Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1445: full siege

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This situation is particularly annoying, and you must remind it that it will not work. But it's even worse if you don't warn me. The only thing the position can do is to interrupt the opponent before they use the ability. But the priest itself is the key protection target of each major team, and when the chant has been completed, how can such an attack be interrupted so easily?

And now, with the pure white sacred fire burning, Wang Jiexi, who was facing Ye Xiu's Sanren rush, didn't have time to dodge, and this time An Wenyi's prediction was very accurate. The cross in his hands went out. At the same time, Wang Jiexi, who was facing Ye Xiu, was directly covered by a burst of pure white flames.

An Wenyi's blow is really beautiful.

Even Wang Jiexi, who was with Captain Ye Xiu, couldn't help but turn his eyes slightly in his direction, as if he wanted to see this young man who was criticized by everyone.

It's just that these actions didn't help him in any way after all.

But even in the face of such a situation, Wang Jiexi didn't panic at all. And he personally didn't have any other superfluous movements except that the slight rotation was an accident of the angle of view, and even his offensive didn't stop at all.

What Wang Jiexi was doing before, what he is still doing now. No change at all.

It is true that sacred fire is deadly in most situations, but there is a special case, that is, it has no effect on the magician who is fighting in close combat. The reason is very simple. Melee magicians have skills similar to Frost Powder and Vicious Poison Powder, which directly support this weapon. Except for a broom whirlwind and a rotating broom, they don't have any melee skills.

And those skills that enhance the power of the broom, the way they present the power is the simplest normal attack.

It is precisely because of this that the three seconds limited by the Holy Fire now only prevents Wang Jiexi from using magic items. The odd numbers themselves don't need to be used in close combat. As a result, Holy Fire, a skill that could be directly interrupted by attacks from other professions, was useless on Wang Jiexi's side.

Wang Jiexi continued to wield Xie Xingchen in his hand, fighting against Ye Xiu's Thousand Chance Umbrella.

But just after Wang Jiexi parried Ye Xiu's attack again, Ye Xiu suddenly squatted down.

This seems to others to be a meaningless and ineffective operation, but there are two bright lights in Wang Jiexi's field of vision.

It is the lighter of the thermal missile! And the reason why there are two is that Tang Yin's combination of a frozen bomb and a frozen grenade directly turned Liu Xiaobie into an ice sculpture and then turned around and hit Xu Bin at the same time, the white flame on Wang Jiexi ignited At that time, together with Mucheng, a hot missile hit him.

Turn on those two lighters directly? But now the weapon in Wang Jiexi's hand was blocked by Ye Xiu, and he couldn't move at all.

If you want to avoid it, you must know that the thermal missile is a large-scale attack skill, and now Wang Jiexi has the seal of An Wenyi's sacred fire, so the flying ability in the passive skill's broom can't be used.

As for the rest of Tiny Herb's team members, they also wanted to help, but they couldn't help at all! As a result, the current Wang Jiexi can only watch the two lighters fall directly under his feet one after another, and then the thermal plane spewed flames, and countless missiles that penetrated the sky began to bombard Wang Jiexi's position in a large area!

boom! boom!

Two huge mushroom clouds in a row directly swallowed Wang Jiexi's body mercilessly. The other Tiny Herb team members could only watch like this, and if they were not careful, they would be blown away by the combined explosion of Tang Yin and Mu Cheng.

When the two explosions were over, the holy fire that An Wenyi put on Wang Jiexi had already expired. But even so, all the attacking characters in Xingxin's expansion had already aimed at the center of the explosion once again, and the figure that was just aggravated directly launched an attack.

Barrett Sniper Rifle!

An angry dragon pierces the heart!

Magnetic cannon!

The three characters and the skills in three directions blasted directly at Wang Jiexi who was beside Ye Xiu. That roar is called a no-brainer. You must know that Tiny Herb is not only Wang Jiexi alone, Xu Bin, Gao Yingjie, Liu Xiaobie, and many of the three will stand by and call this 666 pendant, as the main force of the championship team. City members, they have the strength corresponding to their identity. When everyone in Happy launched this wave of attacks, they also wanted everyone in Happy to kill them, even Liu Xiaobie, who had just been frozen by Tang Yin.

After all, although freezing and stun have compulsory effects comparable to grabbing skills, they also have shortcomings. The speed at which their effects are released is proportional to the speed at which the player presses the arrow keys. The hand speed of professional players is self-evident, not to mention Liu Xiaobie, who is known as the master of hand speed.

In order to support his own captain, Tang Yin killed him when he was in contact with his Barrett sniper rifle, as did the other two.

They may have been unable to stop the Xingxin people from attacking, but now they can at least interfere with them. Complete the escape. All of Tiny Herb's players firmly believed in this, and they all responded as quickly as possible.

Star line! Gao Yingjie directly threw out a star card, and the star card carried this rich magic power and flew away with a golden star tail.

roar! Xu Bin's loneliness roared and unleashed the knight group taunting skill.

Liu Xiaobie directly took a few sword shadow steps, trying to interfere with Happy's attack.

Xu Bin even used it directly, roaring with his group ridicule skills, as long as the target was Tang Yin.

Even Lu Baiqing's Cordyceps sinensis started singing hypnotism when he ignored him.

Now is to see the most skills faster.

Gao Yingjie, who wanted to rescue the most, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com His star line was already among everyone in Happy, but he had nothing to do with the magnetic cannon that was already like Mucheng, and the Barrett sniper rifle of Tang Yin. The effect is because when Gao Yingjie's attack arrives, their attacks have already been fired, and even the shaking that occurs will not affect the skills.

In the end, only Tang Rou's figure was distorted, but Tang Rou still controlled the weapon in her hand and blasted at Wang Jiexi.

Tang Yin's side, even Liu Xiaobie, was already too late. Tang Yin's sniping was always instant, and it might give them a chance to interrupt.

As for Ye Xiu, it was very simple, he directly opened the umbrella shield, completely unaffected!


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