Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1448: Professional game, professional attitude...


The explosion of the energy-storage artillery and the quantum bomb was extremely terrifying. The huge explosion sound was covered up in an instant. The two mixed explosions intertwined, forming a huge mushroom cloud, wrapping Wang Jiexi in it. This time, Wang Jiexi finally It was impossible to avoid it.

For everyone in Happy, who directly ignored the others in Tiny Herb and focused exclusively on Wang Jiexi's play style, is indeed not the norm in professional games, because the drawbacks of such tactics are too obvious, and Happy finally paid for their tactics. the due price. That is, after Xu Bin and the others found out that they had been completely ignored by the other party, they directly launched a counterattack against Happy while everyone in Happy was besieging Wang Jiexi.

Even when they were attacked by them, they still didn't pay much attention to the people in Happy, and they abruptly recovered a lot of the damage that Happy had hit on Wang Jiexi's body.

"Xingxin's style of play is a bit too clumsy, isn't it? They already have an advantage, why are they still biting Wang Jiexi? Would rather suffer losses and exchange blood, but also attack Wang Jiexi? Is it worth it?" Pan Sen said with some confusion.

At first, Tiny Herb didn't have a clear idea of ​​Happy's play style, and after a series of losses, Happy's play style went very smoothly. But thinking that Wang Jiexi concentrated on dodging, stalling, and attracting firepower, his teammates were attacking everyone at Happy. But even in the face of such an unequal call, Happy still stubbornly prioritized attacking Wang Jiexi, even at the cost of more HP.

After a short period of exchange, everyone in Happy had forcibly lost all the advantages they had previously achieved.

"Hahaha, I'll just say it. If you want to forcefully take away the opponent's core players, how can such a thing be possible. Happy is too naive too." Ruan Cheng laughed at this moment. I'm so happy, I completely forgot all the facts of being slapped in the face before.

"Happy's style of play today is indeed very tough." Li Yibo nodded slightly and said.

"Hehehe, where is this toughness? If the previous style of play can still be described as toughness, the current Happy is just being reckless." Ruan Cheng turned upside down on Happy, and his spirits were not generally sufficient. The brain, which had been silent, began to work again at this moment.

"Furthermore, the coordination between Happy's Tang Yin and Ye Xiu today is much less than before, and instead, the coordination with other players has increased," Pan Sen said.

"This should be Happy's pre-match deployment, not only to highlight Ye Xiu, but now to maximize the team's output, this is Happy's attack deployment," Li Yibo said.

"Attack deployment? Just the current Happy? What is the purpose of their attack deployment?" Ruan Cheng laughed disdainfully.

"At all costs, defeat Tiny Herb Captain Wang Jiexi in a limited way," Li Yibo said.

"Haha." Hearing Li Yibo's words, Ruan Cheng laughed even more. "Has Xingxin not figured out what game they're playing? It's a team game now, and defeating one opponent doesn't mean you've won the game. Even if that person is so hard-core, according to Happy's current play. I'm really curious how many players are still on the court after they complete their so-called "attack deployment"." Ruan Cheng's tone became more and more disdainful, as if he had already seen the end.

But the current Happy gave people a sense of how many people they would have left in the end, which was completely beyond their consideration.

Attack, attack, keep attacking. It can be said that as long as it doesn't affect their attack on Wang Jiexi, they can do everything else at fifty, even if Tiny Herb and the others are facing them for a burst of output, as long as the opponent's attack does not affect their attack rhythm, they can even hide. Much less. Even if some of them are already in danger.

Fulong soars to the sky!

Hurricane Cannon!

Hurricane Cannon: Gunner's level 75 skill, when the projectile is fired, a hurricane is rolled up, with strong light and shadow and thick smoke after the explosion.

And this skill was the last blow of Mucheng and Tang Rou respectively! Gu Nao

The huge dragon-shaped phantom directly penetrated Wang Jiexi, and then a hurricane swept through Wang Jiexi. Directly enveloped him, in the hurricane, the angry dragon roared. In the end, the explosion that was so strong that the players closed their eyes announced the fall of Wang Jiexi.

The densely intertwined sword nets also covered Mucheng. She even cut out countless sword marks, but Mucheng didn't care about the loss of her life force. When she finally turned the camera, she saw that Xu Bin's knight sword had also slashed at Tang Rou's body, and Tang Rou's fighting qi magic had also dissipated in an instant.

But now she couldn't give Tang Rou any support, because her perspective began to fall uncontrollably. But from the perspective of the fall, you can just see Wang Jiexi falling in the sky and gradually dissipating. They did it!

At this moment, everyone who saw this game was surprised, they didn't expect it. Forcibly killing the opponent's core, since it was really done by Happy.

In the end, under the huge explosion of Fulong Xiangtian and the Hurricane Cannon, Wang Jiexi's last HP was completely emptied. The power was so great that even the priest who had been focusing on treating his own captain couldn't handle it, and even Wang Jiexi fell completely in the sky under the care of the burst of firepower.

But in order to defeat Wang Jiexi, Happy also paid a huge price.

After Cold Mist Soft and Dancing Rain and Orange Wind attacked at the same time, the two women's blood was crushed by Tiny Herb's team members, and they were completely emptied by the strong counterattack during this period.

At the same time, three characters were killed at the same time, even if the professional alliance has a history of ten years, such a situation is still very rare.

And this was really an extremely tragic exchange, so tragic that the eyes of the audience changed so much that the three people in the commentary room couldn't even speak for a while.

Bang bang bang bang!

Several shots were fired.

At this moment when everyone was surprised, even the players on the field paused, or when the rhythm slowed down, two attacks were still frequent.

No matter how tragic the situation was, they didn't let the two analyze it at all, as if they couldn't see the three people who fell down, the attack in their hands had already been turned to the next target.

"Ahhh, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com I'm going to kill these two guys. Are they the boyfriends of Xiao Tang and Mucheng! Ahhh, Tao Xuan, you want to take me and kill them!" Chen Guo felt angry when she saw such a scene.

"The boss is calm, professional game, professional attitude..."


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