Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1449: Tiny Herb's Fighting Intent

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In other words, Chen Guo was mostly in the mood to complain. Now it was a match, and she didn't talk about everything. She knew exactly how to do it right. The main reason is that these two guys usually have an inexplicable tacit understanding, and now they are so tacit understanding that even ignoring their own girlfriends, could this not make her complain? No wonder Tang Rou and Mu Cheng regarded Ye Xiu and Tang Yin as their biggest enemies.

However, compared to Chen Guo's depression, Tang Rou and Mu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. After all, their goal was achieved, and the loss was within their original expectations. Looking at the resolute and serious look of the lover beside him, he was inexplicably relaxed for a while.

"Leave the rest to us." Tang Yin and Ye Xiu said whether they felt that their daughter-in-law was looking at him.

"Well, I know." Tang Rou's Mucheng smiled slightly, but her eyes didn't move. Yifan, who had just started loading, felt inexplicably that he had been stuffed with dog food, but he had no proof.

During the match, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's firepower turned to Gao Yingjie immediately.

Before Wei Chen's treatment, Mucheng and Tang Yin took turns taking care of him, so that he could not provide treatment to Wang Jiexi at any time, and their own treatment was not much better, being chased by Gao Yingjie everywhere.

But now, Brother Jing had finished killing Wang Jiexi, and even when Tang Rou and Mucheng hit the final blow, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's firepower had already shifted, Tang Yin's firepower was covering, and Ye Xiu quickly went up. In the blink of an eye, Lord Grim had already killed Gao Yingjie's side. But this was Gao Yingjie, but he didn't come out completely when the captain was killed. The operation was obviously a beat slower, and Tang Yin slapped him directly against the wall.

It was Ye Xiu's attack that everyone reacted to, what happened now.

Wang Jiexi, Captain Tiny Herb, the operator of Wang Bu Liuxing. Known as a magician, the most sturdy part of Tiny Herb's core was just killed by Happy just now.

At this moment, almost the entire audience was in a radical state.

No one cares about the metric like Xingxin's two-for-one exchange now, all Wei Chen fans have noticed is one thing: their captain Wang Jiexi, since Wang Bu Liuxing has left the stage early!

What's next?

This is the first question that pops up in everyone's mind, not in a professional player's team. When Wang Jiexi left the stage, they actually started to feel a little overwhelmed.

no way. Before that, Wang Jiexi had never played before them. They were accustomed to Wang Jiexi's presence, leading them Naxi to win one by one and win one championship after another. Year after year, season after season. A game after a game.

Since the fourth season of the professional league, Wang Jiexi has been the captain of Tiny Herb. Then, under the leadership of Wang Jiexi, Tiny Herb has gone through 398 games in the regular season, playoffs, commercial games, friendly games, exhibition games, etc. . And Wang Jiexi did not miss any of these 398 games.

It's like he's leading the team at all times.

No matter when, as long as everyone sees him still standing on the field, everyone will feel at ease.

But they could not have imagined that this captain, who had not fallen before them, was killed by the opponent this time since he took one step towards them.

Tiny Herb has been competing for so many years, and it's not like no team has tried this style of play, but in Tiny Herb's memory, no one has ever been able to succeed.

But now what? This thing that hasn't happened for so many years, suddenly happened in their home court today, and it happened so suddenly, and it's only a brand new team that has just entered the league and... .

"The game is not over yet!"

At this moment, a message appeared in Tiny Herb's team channel. The message was sudden, but timely.

And the person who said this at this time was Gao Yingjie, the rookie of Tiny Herb, whom Tiny Herb wanted to respond the most. He was completely awake after being knocked into the air by Ye Xiu, and now it was only the captain who was beaten by the opponent, but the game was far from over.

The current situation is that although Captain Wang Jiexi was defeated by the opponent, they still had Xu Bin, himself, Liu Xiaobie, and Yuan Boqing present, plus Liang Fang, the sixth player who automatically played, there were still five people on their side.

As for Happy, this time, they directly killed the two players. Even though Yifan, who was the sixth player, automatically played, but now they were after Ye Xiu, Tang Yin, and An Wenyi.

That is to say, even if the captain is not there now, they still have a numerical advantage. How can they be dazed when they have such an advantage?

Compared to them, although Happy was at a disadvantage, they were obviously more successful. The first time he rescued his own data, he joined the treatment. On the way, Tang Yin not only supported Ye Xiu to get close to him, but also wanted to explode firepower to cover them with a wave of firepower.

You must know that it is four-on-three now, and the advantage is obviously on their side.

Gao Yingjie kept telling himself this, but soon he ran into problems again. With such an advantage, what are they going to do next?

He had just finished telling himself Gao Yingjie, but at this moment he asked himself again.

Is there some deployment to be done now, but how? What is the next tactical focus?

Gao Yingjie knew very well what the team expected from him, and he also knew very well that the captain wanted him to grow into someone who could bear Tiny Herb's future. And he really has been working hard for it.

But when such a moment came to him so suddenly, and he was obviously not ready. This is what makes Gao Yingjie feel at a loss for a while now. So he posted on the team channel: "The game is not over yet!" After that, Gao Yingjie didn't know what to say or what to do next.

Can't go on like this! Absolutely not!

In this situation, even an ordinary Tiny Herb teammate above him should not feel confused, and he must do something now.

Yingjie, you have to shoulder Tiny Herb's future!

When he was in the All-Star Game, what Duchang said to him still echoed clearly in his ears, but what about his own performance? Not only did he not shoulder any heavy responsibilities, he didn't even know what an ordinary teammate like Tiny Herb should do now.

"After Wang Jiexi was killed, it really affected Tiny Herb's morale." Now even Pan Sen has seen the gaffe of Tiny Herb players. After Wang Jiexi fell, this team completely lost the game. direction......


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