Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1464: Sneak attack and counter attack

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Jia Xing didn't care about the tactics the opponent might use. He originally wanted to wait for the opponent to appear, but then he thought, if he took the initiative to attack, would he appear more domineering?

Thinking of this, Jia Xing began to control the character to walk around, looking for the figure of the other party's character.

I rely on!

Seeing that the other party suddenly moved around, Luo Ji, who was hiding beside him, lowered his heartbeat like the speed of his hands. There was no way. Originally, the jellyfish on Luo Ji's side was carefully manipulating his own ignorant movement, avoiding the other side's perspective. As a result, now the other party suddenly moved, and with this change of perspective, wouldn't that scare Luo Ji enough?

Luo Ji left and began to avoid the other party's sight, then secretly wondered whether the other party would see him just now.

If you are really prepared for the other party to see...

Thinking of this, Luo Ji immediately started his magic singing for the sake of safety, and summoned a flower of the demon world directly beside him, but he still felt that it was not safe enough and added another ice wolf.

The attack of the ice wolf belongs to the physics department, and it has some ice attribute magic skills, which can slow down or even freeze. Under the command of Luo Ji, the ice wolf that had just been summoned was quietly afraid of being caught in the flower of the Demon Realm. Seeing such an obedient summoned beast, Luo Ji couldn't help laughing and said, if only their Pang Da could be so obedient.

And since Luo Ji still had time to think about Fat Da, he could imagine that he was somewhat more at ease now.

But after a short period of time, the opponent still did not appear in his field of vision again.

Did the other party not see it just now?

When he was frightened by the other party just now, Luo Ji didn't want him to be discovered by the other party so quickly. He had probably already finished the equipment work here, and he was a little disappointed because the other party didn't show up.

But did Jia Xing really not find Luo Ji?

The Happy fans at the scene had already raised their hearts for a while.

Because Jia Xing had already seen Luo Ji, and he could see where the other party was hiding, but he was also a lot of stupid guys, although he didn't like Luo Ji very much. But looking at the look of the other party's dodging, it is also very clear that the other party has discovered him. If you really kill it now, what if God knows if the other party will make any traps?

If there is a transfer in the past and love, and this love is still in a group as a unit, who will receive it?

What if the other party asks him whether he wants to fight one-on-one or fight in a group? After all, a duel is when he singles out a group of opponents, and a group fight is when a group of opponents beat him up, so who can stand it?

So Jia Xing was a very wise player to go around, and while Luo Ji was still waiting for the other party to come over at the model shop, Jia Xing had already come around from the other side. After that, I watched Luo Ji's arrangement from the sidelines.

Sure enough, it's waiting for me here.

Seeing that the other party's actions were exactly as he expected, Jia Xing sneered.

Although the opponent's summoned beasts did not summon too many, the attack range of the flower of the devil is 360 degrees, and it has a restraining effect. Ice Wolf also has the effect of slowing down or even freezing when some skills attack the opponent. And these effects are particularly annoying. If you go up like this rashly, you may not be able to get any benefits.

After all, the opponent is also a professional player who can play the game, Jia Xing dare not take it too lightly.

Wait a minute!

Jia Xing finally made a decision, there was no way. Is there a summoned beast with a 360-degree attack range like the Flower of the Demon Realm? At this time, the meaning of sneak attacking the opponent is very limited, so Jia Xing wants to wait for the time of the Flower of the Demon Realm to expire before attacking.

He didn't believe that Luo Ji would keep summoning the Flower of the Demon World to protect himself. After all, summoning skills cost more mana. It's not particularly necessary what meaningless consumption everyone will do.

After adjusting his position a little, he stared at the flower of ink blots, just waiting for the moment he disappeared.

But while Jia Xing was still waiting carefully, a cat meow appeared beside him. However, this cat meow is not the kind of sound that a kitten makes when she is coquettish, but a roar full of aggressive and threatening.


Jia Xing, who heard this voice, immediately realized that something was wrong. At this time, a black cat also flew directly over. Withdrawing his face, you must know that he is still squatting now, and this action can no longer be lowered, so he can only operate the character to roll, and the civet cat is also extremely flexible, and it is abruptly completed a turn in the air. , and then the little paw waved to Jia Xing's face. Pull out three bloodstains directly.

The audience who saw this scene were all in shock. After all, they didn't find out when Luo Ji was a civet cat. And just a moment ago, they were still worried that Luo Ji would be sneak attacked by the other party. After all, the Flower of the Demon Realm has a time limit, and it is impossible to be tender all the time. Of course, what was even more curious was when Luo Ji summoned the civet cat.

What everyone didn't expect was that Luo Ji's style of play really succeeded in attacking the opponent. After all, before this, even the audience with God's perspective had no room for him to command his cat. Just so that the other party will definitely appear here, as long as the civet cat automatically attacks, you can directly pull the other party out.

After Jia Xing was hit by the cat, Luo Ji's first reaction was to get up and continue singing.

You must know that summoned beasts such as civet cats do not have the function of automatically finding targets for attack.

However, the spiritualist can set the state of the summoned beast through skills. When it is set to free attack, the summoned beast will attack the hostile target that enters the direct hatred range and its own field of vision. And because of the civet's racial setting, its hatred range is larger and sharper than other summons. But it is understandable, after all, it is a cat, and it is reasonable to be more vigilant.

And this map was specially selected by Luo Ji. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com At the same time, this map was also the one he was most familiar with among all the one-on-one maps in Glory. He had to know that a data flow like Luo Ji would perform delicate calculations on each map, and he could even remember the distance between the two trees.

And Jia Xing thought of simply relying on detours and then attacking Luo Ji, if this is the magic home, it is still possible, but in Luo Ji's selected pictures too think so, then Luo Ji is really too rookie. He underestimated Luo Ji's thoughtfulness.


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(End of this chapter)

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