Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1438: Little Mica: "So love disappears, right?"

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From the moment Tang Yin returned to the player's seat, the little mica that was still in Tang Rou's arms kept trying to throw her body on Tang Yin. Tang Rou, who saw Little Mica despise her, was very depressed. Tang Yin saw his daughter-in-law's expression and thought that Xiao Tang was still caring about the previous match with Liu Xiaobie. After all, he had already won the match last time, but this time he was overtaken by the opponent, who always thought of Tang Rou. Doing all kinds of replays.

Tang Yin went directly to his daughter-in-law's side, but as a result, there was a non-stop little mica.

Little Mica's front foot was still happy that her safety was finally guaranteed, and the next moment, Tang Yin shoved it into Chen Guo's arms.

Little Mica: "So love disappears, right?"

In fact, Tang Yin didn't think about it that much. He handed the little mica to Chen Guo mainly to wait for them to discuss how to play in the final team match. Holding the little mica would be easily distracted, so he handed it to Chen Guo only if he needed it.

"Xiao Tang doesn't care. As Lao Ye said, no one can win all the time, not even me and Lao Ye." Tang Yin said.

Tang Rou was stunned when she heard Tang Yin's words, he was still carrying the little mica away from Tang Yin, and Tang Yin came up with this sentence. However, Tang Yin also understood what he was talking about, the match he had just played.

But it's okay not to talk about it, Tang Rou also started to feel a little depressed, although she knew the reason. But this inexplicable feeling of being suppressed is really not very good.

"That's right, Xiao Tang, and in terms of attack, you did a good job in that match." This is Ye Xiu who also came to Tang Yin and said.

"Not bad?" Tang Rou herself didn't think so. After all, the two sides were about the same speed, so they were fighting with each other and Tang Yin's tricks, but in the end they were still suppressed by the opponent. Why?

"Yeah, but Xiao Tang, you need to know one thing. In a match, it can't be all your attacks, and the opponent can't even use his skills." Ye Xiu continued.

"Huh?" Tang Rou knew that her master had something to say.

"To put it simply, in that match, how many times did your opponent Tang Rou dodge and counterattack interrupted the rhythm of the offensive?" Ye Xiu asked.

Tang Rou would think about it for a while, it seemed that when she came out, the hand speed was right at the bottle, and then Liu Xiaobie retreated, or Tang Rou fought back, or directly interrupted her rhythm and offensive with her skills.

"So, Xiao Tang, what you need to pay special attention to now is how to ensure the continuity of your attacks. But if you think about interrupting your rhythm and offensive a few times, you will find that you have already There is not much blood left." Tang Yin said.

Tang Rou recalled the previous match, and this was indeed the case. In the case of coherent play, she can suppress Liu Xiaobie, but whenever her rhythm stops, it is difficult to continue coherence, which requires the connection of several skills. But these few skills are only enough to become a chance for the opponent to counterattack.

"In the next few games, it's still up to you to play No. 1. This kind of thing can only rely on more actual combat practice and post-match analysis. Don't worry." Ye Xiu said.

"Okay." She herself had no objection to this arrangement, but Tang Rou was even more happy about it. After all, practice a lot.

"I still want you to play more No. 2, or I can take over as No. 3 in the future, and try to adapt and transform, but now it seems that No. 1 is suitable for you. It's a pity that there is only one No. 1." Tang Yin said Said in a sad tone.

With this, the single-player match was completely over, and the current score of Happy was 5-0, which could be said to be a big lead, and the fans of Happy who were going with them started shouting the slogan of 1v5 excitedly.

But this is Tiny Herb's home field after all. Although it was said that they were beaten 0-5, it did not dampen the confidence of Tiny Herb fans in their own team. There was even an example of the reincarnation distance before that, losing Happy was a team that fell to the ground in the team match, relying on a few main players to support it.

And those who can say this don't need to think too much, as soon as they hear it, Ruan Cheng said.

When Chen Guo heard this, she was the first to express her dissatisfaction.

What do you mean by relying on Tang Yin and the others, without seeing Yifan, did Mo Fan and the others also win? Tang Rouli was only 20% short of HP from defeating the opponent. Isn't this guy talking nonsense.

Then there was Ruan Cheng's compliment to Wang Jiexi, and the fact that Wang Jiexi's defeat to Tang Yin was abruptly cleared up. Moreover, he also got the approval of Wei Chen's fans at the scene. For a while, the current atmosphere was like Tiny Herb was holding five points.

To be fair, Chen Guo still had a good impression of Wang Jiexi. After all, they had a good relationship with each other because they fought a wild boss and the previous Hundred Ghosts Night Walk together. Otherwise, Ruan Cheng's nonsense will make him a black fan of Wang Jiexi.

In particular, Tang Yin was directly compared with Tang Yin, and Tang Yin was described as a guy who only relies on the effect of skills to win, and he has nothing to do with it. How could Chen Guo not be angry?

"These guys, we are ahead now, what are they proud of?" Chen Guo was depressed and could only use this little mica to ease her mood.

"It was influenced by them. Sister Chen, you don't have to worry too much. You think about the treatment of Lao Ye in Tyranny, so these are nothing at all." Compared with Chen Guo's indignation, Tang Yin was much calmer. .

"Huh?" Hearing Tang Yin's words, everyone in Happy looked at Tang Yin with a strange expression. After all, I don't want Tang Yin, a person who carries a vengeance notebook every day, to say anything.

"Uh...what are you looking at? After all, this is Wang Jiexi's home court. They will also be in trouble if something goes wrong with the audience. They are at work now. So keep calm," Tang Yin said.

When they heard Tang Yin's understatement, everyone at Happy felt a chill on their backs. Tang Yin's meaning was very difficult. The reason why they don't toss coins now is because this is Wang Jiexi's home court. Now that the audience is in trouble, their organizers will also be in trouble. , but it's hard to say when the audience who says Tang Yin goes out. As for Ruan Cheng's injury now, it counts as a work injury, but what about the end of the game?

No loss is Tang Yin, revenge may be late, but possession will not be absent........

"But about what Ye Xiu said, can we ask?" Chen Guo said, thinking of Ye Xiu's ridicule to the Tyranny fans back then, Chen Guo felt helpless.

"After all, it is the same situation objectively, so whoever says it is the same." Tang Yin said.

"But you ask everyone who has the desire to learn?" Chen Guo said.

"Not at all. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Zhang Jiale said.

"Haha." Tang Rou said.

"We won't join forces with you!" Tang Yin is righteous and awe-inspiring

Everyone in Happy roared, "We, you are not qualified to say this!"

"Baozi, shut up!" After yelling at Tang Yin, he turned to face Baozi who was talking.

steamed stuffed bun:"......"


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