Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1439: sky arena

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"Oh, it seems that everyone is very uncomfortable with Wang Jiexi's arrogance. Then in the next team match, we will directly attack him with precision, and wait for the main attack on Wang Jiexi." Ye Xiu saw that everyone was in good spirits and emphasized. Let’s take a look at the strategy for the next teamfight.

"What's the situation? Lao Ye, you've lost your mind? Are you doing things so casually now? Xiaoyin, Lao Ye, do you, the deputy team, take care of you?" Chen Guo said with an astonishing expression.

"Uh...Sister Chen, is there a possibility? Our original strategic goal was Wang Jiexi." Tang Yin was a little weak looking at Chen Guo, who was once again being led astray by this guy like Ye Xiu. said.

Chen Guo: "......" Was Tang Yin reminded so much, Chen Guo realized that he was surrounded by Ye Xiu. After all, she had been listening to these pre-match arrangements, how could she not know?

"Ahem, come on here, everyone, we're going to play." Ye Xiu said immediately, looking at his boss's appearance as a hidden weapon.

In this regard, Happy's away game against Wei Chen's team came to the most crucial game. In the end, this match ended in a tie like the last Samsara, or it was the first time Happy won a song ten to zero in a giant team, and it was this match.

After a while, the list of the two games appeared on the electronic screen on the stage:

Happy's players were: Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Tang Yin, Tang Rou, An Wenyi, and Qiao Yifan.

The players on Tiny Herb's side are: Wang Jiexi, Xu Bin, Gao Yingjie, Liu Xiaobie, Yuan Boqing, Liang Fang.

"Tiny Herb didn't make any adjustments to its lineup this time around. The reason is that Happy didn't let Zhang Jiale play this time. Speaking of which, Happy didn't let Zhang Jiale play in the last match against Samsara. What is the reason for this? Is it?" Pan Sen looked at the lineup of both sides and said.

"It should have something to do with Happy's three-shot style. Ever since Happy entered the professional league, he hasn't used that style of play with Ye Xiu as the core and three sharpshooters as support. Reduce the appearance of Zhang Jiale. But their team atmosphere has always been good. I think they are now preparing for the playoffs. Zhang Jiale used to play once per round before, but now he is in the rotation. It's similar to Tyranny Practice." Li Yibo said,

"And this time, instead of Tang Rou being the sixth man, he and Yifan switched places. This is a big change in Happy's lineup," Li Yibo said.

"So Happy's current lineup is ready to attack?" Pan Lin asked Li Yibo again.

"I think this is the most likely goal. After all, Tang Rou's aggressiveness is obvious to all." Li Yibo said, but he still didn't talk too much.

"It seems that Happy is very confident now. Since they are playing such a strong attacking lineup directly on the road, tsk tsk." Ruan Cheng smiled. He was a little worried at first, but when he saw this, he felt that Happy must be holding Floating for five minutes. Since he is on the road and the map is definitely not familiar to the other side to attack, isn't this a chance to ridicule him?

He even thought that Happy was doing this on purpose. If they lost after waiting, it could be said that their lineup was not well matched. What a good excuse. Anyway, he already had the previous five points. To be able to draw with Wei Chen was a victory in itself for Happy.

"Wei Chen's side Yuan Boqing is using the priest Cordyceps sinensis today. It is well known that Yuan Boqing has two roles, one is a priest and the other is a guardian angel. And his choice of treatment can also determine the general direction of the Tiny Herb crowd in this round. Now it seems that both teams have chosen a main attack-oriented plan." Pan Lin said. After all, Tiny Herb's healing has always been the most special existence in Glory healing. There are only two characters hanging under his name in the entire glory.

"After all, this is Wei Chen's home court, with home field advantage, so there's no reason to play a more passive defensive battle with the opponent," Ruan Cheng said.

"Indeed, looking at the current posture of the two teams, this game is destined to be a fierce game, I'm really looking forward to it." Pan Sen laughed.

While Pan Sen and the others were still discussing, the two teams had already completed their pre-game instructions and entered various battle rooms. With this pair of players swiping their cards to enter, the game also entered the countdown.

"The game has started. Let's first see if Wei Chen's map selection for the team competition this round is as simple as the previous map, and he still has a certain tactical interest," Pan Lin said.

"This is... Sky Arena!" Seeing the appearance of the loaded map, Li Yibo was obviously stunned.

"Since Tiny Herb has continued their original map selection style, you must know that such maps are no longer in professional games, even if players rarely play such maps." Pan Lin's tone could clearly feel it. That surprise.

And how will Panson feel. As long as it was because of the Sky Arena, it was the same map style as Tiny Herb's selection before, and the map used in the team match was extremely simple. The only terrain change in the entire map is only steps, that is, the outermost circle goes all the way down from high to bottom, and the middle is the competition stage, which is surrounded by all the steps taken down, which has the architectural style of the Colosseum. .

"A map like this will hardly have any complicated tactics or layout." Li Yibo said while looking at the map.

"Indeed, it can be said that except for the stairs, you can use it a little. There is no special map. I wonder what special research Tiny Herb has done on this map?" Pan Lin's tone was also very curious. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Tiny Herb may be trying to carry out the attack to the end." Ruan Cheng said at this time.

"Then let's pay attention to the direction of their attack." Li Yibo quite agreed with Ruan Cheng this time.

Soon the characters of both sides have been loaded and refreshed in the two playing positions of the sky arena. Although it is said that there is a higher ring between the two teams blocking their sight, everyone knows this map. It is also very clear that the other party is refreshing directly opposite him. After all this map compares to other team tournament maps. The refresh points of the two teams on this map are famously close.


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