Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1463: Luo Ji's Pro Tournament Opener

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The Magic Team has only received limited attention. Otherwise, if they can achieve the same achievements as Happy, it is estimated that many people in the team will face the public opinion of "whether they have professional standards" like An Wenyi. middle.

Jia Xing is also one of the main players in the magical team, and his level is still good, but his performance in the game is a little cautious. Like what he imagines as a fighting god, he has absolutely powerful strength. He can only dare to Think about it in a dream.

After all, as a professional rookie who just debuted, Jia Xing played on thin ice in every game. And a rookie like him also has an advantage in this new pair, which is having more appearances and training opportunities than on other teams.

In the past half of the season, he has grown a lot, and his performance in the Magic Team has also been well received. Although these praises are not particularly many, they still make Jia Xing's heart a little uneasy. After all, those professional players are willing to serve as a background board in obscurity? And the Battle Mage player didn't want to have the same expressiveness and strength as the God of War.

If Jia Xing had only some simple fantasies about these before, then some expectations have risen in his heart now.

And today, in the second world where he once again represented the land in the individual competition, seeing such an unfamiliar name appearing on the electronic screen, his heart skipped a beat.

Luo Ji? Who is this guy?

You must know that the attention that Happy has received is quite high right now, even to the extent that they, who are also new teams, are envious, but in such a team, they have never seen this player named Luo Ji. Appearance.

But think about it, it is true, after all, no matter how much attention the team receives, it is also concentrated on those players who appear on the field. And now Luo Ji is like Tiny Herb's side, although the team is very famous, no one will pay attention to their drinking fountains. After all, none of them had a chance to perform, let alone a chance to play. Without these opportunities, how could the outside world know your strength. At most, when I saw it on the player roster, I sighed, since there is still one person in this team.

After all, one reason is that the general team is not willing to play, and that is because the opponent's level is not enough. There is absolutely no possibility of using it as a secret weapon. After all, this is a serious professional league, how could there be such unserious gameplay.

As a rookie, I met a rookie who was also debuting for the first time. Jia Xing felt a little bit of discovering the new world for a while. After all, he was also someone who had experienced it from this time. He knew very well how nervous he would be when he first played. It took him many rounds of games to get used to this feeling, and he can still recall his feelings at that time.

And under such a mentality, he is also very clear about how much influence it has on technology.

For a time, an inexplicable sense of superiority emerged spontaneously. At this moment, Luo Ji, in his eyes, had finally gotten a chance to play. He must be a nervous newcomer now.

I finally met an opponent who could bully even me!

Jia Xing was very happy at this moment.

After all, this is the seven rounds of the game, so I won't say much about winning the giants. Even in the face of the two bottom teams like Mingqing and Linhai, who have already been eliminated, there are many rookies like Jia Xing who can despise them. On the contrary, he needs enough public lessons every time, and then goes all out to win.

And now I finally have such an opportunity, with the other party around, I can happily show off my strength.

Luo Ji?

Ha ha ha ha. You are really my lucky star!

Now Jia Xing can't wait, some trot into the competition seat, directly swipe the card to log in, and do it in one go. As the two sides are loaded, the countdown begins. As soon as the game started, he charged directly, and controlled the character to kill Luo Ji.

Compared to Jia Xing, who was already impatient for the battle, Luo Ji was still taking a deep breath. Up to now, the tension and fear in his Xinzhong have not completely disappeared, and even now he still feels a little hot in his body, and his hands and feet are a little numb...


After taking three deep breaths again, Luo Ji moved towards his ignorance and left the initial refresh point.

This time, it was Happy's appearance, so the map was naturally chosen by Happy and the others, and as a direct debut, Luo Ji didn't take any slights. Of course, the map I chose was also the most convenient duel map in my usual training.

When he walked out of the refresh point, the familiar scene around him gave him some peace of mind, and even his nervous mood calmed down a little.

This should be the so-called home field advantage that the vice team said? Really useful! Luo Ji looked at the scenery around him and thought, but he was already manipulating the character to act according to his original idea.

After all, after knowing that in this round of competition, he will also play. Luo Ji just made up his mind about how many general game images and play tactics he didn't know. Even last night he fell asleep very late. The result is this, the only one who woke up early this morning was too excited.

Luckily, although he had less time to sleep, there was no tired look on his face. Of course, it didn't rule out that Luo Ji was so nervous now that he forgot whether he was directly tired.

"It's fine to be normal."

"Competition is no different from normal training."


Some consolation words from his teammates to help him relieve some tension flashed in his mind. It's just that in terms of results, the effect is zero....

Everyone is probably just trying to comfort themselves with a few words of comfort, after all, no one expects those few words of comfort to relieve Luo Ji's nervousness. In the end, it was Tang Yin and Ye Xiu who told him more honestly, and had a good experience of the game.

The feeling of the game...does that include nervousness?

Luo Ji repeatedly manipulated the character in his hand and said, UU reading www. uukanshu.com suddenly became smart, is he a little too focused now? He quickly shook his head and adjusted his status. So that it is possible to focus on the game and the road ahead.

Jia Xing, who had already reached the middle of the map, looked around and found no one.

Since this guy can still play tactics? Jia Xing smiled when he saw such a scene. He didn't think a new recruit could play any decent tactics.


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