Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1462: Experience the first battle of Luo Ji again

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Yang Cong himself is a very meticulous player, and now that he has found an opportunity, he has already escaped Tang San's attacking suppression in just two steps.

Next... is it my turn?

Several pieces of Dazzling Shadows in Yang Cong's hands turned into countless sword shadows, and two sharp swords attacked Tang Hao one after another.

And Yang Cong's operation perfectly explains what is called the alliance. There are two kinds of assassins, one is called Yang Cong, and the other is called other assassins!

Whether it was Yang Cong or Tang Hao, they all played another style of play in their profession, and this match was even more enthusiastic and vigorous. In this battle, Yang Cong even abandoned all the worries in his heart for many years, and used his favorite way to be the captain.

But the game will have an end, and the end of the game will eventually have a winner.

And this time the loser is Yang Cong.

"Tsk tsk... It's a pity..." Yang Cong scratched his head with a sigh.

It's been a long time since I've played so arrogantly, and the style of play is really unfamiliar. But although he lost this game, he himself enjoyed the feeling of free play. This was something he couldn't enjoy when he had the captaincy before. But now he is a pity that if he wants to play the one-hit assassin, he will go to the one-hit assassin. If he doesn't want to play, he can directly use his favorite strong attack method.

Just like this battle, while he was very passionate with Tang Hao, he was also looking for opportunities to see if he could kill with one hit.

What has not changed is his pursuit of victory, what has changed is to enjoy the game more.

The only pity is that this game may be lost with a small amount of blood in the end. But this is normal, after all, who can be sure that they will win?

Since becoming the captain of 301, Yang Cong has to be very cautious in every game, and he can't pull down a single one from the way he plays. But now, he can leave these behind and play the game more freely and freely, and the final combination is not that bad. After all, although he lost this time, who knows the next time?

Although Yang Cong lost this match, he was very satisfied.

"What a pity, Captain..." Yang Cong, who returned to the team, was quickly surrounded by 301's teammates. For a while, everyone talked about the excitement and regret of winning this game. Although Yang Cong lost this game, they did not feel discouraged at all. This is how Yang Cong felt this game to them.

"Continue to cheer!" It is precisely because of this that Yang Cong can still encourage other teammates very openly.

"Understood!" Everyone in 301 got up and responded, and the players in the next match had already appeared.

At the same time, at the professional league scene in another city, Luo Ji was now standing up from his position tremblingly.

Although it is not the first time that he has been in this position, as the first battle in the true sense of his career, Luo Ji at this moment is still very close to melee combat. Even if he is surprised that he has been on the stage in the Challenger Tournament, it is still useless. There is a feeling of exaggerating the tension a hundred times when I played offline for the first time.

"Don't be nervous, it's the same as when it's time to play the challenge." Ye Xiu, who once again extended his winning streak, said to Luo Ji.

"Hmm..." Luo Ji nodded stiffly, and Tang Yin, who was beside the word um, could hear at least three changes.

"Don't worry about Luo Ji so much, your opponent this time is just like you, a rookie this season." Tang Yin said.

"But it's not the first time he's played..." Luo Ji, who saw the truth directly, said he was not comforted at all.

"You said that, don't pay attention to these details." Tang Yin was a little embarrassed after being told.

"..." Although Tang Yin said it out of embarrassment, this Dao Luo Ji has become a pun here, and his high IQ has begun to grasp the deep meaning...

In this match, Happy faced the Magic Team for the second time.

They played in the first half of the regular season, but that time on the road. But even so, Happy still won a ten to zero. It was also their crazy grabbing of points during that period of time.

Compared to Happy's season journey, Team Magic has stumbled along the way. Fortunately, the results have gradually become stable after that, and now it is already the thirteenth place in the ranking, with a total score of 110 points. And such rankings and points are very good among the previous rookie teams.

In their team, there are also a large number of newcomers who have just debuted this season. And now they are about to meet a player who made his debut after twenty-eight rounds of this league.

Happy Summoner, Luo Ji. Use character id: ignorant.

Although Luo Ji has never been on the stage, Luo Ji's summoner's equipment is not bad at all. After all, Tang Yin's lucky version of Yinwu won the template. Although Luo Ji's equipment was finalized, it also formed a set of silver and silver equipment.

This kind of equipment is definitely the envy of everyone in Glory. After all, only the Happy family team has completed the silver equipment coverage of all members.

In contrast, after Team Magic had accepted three Excellent Era members, this expense was obviously not small for them, otherwise, there would not be an end like 500,000. And such a team also has a large package of hairdressing and hairdressing before the development and distribution of equipment. In terms of team equipment development, the top priority will always be He Ming, Shen Jian, and Wang Ze, the three players who were recruited from Excellent Era.

After all, they are the core main force of the current magical team, and the equipment will naturally have priority. After them is the newcomer they are most concerned about, Guo Shao. Now that the game has arrived, they have already developed it, and the development is almost the same. But compared to Happy, it was still far behind.

And Luo Ji's player is such a poor guy. Although he is also the main player in Team Magic, the equipment the team gives them is very limited. And this player's name is Jia Xing, the character battle mage Aotian Doufa.

Although it is said that Team Magic has completely copied the previous Excellent Era in the selection of main players, it is completely different in terms of play style and architecture. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

After all, players like He Ming were only the sixth player of Excellent Era at the beginning, and two players like Shen Jian and Wang Ze were only rotating players. But now they are the absolute core of the Magic Team. On the contrary, Battle Mage, Gunnery, and Magic Swordsman, the core professions in Excellent Era's style of play, now revolve around them.

Jia Xing is one of such players. Although his Battle Mage ID is very arrogant, in terms of his personal skills, he really has no arrogant capital.


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(End of this chapter)

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