingjie has seen Qiao Yifan's tactics now. After all, Qiao Yifan is still eight positions away from the bunker, and Gao Yingjie will give the opponent the past. Is there a chance for me?" Although Yifan was in the upper hand now, Ruan Cheng still supported Gao Yingjie.

Just when the three were still making predictions about the next moves of the two sides, Yifan had already rushed out, and his target was the bunker that everyone had guessed.

But Gao Yingjie obviously had already understood this problem, and the speed was even faster, and he threw a blue fluttering thing in that direction that looked like a cloud. And this cloud flew to the remnant pillar at an extremely fast speed, and the next moment it began to expand directly, turning into a huge cloud with flickering and blue light. Then countless icy blue-like magic powers like raindrops fell along with the little icy light.

This is Mage Scholar Skill: Frost Rain!

Gao Yingjie didn't intend to fight against Yifan's speed directly, nor did he intend to forcibly break through the siege of Yifan's ghost formation. Instead, he cast a skill directly at the destination of Yifan. Although the bunker can still be used, but if you want to hide behind it and put skills, you don't have to think about it. Frost Rain can be the same as the lava of a lava flask, which has the effect of interrupting the casting.

But just when everyone thought that Gao Yingjie's hand had directly destroyed Qiao Yifan's plan, Qiao Yifan didn't run in that direction, and he didn't even wait for Han Bingyu's attack to fall, he just turned around and ran back.

Just like this, Yifan returned to the original stump in the eyes of everyone's curiosity, and when he came back, the magma was still under his feet, but the duration of the magma in the lava flask was also limited, and Yifan just hid it here. The magma on the ground has also begun to disappear, and Yifan counted all this time just right.

not good!

Gao Yingjie had just used the Frost Rain, but he didn't expect that Yifan would give him a direct hit and return the carbine. In the face of Yifan's sudden change of mind, Gao Yingjie could only hurriedly attack, but although many props and skills in the class of magician who arrived are instant cast, throwing these magic props out will bring their effects to the stage. Time was enough for Qiao Yifan to complete the singing of a ghost formation.

The stars are refracted!

Facing Yifan who was hiding behind the bunker again, Gao Yingjie directly used the stars that could change the direction of the attack to refract the attack. After all, he rarely caused direct damage instead of waiting for the ice rain to fall like the ice rain. Gao Yingjie's ability to control skills is perfect, even through a bunker, he still hits Yifan with precision.

Unfortunately, it was too late, because the last ghost formation of Yifan had already fallen. And this time, Gao Yingjie will never have the chance to escape.

After the end of the last ghost formation in Yifan, all the regularities were linked to each other to form a larger formation, which directly contained Gao Yingjie.

This is Yifan coming out from behind the bunker.

Because the opponent is trapped in a direct chain of ghost formations, it is already one and a half hard against ghosts!


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