Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1459: Luo Ji's Habits

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However, although Luo Ji was no longer the rookie he used to be, he still had a very clear understanding of his own strength. After all, he can do a perfect data model for the rest of the team, not to mention himself. As for the current Happy, even Wei Chen didn't have a chance to play. Given his current strength, he felt that he should put some distance away. And as long as he continues to do this on the sidelines, after letting him hone for a year and a half, he feels that he can also win the opportunity to play.

This was his original plan for himself. That's right, Luo Ji hadn't considered that he would play this season, even though he didn't stop for a day with the team match-related cooperation and basic training. But because of the academic relationship, after all, there is not as much time as everyone else. So he is not in a hurry.

But now what? When this regular season was about to end, the two captains Tang Yin and Ye Xiu suddenly told him that he was going to play in the next game, and it would be impossible for him to fix it.

"Well, so if you want to play in the ring match, it's still an individual match. I recommend you to play in the ring match. Anyway, you don't need to have any psychological burdens because you have a small silver pocket." Ye Xiu said.

Tang Yin: "..." Tang Yin glanced at Ye Xiu, who had increased his workload, but didn't say much. The current Luo Ji really needs to be contacted. After all, the single-player competition is fighting alone, and the training effect for the players is of course better. But Luo Ji's situation was special after all, so if someone came to the bottom of his game, he would feel more at ease, and then proceed step by step, then let him play in the individual competition and the final team competition.

But it all depends on Luo Ji's own choice, so Tang Yin didn't say much.

"I I I I I..." Luo Ji, who had the video screen on, didn't know what to say for a while. This opportunity to appear is too sudden, and I directly let myself choose the game to play. This... Is this some small reward or encouragement for myself in this game?

"Don't be nervous, there are only eleven rounds before the playoffs. Lao Ye and I have observed your training and data analysis during this period. We think it's time for you to start accumulating practical experience."

Seeing Luo Ji's nervous appearance, Tang Yin said that he believed that Luo Ji, as a special recruit of an institution of higher learning, could definitely beat them in terms of IQ. Therefore, the meaning of the direct words should be analyzed by him soon.

After all, from their point of view, the regular season is still eleven years away. If they have an absolute advantage in points, just like Samsara now, they can of course let the newcomers contact them in the next game. After all, this is also how most teams train rookies. After all, some games at the end of the season that will not affect the ending can allow rookies to practice a lot.

And now their fourth-place results are not high, but they are not low. Just grasp the general direction and don't fall to seventh place.

As for the eighth place, after all, according to the playoff system. The opponent in the eighth place is the Samsara team in the first place, which is not a good result. After all, the power of reincarnation is here. It's not a good thing to meet them too early, unless there is a time when there is no way to avoid it, such as the finals, when you can give full play to your strength by letting go.

After all, every game now is a growth for everyone at Happy.

Right now, his Happy Talent rookie training opportunities are still very limited. At this time, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu chose to let him play.

And when Tang Yin said "it's time for you to start accumulating practical experience", does it mean that he can play a role in the arena, and that the eleventh round is about to end, does this mean that they want them to be in the season Playing in the playoffs?

Thinking of this, even Luo Ji, who was clearly still sitting on the stool, felt a little weak for a while.

After all, the idea is too scary. He wants him to accumulate some experience in the next eleven rounds, and then this is directly in that cruel place, where a small failure may ruin the whole team's efforts for a year. Play a role?

"This...arrangement...is it really okay?" Luo Ji felt nervous in his heart, but he didn't say it after all. Instead, he asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

"It's alright, haven't you been working hard every day? And after working so hard for so long, it's time to get on the field and feel it." Ye Xiu said.

"But my strength..." Luo Ji was still hesitant.

"Now your strength has reached the point where you need competition and actual combat to continue to improve. And the problems in your current style of play and tactics, the actual combat will also tell you how to choose directly. And this kind of combat awareness is You need to develop it yourself in the game. We have no meaning or feeling to tell you." Tang Yin also said.

"Then you guys talk about it first, at least I can pay attention." Luo Ji said.

"Don't pay too much attention to the details." Ye Xiu said.

"Captain, just say it directly, I can already recognize it and correct it." Luo Ji was a little anxious.

"Luo Ji calm down, Lao Ye just said it." Tang Yin shook his head helplessly.

"Ah? Is it a simple cloth cover that cares about the details?" Luo Ji was taken aback by Tang Yin's reminder, but he quickly reacted.

"That's right, you don't feel anything anymore?" Ye Xiu said with a shrug.

This is because Luo Ji stopped talking, this is a **** fact. Now he has not realized anything from the guidance of Ye Xiu and Tang Yin.

"Or, you pay attention to the details that you need to pay attention to." This is what Tang Yin added.

"Is this the trade-off you just mentioned?" Luo Ji's IQ is here after all, and he quickly knew what Tang Yin was talking about.

"That's right!" Ye Xiu nodded.

"I'll pay attention..." Luo Ji nodded and said.

He also realized now that if UU Reading www.uukanshu.com wants to reach the level that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu said, he really can only rely on actual combat to develop such a consciousness.

Then Luo Ji thought about his current situation and often paid attention to various details, no matter whether they were important or not. This is indeed his habitual style, and it is precisely because of this style that he makes such a detailed fool's strategy.

It's just that compared to dungeons, there are too many changes in the PK field, and there are naturally many customers. In addition, the summoner itself has more complicated operation methods and his habit of paying attention to various details, which causes him to play frequently. 's in a hurry.


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