Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1444: When did this guy become so difficult?

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"Drawing the sword? How is that possible? Isn't he parrying Wang Jiexi's attack? And it's still so close!" Now Li Yibo didn't know what tone to use to express his direct feelings.

That's right, the attack just now was drawn by Ye Xiu who had just blocked Wang Jiexi's attack, and it was still at such a close distance. In the eyes of ordinary people, the distance between the two sides is almost close, and there is so much room for drawing a knife. Before the blade is unsheathed, one will be detected and stopped by the opponent in front of him.

But in the end, the fact was that Ye Xiu drew his sword and drew a circle on the ground, while Wang Jiexi, who was close at hand, had absolutely no chance of blocking Ye Xiu's attack. Even in the face of Ye Xiu's sudden slash, he could only dodge. But with one flash, Gao Yingjie was exposed behind him.

Although Gao Yingjie is one of the leading figures of the new generation of rookies, there is no need to say much about his responsiveness. But he still couldn't avoid Ye Xiu, Tang Rou's piece, and left the next generation of blood flowers in mid-air. Just like that, Gao Yingjie, who had attacked aggressively, was slashed back by Ye Xiu's sword.

But now everyone is too late to care about Gao Yingjie who was repelled, and now everyone is curious, how did this blow come out?

No way, Ye Xiu's slash was too fast, they didn't notice the attack at this moment. As for letting the director play it slowly on the electronic screen, they don't have time to watch it because of the intensity of the game. As a result, only Tang Yin, who was behind Ye Xiu, and Wang Jiexi, who was in front of Ye Xiu, saw what Ye Xiu did.

And the reason why Ye Xiu was able to slash another blow so quickly was all because of Ye Xiu's weapon - the Thousand Chance Umbrella!

Ye Xiu first blocked Wang Jiexi's attack with the spear shape on the top of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, and at the same time, at the position of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, which was the handle of the umbrella, he directly pulled out the sword shape and slashed with a slash.

This is because the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella has the opportunity to instantly change the mentality of the weapon. Ye Xiu was able to wield this strike at such a distance and draw the sword. If it were replaced by any swordsman profession, this blow would not be able to hit the sword at all.

That is to say, parrying the opponent's attack and using skills to counterattack is a unique attack that only the loose man Lord Grim with the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella has. .

And the terrible thing about this play is that it is really difficult for people to notice if it is not a soft experience.

Facing such an extreme blow, even Wang Jiexi couldn't help but sigh. But even though he just returned it, it didn't affect him, who had completely avoided the attack, and launched another attack.

"Behind Xiaobie!" But at this moment, this message appeared in Tiny Herb's team channel.


The advantage was one blow and the sword was cut, and this time it was Liu Xiaobie. In the face of his own captain's reminder, Liu Xiaobie didn't hesitate at all, just turned around and slashed, and this blow just cut Tang Yin's sniper rifle bullet in half.

Fortunately, Wang Jiexi can still remind his teammates in such a fierce competition. If Yu Wenzhou came here, he probably wouldn't even have the chance to type.

Tang Yin saw that the sniper rifle didn't work, so he directly used mobile shooting, which covered Liu Xiaobie with a wave of firepower, and at the same time he was getting closer to her. After all, Yifan, who was specially responsible for protecting An Wenyi, was not the starter. Therefore, Tang Yin and the others naturally have to share a little responsibility for protecting An Wenyi.

In the face of an opponent who aimed at him, An Wenyi certainly wouldn't sit still. He swung the cross in his hand and began to chant, and the holy light of the cross in his hand emerged. Like a flame wrapped around the cross in An Wenyi's hand.

"Behind Xiaobie!" Seeing such a situation, Tiny Herb's five members quickly reminded Liu Xiaobie. After all, the players in the team had different positions, and one of the intentions was to directly compensate for each other's lack of vision.

At this time, it was Tiny Herb's treatment Yuan Boqing who first discovered that An Wenyi was performing magic singing. After all, because of Tang Yin's attack, Liu Xiaobie's current perspective was facing Tang Yin and his back was facing An Wenyi. .

And Yuan Boqing recognized at a glance that Little Hand Cold was not using a healing skill, but a divine fire that attacked and limited the effect.

Liu Xiaobie saw his teammate's prompt again, and he knew it. After all, there was only Happy's treatment left behind him, and it wasn't hard to guess what the priest's skills were. But just at the distance between him and the opponent, it is impossible for his slashes to hit the opponent, not to mention that there is still Tang Yin in front of him continuing to output. Faced with such a situation, he could only run away.

After receiving the successive parries and blocks against Tang Yin's attacks, he slid and walked directly, then turned around and started to transfer directly. He didn't stop until he could put Tang Yin and Little Cold Hand in his field of vision. As for An Wenyi's attack, he must have avoided it.

That's right, Liu Xiaobie did avoid this divine fire. His character is not sprayed at all. This is the moment when the sacred fire rises, he realizes it. But when he realized it, he also realized that something was wrong.

"Captain be careful!" Because he found that An Wenyi's target of this holy fire attack was not Liu Xiaobie, but their captain Wang Jiexi!

And he had reminded the wrong person before, and the person who just reminded Liu Xiaobie had lost the closest total position to An Wenyi. It even made his own captain relax his vigilance in this regard.


Damn it!

Now Yuan Boqing can be said to be quite remorseful, but if what happened just now happens again and again, how can he do it? It was only then that he discovered that Happy's treatment, which was spurned by everyone, was so precise in controlling the timing. The attack just now, Mo Fan, completely placed both of them in the attacking position, and it is entirely possible to make temporary changes to the situation on the spot.

That is to say, even if he can already decide that the other party is going to take action on his own captain, and after giving a reminder, the other party can directly hit Liu Xiaobie with the attack. In other words, the opponent's attack was completely determined by their Tiny Herb's countermeasures.

When did this guy become so difficult? This is the only thought in Yuan Boqing's mind now.


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