Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1620: The name of the swordsman

Chapter 1653 The name of the Sword Saint (please subscribe, please recommend)

Headwind stab!

Seeing Ye Yusheng's annoying figure spinning in mid-air, Ye Xiu's bullet rain was avoided while he was spinning. And the ice rain in his hand had already protruded, and the figure quickly staggered past Ye Xiu's bullet rain, and the next moment, the ice rain had already slashed on Lord Grim's body.

A streak of blood splattered all over Ye Xiu's body. Driven by Huang Shaotian's sword energy, he drew a full circle in mid-air, and Ye Xiu's Gatling gun was forcibly stopped.

"Wonderful, this round of counterattacks is really wonderful, it's not bad for Huang Shaotian, who has the name of the Sword Saint!" Pan Lin shouted very emotionally, even a little desperate, but there was no way, Huang Shaotian this The first hand is really excellent. The manipulation is impeccable and handsome!

The two started from the wall between the two sides at the beginning, and then launched an offensive against each other. In just a few seconds, there were so many changes, subtle manipulations, and multiple changes between skills. All wonderful.

And since Huang Shaotian's superb swordsmanship, which directly broke through Ye Xiu's suppression, the counterattack against the headwind stab was really wonderful. Every moment is worth replaying, playing slowly and reminiscing slowly.

I remember that in the last match between Ye Xiu and Lu Hanwen, Lu Hanwen's successful counterattack was also the headwind stab, and this time Huang Shaotian regained the initiative from adversity and got the first move because of this headwind stab .

Then the gap between Lu Hanwen and Huang Shaotian was revealed. It was also a headwind to pierce the game, but Huang Shaotian's performance after that was much more exquisite and beautiful than Lu Hanwen's, and he was more experienced in the combination of sword moves.

Huang Shaotian, who slashed a blow against the wind, still didn't land directly. He saw that Huang Shaotian's legs began to bend, and the angle of his body began to adjust, and then he kicked against the earth wall behind him.

Meteor style!

The Meteor Stance is the fastest attack speed and the quickest move of the pork belly among all the skills of the swordsman. Now, with Ye Yusheng's annoying kick on the soil wall, the next moment, Huang Shaotian seems to be directly transformed into a single force. Bright blue meteor.

The ice rain in his hand exudes a faint blue sword light, and he continues to stand at the forefront of the meteor. Completely replaced Huang Shaotian with a streamer. It flashed directly onto Ye Xiu's body, and after his path, the dazzling blue light had been replaced by a red light. And this red color is the only character above the experience, Lord Grim.

"It's so handsome!" Pan Sen shouted again, the flash like a shooting star, the next moment turned into a bright red blood line, and then the scene around Ye Xiu's body was instantly confused. This scene almost made all the audience cry. . Not to mention anything else, this season is one of the top ten scenes, and it definitely has Huang Shaotian's sword.

What is this sword going to be called: the sword energy is 30,000 miles across, and the sword is light and cold on the nineteen continents. embodied incisively and vividly.

"Huang Shaotian is Huang Shaotian. This blow perfectly interprets the name of the Sword Saint." Li Yibo couldn't help but sigh at this moment. Huang Shaotian's attack was really unremarkable, and he felt shocked the moment he performed it.

This blow is the absolute pinnacle whether it is the grasp of the timing, the use of the terrain or the operation of the skill details.

And this is the strength of the top players of the Glory Professional League.

And this matchup, and this time is definitely the first matchup since the playoffs, a head-to-head matchup between the top gods of glory.

After Ye Xiu's very strong quality, Song Xiao, the key man of Blue Rain, was already a rookie player Lu Hanwen. Once again, the explosion moment that ignited the whole atmosphere.

In the previous two games, Song Xiao's style of play was very stable in the first game, while Lu Hanwen's style of play in the second game was not backing down. But they were all so powerless in front of Ye Xiu. It was as if his victory was hand-to-hand. This makes everyone feel less nervous about playing the playoffs now, as if the ending has been known from the beginning of the game.

But now it was completely different. Although Ye Xiu was already in a very bad state when Ye Xiu and Huang Shaotian faced off, even like the previous game, everyone had already expected the outcome of the next game. But when the two sides really started to fight, the high-rhythm skills exchange, and the gorgeous fighting scenes all aroused their nerves. Tell them this is the real high-end matchup of the playoffs.

It's a pity that although Huang Shaotian's action this time was very exciting, the home game this time was Happy, and the atmosphere was indeed aroused by his attack, but it was limited in the end. And the ones who would shout at this time were mainly Blue Rain fans who came to watch the game.

Of course, there are some unexpected exceptions, that is, Old Chunyi, Lan He, Li Yehan, Bi Yanfei, Mooring Boat, etc., etc., the high-level Blue Brook pavilion that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu met in the online game.

After all, it is the last stage of this season's journey, and they can also go out with the team for free. This is also some of the benefits that the club gives them to these club employees, and even includes accommodation during their stay with the team. But after all, there is a relationship with Blue River, and Huang Shaotian had promised to get their accommodation before, so Tang Yin also gave Blue River and the other acquaintances the same hotel experience coupon as Huang Shaotian and the others~www.readwn.com~ This also makes They are a little bit just now, as the saying goes, cannibalism makes people's mouth soft. You follow the team here, and Tang Yin is directly responsible for your food, drink, housing, and transportation, and how luxurious it is. Now they are a little embarrassed to see the fans around them cheering for their own team.

That is to say, Blue River was familiar with Tang Yin's character and took the lead before letting the others relax.

But this has been released, and they have the world hilarious.

"Young Master Huang!!!" Old Chun Yi directly took over the Blue Rain flag from the flag bearer, and shouted as the first president. And with Mr. Chunyi taking the lead, the momentum of Blue Rain fans has been raised to a new level.

There was no way. After all, they had all been abused by Ye Xiu in the realm of the gods, and now seeing their core successfully counterattack, they were simply too angry. Although they said that Blue Rain had doubled against Happy in the previous regular season, but under Ye Xiu and Tang Yin they didn't get a single point.

This made them very depressed, and then just now their two main players were defeated by Ye Xiu, which made them even more depressed. Could it be that this guy can't even deal with their professional players?

Fortunately, the core of their team is now shot. Although Huang Shaotian was a bit late in playing, after all, they were already two heads behind. But Ye Xiu's condition was also very bad. Originally, they were worried that there would be no chance for Huang Shaotian to perform, but Huang Shaotian's wonderful performance just now really made them very relieved.

And the thoughts in their hearts at this moment are also very unified: "See it, this is the great **** of our Blue Rain! Huang Shaotian with the name of the Sword Saint!"

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(End of this chapter)


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