Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1460: cosmic sociology? What it is?

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And the details of this are exactly what Tang Yin and Ye Xiu hoped he could master, what details should be ignored and what details should be paid attention to. Only in this way can you fully express your own value, and it is also the most likely way to defeat your opponent.

Sometimes as long as you can charge and use some details, you can defeat your opponent. And if Luo Ji had done this a pity, then he wouldn't be in such a rush to greet the beast.

Luo Ji himself is very clear about these, he knows what kind of hand speed master he has always competed in, and he has not manipulated a group of summoned beasts like an arm in such a complicated situation.

The trade-offs mentioned by his two captains are indeed the total skills he needs to master the most at this stage, and one of the two captains saw that he had come this far, so they began to arrange for him to conduct some actual combat and hone them through them. Own.

But...there are only eleven rounds left to finish.

Even if he played in every next game, the actual combat gave him some opportunities for teamfights. But can these improvements really be useful in the final playoffs?

And what Luo Ji was most worried about right now was that he really had no confidence in himself. In fact, not only him, but even Chen Guo felt that it might be too fast.

"Does Luo Ji really have a problem?" At the end of the meeting, Chen Chenguo asked Tang Yin still a little worried.

"Don't worry, don't forget that his IQ is very high. As long as he doesn't study the sociology of the universe, nothing big will happen." Tang Yin said.

"The sociology of the universe? What is that?" Chen Guo was dumbfounded when she heard Tang Yin's words.

"Uh...don't care about these details, trust Luo Ji, he will become his own wallbreaker." Tang Yin said very profoundly. Then Chen Guo punched him in the head.

No way, this guy Tang Yin is really bad. I used to have something to say directly, but now I'm starting to play dumb. Then Chen Guo also slapped Ye Xiu who was passing by. After all, it is this guy's fault that his younger brother will become like this.

Ye Xiu passing by: "..."

——Long time no see dividing line——

Luo Ji was still a relatively cautious player, and chose to compete in the 28th round of the individual competition. After all, he was still worried that he would drag down the team. Now that his opponents are getting stronger and stronger, he was worried that Tang Yin would be unable to hold back because of him. After all, there are two points in the ring competition, and one point in the individual competition. As for the team competition, he was really relieved when he knew that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu had no plans to bring him to the team competition this time.

After all, there were five points in the team competition. If everyone failed because of his own reasons, Luo Ji really couldn't forgive himself.

And Luo Ji's attitude made everyone in Xingsuxian sigh very much. Among them, players like Zhang Jiale, Mucheng, Ye Xiu, who had a lot of careers, were more emotional.

The reason is very simple, because the current professional players are not looking forward to having more performance opportunities, and how many people will drag down the team's performance because they are worried about their limited strength, and do not actively want to play?

"What an honest child..." Chen Guo sighed when she saw Luo Ji's search. After all, she was hanging out with Tao Xuan every day. Even if she had no experience with these things, the gossip she heard from Tao Xuan alone was enough There are already too many. At the same time, he also knew how scarce resources were for someone as kind as Luo Ji. This is true even among rookies.

Soon the twenty-eighth round will officially begin.

The match between Wind Howl and 301 is also just beginning, and their match is undoubtedly the one that everyone pays the most attention to. And the live TV broadcast this time was not unexpectedly given to them. After all, the competition is now approaching the end of the regular season, and many teams have lost sight of it. And now the competition that everyone is most concerned about is undoubtedly the eighth place. After all, this part is the most competitive place during this period of time.

And now, in a game where the points of the two sides are resolved like this, both sides will definitely do their best, and such a game will certainly be very exciting.

This time Wu Howl played at home, and the first player to play in the individual competition was Tang Hao.

In the previous eighteenth round, Tang Hao had also started the game, but the purpose at that time was to try to snipe Ye Xiu's winning streak. Hope to rely on a strong victory to enhance the running momentum. In the end, he was beaten back by Ye Xiu, and they were beaten 10 to 0 by the other side.

Now that ten rounds have passed, facing this may be the most crucial game for them this season, Tang Hao must stand up again, and play the momentum for the team in the same position.

From some perspectives, the results of the Wind Howl under his leadership were indeed somewhat unsatisfactory, but even so, Tang Hao still had the courage and confidence to continue to lead the Wind Howl to victory.

And the meaning of starting the game again is also obvious, that is, we must win by ourselves and leave no way out. Because if he loses, it will be a huge blow to morale. In particular, he has failed once before, and this time the solution cannot repeat the same mistakes. Because that would only have a bigger impact on morale. He will also face a lot of ridicule personally.

But even if he knew the ending of failure, he was still fearless. In such a competition, he still dared to bear such pressure and continued to stand first on the stage.

However, he was fearless. In such a crucial game, he took up the pressure and stood on the stage for the first time.

Coincidentally, the captain of 301 was also their captain, but in terms of his core position in the team, the current Yang Cong was different.

The current 301 style of play, UU reading www. After uukanshu.com has been tested by the professional league during this period, Bai Shu's status in 301 has been significantly improved.

Now 301, whether it is attacking or defending, the two tactical changes are guided by him, and Yang Congzhu is in a free position, which is also the team's trust in him as the captain. Allow him to rely on his own consciousness and experience to make decisions on the spot, and Yang Cong has indeed lived up to the team's trust in him. He is the most eye-catching player in 301 in the second half of the season.

It can be said that if 301 did not have him, Bai Shu, a foreign monk alone, would not be able to bring 301 to the current level.


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