Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1600: 191 days and 1 place

Chapter 1652 Chapter 1600

The powerful penetrating force of the laser cannon blasted out a gap in the earth wall where Ye Xiu was hiding before, and slid through Huang Shaotian's hair very closely. Not counted as a hit.

And the laser cannon's main penetrating damage, although it has a very strong impact, does not have the bun effect of other heavy firearms, not to mention that Ye Xiu's laser cannon is only level 1, and it can be considered a good performance if it can hit a gap. .


The key in Huang Shaotian's hand was already unsheathed, but he was not in a hurry to attack, instead he took a position and hid behind the wall.


Ye Xiu didn't stop here either, the laser cannon just finished. When he found that Huang Shaotian was hiding behind the wall, he immediately rushed out.

At this time, the audience with God's perspective discovered a very important fighter. And in order to highlight this fighter, Huang Shaotian's main perspective was directly given on the big screen.

From Huang Shaotian's main point of view, now Huang Shaotian was hiding behind an earth wall on the other side of the earth wall that Ye Xiu had been hiding from. And from this angle, he could see Ye Xiu's shadow.

And there was a precedent for Ye Xiu's silent approach in the previous match, so of course Huang Shaotian wouldn't make the same mistake. So he was careful when passing any possible bunker. And this time he guessed right.

This time, Ye Xiu still approached silently by sliding the shovel and letting go, but now his figure was captured by Huang Shaotian through his shadow.

But when the distance between the two sides was close enough, Huang Shaotian did not hesitate. He saw Huang Shaotian leap up directly, jumping over the earth wall that was more than one meter tall. The lightsaber Bingyu in his hand burst into a azure blue sword light and stabbed directly under the wall.

But at the other end of the wall, the sliding shovel directly connected to the rolling Ye Xiu, and the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella was still in the form of a gun. The black hole's muzzle was aimed directly at Huang Shaotian from the top down, and then the muzzle was full of fire, and several bullets roared out one after another.

puff puff!

The sound of bullets and blades hitting each other sounded at the same time, and no one could tell who was hit first. Lord Grim was hit by a sword in the shoulder, while Huang Shaotian, who was attacking from above the wall, was shot in the waist.

But this time, it was Ye Xiu who lost the battle. He was on the ground and was directly stopped by Huang Shaotian's sword. And this is exactly the effect of Huang Shaotian's sword.

Swordsman level 75 forced downing sword skills. Fall English!

The only pity is that Huang Shaotian, who originally wanted to take this opportunity to pursue him, couldn't continue his pursuit now, because Huang Shaotian just now had the sharpshooter's floating skill, the floating bullet.

Although Ye Xiu's floating bomb was only one level, the effect of forced floating was still there.

Huang Shaotian, who was originally in mid-air, was hit by the floating bomb and flew even higher.

But one is the swordsman's most powerful move at level 75, and the other is the initial skill of the gunslinger. The damage gap is self-evident. In this wave of skill exchanges, in terms of damage alone, one is in the sky and the other is in the bottom. After all, how can the 75th-level ultimate move be comparable to the small skill of floating bombs?

But as far as the final effect is concerned, there is no difference. One of the two characters was stubbornly fixed on the ground, and the other was beaten in the sky.

But that's just what it looks like after all.

You must know that Lord Grim is not a melee profession like Ye Yusheng, but he has a lot of long-range methods!


Ye Xiu, who was pinned to the ground by Huang Shaotian's fall, continued to attack Huang Shaotian with this spear form. At this time, seeing the guy who was nailed to the ground by Huang Shaotian's sword, he now had a very comfortable attack angle. Feel free to attack. You must know that if the position where he rolled before is not here, the output may not be so comfortable.

Another bullet flew out of the gun. After all, Huang Shaotian was only knocked away by a first-level floating bomb, and the floating distance was very limited. And such a distance is really too close for long-range occupational attacks, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is close at hand, and even the flying speed of various bullets like the gunners who are already close can be ignored.

Even though Ye Xiu was using the slowest flying speed, Huang Shaotian had no chance to dodge at this distance.


Huang Shaotian was still adjusting his body in the sky, but after all, he was too close to Ye Xiu in the sky. Ye Xiu's face was stiff but he attacked, so he didn't even have the chance to use the silver light to fall, let alone say what to do. The direction of surprise has been adjusted.

Boom boom boom.

Huang Shaotian once again heard the sound of continuous artillery fire below him, but at such a distance he didn't dodge at all, not to mention he was still under the effect of a stiff bullet. The three anti-tank guns Ye Xiu fired all exploded on Huang Shaotian. Three sparks and gunpowder exploded again in the sky.

Continuing to hit Huang Shaotian with aerial combos, at this time Ye Xiu had already passed the time for the forced final determination of Ye Xiu's attack. Ye Xiu, who successfully got up, used the Gatling gun directly. The dense bullets directly ate Australia and started to shoot Huang Shaotian in the air.

Ye Xiu planned to use this skill to directly turn Huang Shaotian who was still in the air~www.readwn.com~ so that he could use more effective skills in the next steps.

This would have succeeded if he thought about Song Xiao or Lu Hanwen, but now Ye Xiu's opponent is Huang Shaotian.

Although the Juggernaut was given to him, just like Ye Xiu's God of War, it was Huang Shaotian, who was recognized by the league as one of the top gods in the top echelon of the professional league.

But Huang Shaotian's stiffening effect on him ended. He immediately started his operation!

Silver light falls!

Without Ye Xiu's accurate perspective, Huang Shaotian forcibly fell from the sky. The target of this attack was not to hit Ye Xiu, but to evacuate. Ye Xiu hurriedly adjusted the trajectory and shooting angle, trying to test the falling speed of the bullet to make the bullet fall with silver light. In the end, after Huang Shaotian had survived to the ground, Ye Xiu's attack had caught up.

But when everyone thought that Huang Shaotian was about to be hit, Huang Shaotian turned around on the ground, and the ice rain in his hand blocked directly in front of him. It was the swordsman skill block!

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Yinwu Bingyu stood obliquely in front of Huang Shaotian, directly blocking the rain of bullets that Ye Xiu attacked. You must know that Bing Yu does not have the broad blade of the epee. On the contrary, in order to increase the attack speed, the blade of Bing Yu is actually not large. But even so, Huang Shaotian still blocked all Ye Xiu's attacks. It can be said that Huang Shaotian interprets what vision and precision are to the extreme at this moment.

But of course Ye Xiu wouldn't just shoot blindly. Since the attack from this angle was blocked, he immediately adjusted the attack angle to try to avoid the ice rain in front of Huang Shaotian. Bingyu protruded directly, and a sword light directly broke through the void and came straight to Ye Xiu.

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(End of this chapter)


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