Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1427: difference

"Tiny Herb's style of choosing a map this time is very consistent, but it is rare for such a map to appear in a ring match." Seeing the loaded map, both the commentator and the guests started a round about it. After all, this time Tiny Herb's selected arena map, since it also has Ye Xiu's signature streamlined style.

And such a simple and crude map has no tactics to use, which also means that this game is even a technical match between the two sides.

But now this is a ring match rather than an individual match. In the individual match, you can choose your favorite map based on your own preferences. But the ring match is different. He needs all three of the players to use it comfortably. It is precisely because of this that there are very few very complicated or very simple maps in the arena map. Most of them are neutral after all, or maps that are more versatile.

In individual competitions, you can rely on personal preferences, but in the ring competition, there should be three people on a team, and all three should be comfortable with the map, so it is rare to choose such an extreme map style, and choose a more diverse map with richer content. There will be more maps.

"But it doesn't seem to be a problem. After all, this map has certain restrictions on Mucheng and Tang Yin. Mucheng can be said to be an unexpected gain, and Tang Yin is the main target of Tiny Herb. After all, this season, Tang Yin's The performance is very strong, and Tiny Herb's only defeat in the ring match this season was to Tang Yin, so it's no wonder they choose such a map and pretend to target him." Li Yibo said.

"Tsk tsk, when he was targeted like this by a wealthy team just after his debut, Tang Yin's player is not treated like that." Pan Sen said with a smile, turning his head to ask Ruan Cheng, who has been silent, "Teacher Ruan's choice for Tiny Herb. , what do you think?" After all, this is also the invited guest this time, of course Pan Sen can't let him be left out in the cold.

"Ah? Oh... Tiny Herb's words should... didn't ask any questions..." Ruan Cheng said somewhat absent-mindedly.

Li Yibo and Pan Sen were speechless for a while. What are they talking about? The two old partners looked at each other. They both saw helplessness in each other's eyes, and there was nothing they could do. The two of them could only sigh that this guy's psychological quality was too poor.

After all, the commentary has already said that, no matter if you are black or like, at least you have to persevere. Even if it is a dead duck to say a few words, it is better than now. Now that the game has reached that point, and the individual competition has just ended, you are already in awe, what will happen to the game after that?

Faced with Ruan Cheng, who was in a very bad state, Pan Lin and Li Yibo didn't want to ask any more questions. This map is so simple to eliminate violence, and the players on both sides played different things. There is nothing to say about a more than a savage existence, and it directly attacks the opponent.

On the field, Tang Rou and Liu Xiaobie had already met.

"The Dragon Breaks the Army!" At this moment, Ruan Cheng, who had been hanging up all the time, suddenly said.

This sound directly made Pan Lin and Li Yibo unable to get rid of them. Didn't the two of them start a fight yet, where did the dragon break the army?

"Hahaha, is it still not useful?" Ruan Cheng said with a sneer when he saw that Tang Rou didn't immediately start to break the army.

Pan Lin: "..."

Li Yibo: "..." The two of them were stunned. Although Tang Rou really likes to use the big move of breaking the army with the dragon, but now this is an official competition, and the whole process is live broadcast, you This is also a professional e-sports staff. Can you be a little more professional? This expression is too problematic, right?

But the two of them didn't say much. After all, Tang Rou's fighting style was here. Although she said that she didn't directly use the dragon to break the army this time, it didn't affect Tang Rou's offensive. Here Pan Lin and Li Yibo were still listening to Ruan Cheng's nonsense, and the two of them were already fighting together. Gu Rui

And there are a lot of details in this battle, because Ruan Cheng ignored this frightening shout and couldn't explain it, which caused their explanations to freeze for a while. At this moment, both of them glared at Ruan Cheng angrily, but Ruan Cheng didn't notice it at all. Right now, his focus was on the game. If he made mistakes, he could find some more black material for Happy.

And in this first round of rushing attacks, the hand speed of both sides jumped up. But in the case of sufficient skills, both sides are hand-speed players. In the end, the absolute advantage of both sides is the accuracy of the two's skill operation.

And this is convenient, and Liu Xiaobie, who has specially performed special effects, starts to gain the upper hand.

That's right, the battle with Tang Rou made Liu Xiaobie think a lot. He knew very well that there was actually nothing right or wrong with his players, no matter if he gave up the pursuit of hand speed and started to increase the control of his skills. It was Tang Rou's pursuit of speed. There is nothing wrong with them, they really need to find the style of play that suits them best and keep moving forward.

"As expected of Liu Xiaobie, a hand speed madman!" Ruan Cheng saw Tiny Herb gaining the upper hand and began to praise Tiny Herb again.

Right now, even Pan Lin and Li Yibo think that this guy is not trying to give Liu Xiaobie hatred. With such a performance for a while, even the two commentators are a little disgusted when they see the current Liu Xiaobie. There is a feeling of two people bullying a little girl together.

But no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Wang Jiexi is being suppressed now.

But Liu Xiaobie, who played against Tang Rou, was not as happy as Ruan Cheng, because now he can clearly feel the improvement of his head.

I had felt this feeling the last time I played against Tang Rou.

But that's normal. How strong is Tang Rou's competitive spirit? They are all Tiny Herb teams. Back in the tenth district, even though they knew they were going to lose, they still attacked them. They never stopped, as if they were in Tang Rou didn't have the same choice as compromise or retreat. Her choice is always to move forward, regardless of whether to move forward. And this choice sometimes results in surprising, sometimes counterproductive.

And now he lamented that the progress was also here. Liu Xiaobie admitted that the reason for his accidental change in play was that his attack became more precise, but he was afraid that it would still not be able to deal an effective blow to Tang Rou. The reason is very simple, because now her choice is more reasonable. Although there is still no compromise or concession in her choice, her forward direction is more precise and effective.

If Liu Xiaobie gave up the pursuit of opponent speed to increase his control over his skills, then Tang Rou wanted to improve his skill control while continuing to gallop all the way!


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