Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1425: exchange blood

Cut down!

After the big move, Zhu Li, who rushed to Mo Fan again, was a floating skill. Pick it out directly at Mo Fan. And while Mo Ze jumped back very lightly to avoid it, the flames of the knife in his hand were lingering!

Flame Slash!

Facing the almost oncoming flame slash, Zhu Li had no intention of evading the gunpowder at all. He saw a strong blood flow again on his giant sword, slashing at the flame is a slash, it is the blood shadow mad sword!

But Zhu Li's Blood Shadow Crazy Blade was not for parrying Mo Fan's attack. Instead, he killed directly at Mo Fan. In his situation, he wanted to take Mo Fan's attack and directly exchange his skills with him.

Sell ​​blood?

This time, not only the three people in the commentary, but also the audience realized Zhu Li's intention. But the word is still somewhat surprising.

Although it is said that selling blood is a very familiar routine for the Berserker profession, but I think that Zhu Li's blood selling at the beginning of this time is really rare. After all, the purpose of selling blood is to trigger the damage increase effect of the passive skill Blood Qi Awakening, but the problem is that Blood Qi Awakening will only take effect when the blood volume is lower than 50%. And the 50% at the beginning is normal consumption.

The normal way of selling blood is to rely on the first 50% to find out the opponent's routine and style of play in this game. When the battle reaches 50% blood, it starts to officially use blood selling, and like now As soon as it came up, it started to sell directly, and everyone said that they had never seen it.

However, depending on the situation, Liang Fang didn't just sell it for nothing, but wanted to use the method of exchanging skills with the opponent. But even Tiny Herb fans felt a little crazy after seeing this kind of stance that made a big move right from the start.

The attacks of the two fell on them almost at the same time.

Liang Fang was directly slashed into a fireman by the flame slash, and Mo Fan was directly smashed by this piece.

And then on!

Although he was slashed by a sword, Mo Fan landed on both feet and rushed towards the other side. Mo Fan felt that he was already very savage, but he didn't expect the other party to be even more savage than him. Whose subordinate is this guy? Mo Fan even began to doubt whether he was fighting Tyranny or Tiny Herb. This made the flame with a sound like this wanted to kill him again.

However, Mo Fan also sighed, and now he is not false to anyone during his three-pronged axe period.


This time, the weapons of the two finally parried together, but this time it was Mo Fan who parried. After all, the other party wants to exchange blood, how could Mo Fan agree to this kind of thing, after all, such a thing as a Berserker's blood exchange is not a normal player. It can be said that unless they have a very high status bonus, no one will exchange with Berserker, which is too bad.

On the other hand, Liang Fang managed to catch the opponent, so he began to ignore it. Various attacks not only came at Mo Fan, but it was like "Come on, hurt each other". In the face of Mo Fan's counterattack against him, there is no point in avoiding it.

"Liang Fang's style of play...is really domineering..." Li Yibo said in surprise.

Although Li Yibo felt that this style of play was a bit too much, the effect on the opposite side of Mo Fan seemed to be pretty good. This kind of deadlifting the opponent and buying blood with him, Mo Fan dare not avoid or counterattack, he can interrupt his original thinking, which is also a kind of guerrilla-like style of play for him. Now.

Although the style of play that Liang Fang is using now seems to be a simple and rude stalking style, and he did not take advantage of such a series of attacks. But it seems worth it to let Mo Fan's rhythm not open.

"Looks like Liang Fang's condition is pretty good today." Seeing Happy's teammates being suppressed once again, his energy rose. And isn't this the initiative he has been talking about before? In the current battle situation, after all, Liang Fang firmly held the initiative of this game in his own hands.

Although he said that no matter what Mo Fan attacked, he used the most direct method to fight back, not dodging and parrying at all. It is even said that he suffers even more from such a style of play, but this is instigated by him, and it is in his rhythm. In contrast, Mo Fan's rhythm could not be turned on, and when the blood volume of both sides was below 50%, he could start the counterattack with the blood energy awakened.

"Tsk tsk, Tiny Herb seems to have put a lot of effort into Mo Fan," said Tang Yin, who was watching the game. Because Liang Fang's style of play is not because he is a Berserker, he dares to be so unscrupulous, but they use this style of play to limit Mo Fan. This is to restrain Mo Fan's guerrilla-like play.

After all, since Berserker can attack and exchange, of course other professions also have such an exchange style. But Mo Fan can't, because of this change, his three-axes can't be used at all. Gu Fen

"Yeah, it's a little suppressed now." Wei Chen also said.

"Then it's up to Mo Fan to find a solution." Ye Xiu also said.

Now the blood volume of the two sides is very close, but if you really carefully observe the data of the two sides, Mo Fan still has a slight advantage. However, the intention of Liang Fang's style of play has been seen by anyone who is a little more professional. It is not so much that he is exchanging blood, it is more that he is exchanging blood for Mo Fan's play rhythm.


When Liang Fang attacked, he was still typing on the public channel. And he hit more and more vigorously, the more he hit, the more crazy. For a while, the hand speed is increasing, and it seems to be entangling Mo Fan like this.

Crash and assassinate!

Liang Fang used this skill again. If it was before, Mo Fan would usually use a skill with a relatively high output to exchange with the opponent for such an unavoidable skill, but this time...


Mo Fan, who was hit, was directly blown into a cloud of smoke, and the next scarecrow was on Liang Fang's giant sword.


That's all, since that guy can still run?

Liang Fang thought for a while. In the battle between them, the two sides exchanged so many skills, but Mo Fan has never escaped by force.

But Mo Fan, who relied on his skills to retreat, did not retreat, but rushed!

In the face of Mo Fan, who was charging again, Liang Fang immediately returned to his senses and fought back. Not at all vague. Once again, he is ready to continue to exchange blood with Mo Fan. It's fine even if you spend more.

puff puff!

Two more hits hit each other, and the two completed an exchange again.

"Come again!" Liang Fang became more and more excited, and began to talk more in the channel.

"Haha, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is right, it's just how strong you want to fight." Ruan Cheng was also in a good mood, but just after he finished saying this, Mo Fan immediately started to retreat before he was happy. .

Ruan Cheng: "I felt that you were targeting me. I had no evidence at the time..."


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