Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1443: successive offensives

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And now, the only thing that is tangled is Gao Yingjie, another core of Tiny Herb, because he was trying to grab the top spot. Now his position and the team are somewhat disconnected. But now that Happy's true intentions have been completely exposed, he still carries the meaning of being swayed by Happy.

But another question came up again, could this be Xingxin's siege of Wei to save Zhao? Otherwise, why did Happy choose their most difficult captain to take action at the beginning? Was this really just wanting to focus on Wang Jiexi first?

And these are the doubts in Gao Yingjie's heart. After all, it is not easy to grab this high point. Is it really necessary to give up like this?

Fight the mountains and rivers!

But although Gao Yingjie will be unable to make a decision because of estimation, there are also some who will not. This was not just Tang Rou, who had just been defeated by a mighty dragon and failed to make a profit, but this time, she jumped up directly, gathering this powerful magic and fighting force with the spear in her hand. Facing those who were gathered now, Wang Jiexi, Ye Xiu, and Xu Bin just smashed them down. Impressive!


Along with this magic and vindictiveness in Didi Baozi, great cracks and cover-ups were directly blown up, such a large-scale attack. Even Liu Xiaobie, who was now killing Tang Yin, was affected.

And as one of the characters with the strongest defense in Glory, Xu Bin abruptly used his character to pick up the blow. Then, taking advantage of the gap in Tang Rou's attack, he directly attacked her. And Wang Jiexi dissipated even more. Before Tang Rou's attack fell, he had already asked for dizziness, and then Xu Bin's help withdrew from Ye Xiu's suppression.

And the moment Tang Rou's attack fell, it flew up again, but this time, relying on the stone pillar thrown by Tang Rou, she avoided the grenade thrown by Tang Yin to the limit. Then, in a detour, he was going to attack Tang Rou together with Xu Bin.

Satellite rays!

Just when the two were about to attack Tang Rou, several huge beams of light shot down directly, wrapping Tang Rou's figure in it, and then several small beams of light began to spin the mahjong to force the two to separate from Tang Rou.

However, Xu Bin was not at all cowardly in the face of Mucheng's determination and skill. He directly raised the shield to the top of his head like Ye Xiu, and had to break through. On the other hand, Wang Jiexi landed the first time, and then, relying on his delicate positioning, he actually forced his way in through the gap of the satellite beam.

He waved the broom in his hand and swept it directly towards Tang Rou's body, but at this moment, countless bullets roared again, covering him and Xu Bin directly. This and the intensive attack had to force the two of them to forcibly give way. At this time, Tang Yin, who was shooting randomly in the air, had already landed, blocking them in front of him.

"Yingjie, come and stare at Tang Yin, don't kill him for a limited amount of treatment." Wang Jiexi said. Tang Rou's attack just now made Liu Xiaobie's attack on Tang Yin fail, otherwise Tang Yin would not have appeared at this time. And now they can only change their goals, and now they have the ability to entangle Tang Yin, only Gao Yingjie.

Here, Wang Jiexi just made the arrangement, and Ye Xiu's attack followed. Not a chance to type money.

Seeing his own captain's order, Gao Yingjie didn't hesitate, gave up the high point he had won, and went directly to Tang Yin in the satellite beam.

After all, after so many games, Tang Yin's strength is obvious to all. Every time a player staring at Tang Yin is usually one of the main cores of that team. Others really don't necessarily look at him.


Gao Yingjie flew directly towards the satellite beam that had not disappeared. Because the satellite beam blocked the view, he was not worried about Tang Yin's sniper rifle, and when he arrived, Mucheng's satellite beam had already ended. Gao Yingjie landed directly, and did not stay in the sky for even a second longer. The doctor's hand smeared the broom and directly sprinkled the poisonous powder. Then he swung his broom down directly at Tang Yin.

In the face of Gao Yingjie and Xu Bin who were attacking directly, Tang Yin directly put a bullet into the chamber, hitting the remaining ground against Tang and Tang Rou. In the next instant, a huge explosion in early summer, abruptly asked Ye Xiu to launch a storm on their side, Wang Jiexi, and Xu Bin and Gao Yingjie who attacked directly, forcing them back, and the lava left on the ground rarely deterred them. , it is the ammunition expert skill, the flames of hell!

And with Tang Yin's attack, Tang Rou's rigidity was over. The spear in his hand swung out between Tang Yin's attacks. It's a direct hit!


Facing Tang Rou's strong attack, Du Huo and Wang Bu Liuxing could only take the lead in avoiding them. But Tang Rou wouldn't stop her attack so easily. She hit the sky with a direct attack. The slightly inclined angle included both of them within her attack range.

But at this moment, Xu Bin stood up, and the wall of sighs in his hand blocked horizontally, forcibly knocking Tang Rou's blow out of the way, giving Wang Jiexi an opportunity to attack, and sweeping it straight at him with one blow. The former Tang Rou.

Sweeping is the initial floating skill of magic scholars, and it is also the worst initial floating skill among the twenty-four occupations. Even if it is advanced, its knock-up height is very limited. You must know that magic scholars have a certain demand for the opponent's flying height because of their extreme air combat style. It can be said that the higher the opponent can be knocked into the air, the better.

But now Wang Jiexi couldn't ask for much, but he was still a step behind, and the next moment he heard "Bang!". Qianji Umbrella and Wang Jiexi's extinction star collided in front of Tang Rou.

But just as the attacks from both sides came together, a voice flashed from behind Wang Jiexi again. The person who came was pulled out from behind Wang Jiexi, and the broom in his hand waved towards Tang Rou again.

The person here is Gao Yingjie!

Although it was said that Gao Yingjie was called by Wang Jiexi to entangle Tang Yin, but the situation was changing rapidly on the field of competition, and many opportunities disappeared in a flash. Even if it is an order issued by the self-confidence. Although it is said that the commander's instructions must not be ignored, more often, players still need to make corresponding state according to the situation on site.

And now Gao Yingjie just saw that Wang Jiexi needed an existence to continue his offensive, so Gao Yingjie, who had just avoided Tang Yin's **** flames, came directly behind him, and made up for the offensive when his Wang Jiexi's attack was blocked!

This time, can Gao Yingjie reach Tang Rou?

This was the focus of everyone's attention at the scene, but at this moment, a "squeak" was heard, and a sharp sword qi swung a circle around it with the blade wrapped around it.


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