Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1621: The glory of 0 contending!

Chapter 1654 The glory of a hundred schools of thought contending! (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

After all, it has been a year and a half since the brand-new ult at level 75 appeared, and it is no longer in the research and exploration stage of last season. Now all the seventy-five-level skills have been completely mastered by professional players. Even Ye Xiu has mastered the level 75 skills of all professions.

The reason for this is very simple. All Tang Yin and Ye Xiu have a set of violent output style. As for how violent, each form of Tang Yin's illusion is a level 75 skill of the gunner. The situation is even more violent, and now the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella 13 is in the form of weapons. And each form can use two skills because of Tang Yin's relationship, Ye Xiu Qiang Umbrella's twenty-six skill positions are all level seventy-five skills of a profession.

And the idea of ​​​​the two sets of play is also very simple. As long as Tang Yin successfully restrains the opponent, they can only bombard him with the seventy-fifth level. The top level to go now is level 75, which means that most of their level 75 skills for a full set of normal occupations are also level 1. It can be said that now they want to improve their skills at level 75, so players can only start with weapons. After all, there are not many people who can play skills on armor like the dragon set invented by Umbrella.

With such a combination of skills, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's style of play is quite artistic, although it has the disadvantage of being slow to move. Frozen grenades, flashbangs, etc. are used to limit the successful hit of skills. However, this is only one aspect. The reason why Tang Yin used such an extreme combination is to prepare for another style of play...

The number of level 75 skills is also different for each profession. For example, the swordsman has four level 75 big moves. They are: Falling British, Meteor, Shattering and Returning Wind. The four skills of the swordsman have become a brand new play system, which has a greater impact on the original system.

Seventy-five's big update gave more teams an opportunity to go. Among them, Happy's harvest was undoubtedly the highest among all the teams. If nothing else, in the current level seventy-five wild map boss battle, the Happy Guild's winning rate, led by various professional-level players, was simply too high.

Among them, Ye Xiu is still the most researched. After all, it is because of the needs of Tang Yin's style of play. Ye Xiu needed to be thoroughly proficient in all level 75 skills, even though Ye Xiu was called a Glory textbook before that. He is an absolute master of all occupations, and he is absolutely impeccable in terms of mastery of major occupations.

But after the 75th level update, he was also the most affected. After all, other people only need to use their own classes again, but Ye Xiu must continue to be his all-class proficient. Skill. This job is more than double that of the average player.

Just like Ye Xiu said, "How come there are so many geniuses, those unusual people are just working hard with ordinary methods in places that no one can see."

In fact, the original Ye Xiu didn't pay much attention to the title of Glory Textbook. The reason why he had this title was simply the result of his accumulated strength over the years, and he finally got this title naturally. Of course, this has something to do with his earliest entry into the professional circle, and has been at the forefront of playstyle and technical opening, and Glory stayed at level 70 for too long.

But now, because of the need for Tang Yin's style of play, Ye Xiu has to forcibly revise it.

However, Ye Xiu was both painful and happy with such busyness. To put it synchronously, after all, a normal professional player would have twenty-four times more workload, and with his current age, it was a lot of pressure. The happiness is because of his huge knowledge reserve, and there are a lot of interesting play combinations, but after all, it is too difficult to master all of them, so at first he thought that he needed to be proficient. However, there are always many ideas that cannot be realized without comprehensive mastery. At this time, Tang Yin's idea pushed him, giving him an "excuse" to win all of them.

In fact, all professional players have a situation like Ye Xiu's. It's just because under normal circumstances, players only need to build the big system of their own profession. Of course, it will not be as complicated and difficult as Ye Xiu. Even Tang Yin was not as complicated as Ye Xiu.

However, because Ye Xiu needs to practice the 75th level skills of all occupations, the best way for Ye Xiu to get familiar with it is to find Tang Yin pk, which leads to Tang Yin's understanding of the 75th level skills of all occupations. very high. This is also a surprise.

Now Ye Xiu can only find Tang Yin to accompany him. After all, the current professional environment is different from before. In the early days of the professional league, a group of professional masters gathered to study and discuss this play style. At that time, the academic atmosphere in the game should not be too strong, and even the original purpose of the group of professional players was this.

After all, the professional player research must be the first to study their own profession, and then communicate with other professional players to complement their own research on other professions~www.readwn.com~ This also makes the level of the league professional players improve rapidly, and the biggest The beneficiaries are the current golden generation.

And because Ye Xiu has the most extensive coverage of the Glory profession, and has strong constructive and pioneering ideas and achievements for more professions, this has established his reputation as a Glory textbook.

But just like I said before, the current professional environment is completely different, and now it is accompanied by the development of professional leagues. The competition between the big teams has also become more and more fierce. Against such a background, it is no longer possible to have a group of professional players from various major teams get together and share their research results unreservedly.

After all, in this day and age, most professional players don't want the brand-new style of play that they have worked so hard to learn to be known by people other than their teammates. It is best to use them as a secret weapon on the field.

After all, these are all extremely important information, and using them well may be one of the boosters for their victory.

However, this also has such advantages. Compared with the previous discussion, everyone ended up using a similar style of play. The current result is more contentious than a hundred schools of thought.

Now everyone has their own style of play, and in the end, the pros and cons are determined by actual combat, so that a profession has various styles of play.

Just take the current Huang Shaotian, his use of the level 75 Four Swords style and Tiny Herb's Liu Xiaobie, Samsara's Du Ming, and 301's Gao Jie. They are all different, and even their play styles are different from each other.

And the current professional league is the glory of such a hundred schools of thought contending!

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(End of this chapter)


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