Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1428: Handy than a veteran

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Know that people’s experiences are limited, but if you spend a lot of time on one thing, you spend less time on another. And Liu Xiaobie, who felt that his hand speed had reached the limit at the beginning, chose to increase his direct control over his skills and characters because of this. And the effect is really good.

But now he sees a man who wants to practice both and has both. To do this, the belief in the effort is much more difficult than the promotion of a single person.

But Liu Xiao don't look down on female players, he was curious at the beginning. In the end, who is so beautiful, a girl will work so hard. Championship? In the first year of debut, you want to be the champion? The ambition of this beauty is too great.

Liu Xiaobie said that this was just one of the reasons. The championship was of course the goal of Tang Rou and the other professional players. And how Tang Rou will progress through the hard work now, because she knows very well. Where is the limit of this road, and that limit is the goal of her playing glory, the person she wants to surpass.

Even though they were in their current positions, Tang Rou still hadn't won in their duel practice. But now Tang Rou was no longer the cute newcomer who couldn't even see the difference. It was precisely because of an opponent like Tang Yin who had the same advantage in his style of play, Tang Rou clearly knew where she could improve in the future.

So compared to Liu Xiaobie who didn't know the limit at the beginning, who chose to use precision to make up for the lack of strength, Tang Rou always had a goal. That's why she can grow up so fast. All of them are Glory and Newbies, including Baozi, Tang Rou is still the fastest growing.


Facing the oncoming Lord Dragon, Liu Xiaobie swung his lightsaber to parry with precision, but it gave Tang Rou a chance to dazzle. As Tang Rou crouched down slightly, the magic pattern behind her flew out.

A sky strike was picked at Liu Xiaobie. Facing Tang Rou's attack, the ground jumped back and slashed straight down, directly hitting the sky strike from bottom to top after Tang Rou crouched down slightly. Then a turn around and slash, turning around in the air to disperse the oncoming dazzling pattern.

But the dazzling pattern just now was just the dragon tooth before, and the dazzling pattern produced by the sky strike just now had also arrived, and facing the attack that followed, Liu Xiaobie left and raised his sword to block. After blocking each of them, he turned over and landed, and then he had already used the extreme weapon.

This is a skill that increases attack by losing weapon durability. And when she opened the pole-breaking blade, facing Tang Rou who already had two dazzling pattern boosters, she didn't have the slightest stage fright. Covered by a dragon-shaped sword energy, the whole person charged towards Tang Rou.

In the face of the opponent's active attack, Tang Rou will not lose his momentum. He saw countless magical fighting spirits condensed on Tang Rou's war spear. With the tip of the spear, a similar dragon-shaped phantom appeared, wrapping Tang Rou around him. Wanting to charge forward is Tang Rou's favorite starting skill, Dragon Breaks the Army!

For a time, the scene was extremely gorgeous, and there was a sense of sight of the two dragons fighting for hegemony. Moreover, these two skills were the big moves of both professions, and the judgment ability was not bad. It's hard to say who will win after this blow.

But the fact is actually the case. The attack of the two sides was directly judged to be a mutual parry, but it also completely ignited the fire between the two sides. Both sides are hand-speed players. In such close combat, the hands of both sides The speed came quickly.

But this time, Liu Xiaobie has increased the use rate of small skills to ensure the skill cycle of other big moves.

After the last match with Tang Rou, he carefully analyzed Tang Rou's style of play. Because both of them are hand-speed players, their hand speed has reached that high level. But why was there only a problem with his skill cycle, but Tang Rou didn't.

And after passing his eyes, he soon discovered that it was a small skill before level 20. Because all Battle Mage players need small skills before level 20 to generate, although in order to maintain her own dazzling pattern increase, Tang Rou will intersperse the five attacks of dragon teeth, thorns, falling flower palms, sky strikes and round dance sticks. A small skill that can shovel out dazzling patterns.

And because these are skills before level 20, the cooling time is short. Therefore, it can be used brilliantly, which can greatly relieve the circulation pressure of other skills, and also make the hand speed burst to make a longer skill cycle.

Although it is still impossible to achieve the perfect closed loop formed by relying on Jin Endo like Tang Yin and Ye Xiu did. But it was enough for Liu Xiaobie.

For a while, the game was like pulling back to the last encounter between the two. Both sides were as fast as ever, and the blood volume of both sides was also very stiff. Neither of them allowed the other to leave their attack range while dodging and moving.

But the bigger Liu Xiaobie is, the more strange it is, because in terms of playing experience, he is obviously more advantageous as a Glory veteran. But the current Tang Rou gave him a very skilled feeling. This was not to say that Tang Rou's style of play was more skilled than Liu Xiaobie's. After all, Liu Xiaobie had practiced this style of play for a long time. The familiarity Tang Rou gave him was the familiarity with the speed at which they were fighting.

It felt as if the opponent often played this kind of game with hand speed.

But is it possible? Didn't he just debut this season? How is the experience in this area more familiar than me?

"Tsk tsk, Xiao Tang can do it. In a battle with such hand speed, the assists and attacks are still in order. It can be said that if the number of skills limited her hand speed, maybe she could be faster." Mu Cheng was a little surprised. said.

"Isn't it? You can't trust who Tang Rou's sparring partner is every night. Don't say goodbye to Liu Xiao, even Lao Ye is 10% weaker than Xiao Yin in terms of hand speed." Wei Chen laughed. Others don't know, they say that these Happy insiders know it very well. Tang Rou and Tang Yin, who have now started living together, will play singles at home every time they go back.

And with Tang Ye's top-notch hand speed and progress, her boyfriend feeds tricks, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Tang Rou's battle experience is indeed not as good as Liu Xiaobie's, but Tang Rou is definitely in Liu Xiaobie's duel with a hand speed madman above.

After all, the reason why Liu Xiaobie can be called a hand speed maniac shows that there are very few players in Glory who can be faster than him, and the game itself does not rely solely on hand speed, so he will directly confront Liu Xiaobie with his hand speed. There are even fewer players fighting the game. But Tang Rou was just the opposite, which made Tang Rou seem like a professional veteran who was the captain in this area.


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