Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1426: Mo Fan's method

"Don't try to run!" Liang Fang was obviously stunned when he saw Mo Fan who turned around and ran, but he adjusted his attack with determination. As a result, he just rushed over here, and Mo Fan directly turned his head and remembered the quick ninja technique. go up.

Attack, exchange again. When Liang Fang also wanted to attack Mo Fan, Mo Fan turned around and ran again, and the one who ran was a neat one.

Liang Fang was directly annoyed by Mo Fan's mentality.

Anyway, it's all to be exchanged. Does it make sense for you to run away for a while and then come back to fight?

Liang Fang was very puzzled by this situation, but he still continued to execute the way their team played before the game. But the problem is that now Mo Fan has completely changed the battle plan. Now his three-axe play is forcibly suppressed by the opponent's crazy blood-changing play, so now Mo Fan simply comes up to the opponent and has time to fight. One shot, no matter whether you hit or not, run. Sometimes if you are in a good mood, you will hit twice and then run.

What kind of weird play is this?

At this moment, everyone found out that this Mo Fan is really in love with this guerrilla type of escaping after a few hits. Even if you are tossing around, you have to use this style of play.

Regardless of whether these are just the thoughts of ordinary players and audiences, the professional players from both teams have already seen the significance of what Mo Fan did.

"Hey, this kid Mo Fan can do it!" Wei Chen nodded and smiled when he saw Mo Fan complete the interaction again.

"That guy Liang Fang hasn't found out yet, right?" Zhang Jiale was also a little surprised.

"It's almost there, after all, Mo Fan's intentions are so obvious." Tang Yin said while holding the little mica.

"Meow~" The little mica in Tang Yin's arms also called out, as if she was expressing her own views.

"I think it's almost the same. Did you notice the little mica?" Ye Xiu said.

Ye Xiu said a lot of nonsense, just looking at the confrontation between the two sides, it seems that the previous exchange of blood is no different. But those who pay a little attention to the blood volume of both sides will find that the blood volume of Mo Fan and Liang Fang is slowly pulling apart, and as a professional player, Liang Fang should find out no matter how slow he is.

Although it is said that the blood volume of the two sides is getting bigger and bigger, part of it is because Liang Fang sells blood recklessly, but the current situation is no longer the main reason. The real reason is that now Mo Fan's every attack is carefully calculated. After considering the next attack skills, he turned around and suddenly came. As for Mo Fan, who fled, when he suddenly counterattacked, the initiative was in his hands.

In this way, he can better distinguish his benefits from various exchange results. If he understands that the opponent directly opens a high-injury big move, then don't fight. If the opponent runs out of high-injury and big moves, then go and fight with the opponent. This is why Mo Fan sometimes turns around and does not fight, and sometimes he has a few hands with the opponent.

"If Liang Fang is replaced by Mo Fan like this, he will probably kill himself." Li Yibo laughed.

"Indeed, now he should not dare to exchange with Mo Fan." Pan Sen also said.

"Then the question is, how will he stop Mo Fan next?" Li Yibo said.

This questioning contest quickly gave the answer, and he couldn't stop Mo Fan.

The current Mo Fan is almost a total of skills, advancing and retreating once, the rhythm of the game is very cumbersome for Mo Fan to play, and the unscrupulous blood-selling style of Liang Fang’s side gives people a nondescript feeling for a while, and waiting for Liang By the time Fang realized there was a problem, his life was already at a distinct disadvantage.

lost. Gu engraved

In three individual matches, Happy won three straight victories. Although there were only a few fans of Happy who came with the group, the slogan of 10-0 was already on him. To be honest, the fans of Happy are crazy now. After all, how to say here is the opponent's home court, shouting ten to zero at the opponent's home court, is there anything more arrogant than this? What's more, the person who was called out this time was the giant team Tiny Herb.

"Hahaha, it looks like everyone in Team Happy is in good shape today," Li Yibo said.

"Indeed, and their core players haven't played yet. It is estimated that in the next ring match, Happy won't really swept Tiny Herb, right?" Pan Lin's tone was a little unbelievable. said.

As for Ruan Cheng, who heard the words of the two next to him, his heart was beating wildly. After all, if Xingxin, who was playing away from home, really blew up Tiny Herb at home, he who was sitting here and the corpse were stripped naked. What's the difference?

What the **** is Tiny Herb doing?

The current Ruan Cheng can be said to be more anxious than Tiny Herb's old capital.

"It's true that you said that. Mucheng, who was in the individual competition together, didn't play. It is estimated that they were in the ring competition." Li Yibo said in agreement after hearing Pan Sen's words.

"Well, Mucheng, Tang Rou, Tang Yin. Tsk tsk, such a lineup is scary to think about." Pan Sen thought of Happy's next lineup, and it was exactly like this.

Needless to say, Mucheng, although they were all playing individual matches this season, they all won more and lost less. The strength is recognized by everyone as strong, and it is still stronger than before. Not to mention Tang Rou, if Tang Yin wasn't there, she would be the strongest rookie. Even with the restrictions of the rookie wall, it still does not affect her various excellent performances this season.

As for Tang Yin, there were monsters of the same level as Ye Xiu. After Wang Jiexi, there was one who pressed each team against the rookie wall.

"I don't know how Happy will arrange the order in this ring match."

As soon as these words were finished, the electronic screen on the stage had already announced the Thunder players on both sides.

Happy's side was Tang Rou, Su Mucheng, and Tang Yin. The lineup is as expected, and it can be said to be quite strong.

On Wei Chen's side, Liu Xiaobie, Liu Fei, and Wang Jiexi played.

"Since Tang Rou took the lead this time, it seems that Tang Rou hasn't taken the lead for a long time." Pan Sen asked.

"Indeed, since the last time they met Tiny Herb, Happy has seldom let Tang Rou start. On the contrary, the other players are rotated more, but UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com has always been right, Lei Ting's starter is the best way to train rookies. And Tang Rou's performance has always been excellent, so she can naturally give this position to others." Li Yibo said.

"Speaking of the last time Tang Rou fought against Liu Xiaobie, I don't know if it's Liu Xiaobie's revenge battle this time, or Tang Rou's continued strong performance?" Pan Lin began to shift the topic to this game. Because the ring match has already begun!


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