Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1623: Huang Shaotian's flaws

After all, support for fans is more emotionally biased, and sometimes even irrational.

But everyone in Happy is different from everyone in this regard. Everyone in Happy still maintains that sobriety, and they can feel this feeling very clearly. Because this feeling stemmed from their absolute trust in Ye Xiu. That all started from scratch, in a roadside Internet cafe, to create the existence of a professional team.

And it was this team that came out of the Internet cafe, but finally defeated the challenge, and now they have fought on the most cruel, peak, and glorious stage in the entire Glory Professional League. And every step of the way has that guy's credit. How could such an existence be suppressed to the end like this?

"What is Lao Ye pretending to be? Hurry up and make a big move!" Zhang Jiale shouted directly to the stage. But of course Ye Xiu in the competition room couldn't hear his voice, and the situation of the two characters in the whole department didn't change. Instead, the Blue Rain crowd on the other side attracted their attention.

"A big move? Is there a big move?" Blue Rain was confused for a while. Could it be that Ye Xiu really has a new style of play that they didn't know about? Zhang Jiale's sudden roar raised the mood of the Blue Rain people who had been somewhat relaxed because of Huang Shaotian's performance.

"Huh? Does Ye Xiu have any other big moves? Xiaoyin?" Chen Guo was nervous when she heard Zhang Jiale's words and seemed to see hope, and asked Ye Xiu directly. After all, although he didn't want to admit that he knew Ye Xiu, even his best friend Mu Cheng was not as good as Tang Yin now.

Tang Yin: "..." After all, this is a professional game, how can there be so many tricks. If it can be used, it's already used. But even though there is no ultimate trick, it doesn't mean that Ye Xiu will lose like this.

However, although Tang Yin had great confidence in Ye Xiu, everyone in the team was starting to worry. Tang Yin looked at everyone and smiled and said, "Don't worry, it will appear."

"Yeah, there must be!" Mucheng also expressed her support for her boyfriend very firmly.

"Old Ye has to hurry up!" Wei Chen also said, not at all accommodating because his opponent was a direct old club.

"There will be!" Tang Rou saw Tang Yin's appearance, she knew that although Ye Xiu didn't have a so-called ultimate trick, he would never lose like this, so she also supported her boyfriend's point of view.

For a while, except for Tang Yin, who had guessed Tang Rou's accident through Tang Yin with a single blow, although the rest of the people didn't know what Ye Xiu's ultimate move was, they all believed that it really existed, so they watched the game like a group of believers. Tang Yin smiled helplessly when he looked at his teammates, the collective brainless fan.

"Lao Ye, I've already blown it out for you. If you die, it's too good to see. Don't blame me for laughing at you for the rest of your life..." Tang Yin also put his eyes back on the game.

"Death to me!!" On the arena, Huang Shaotian sent another message while attacking, and now his life has reached ten percent. And in the hearts of Blue Rain fans, Huang Shaotian's words are literally a judgment on this match!


But just when everyone thought that Ye Xiu was going to be chained to death by Huang Shaotian like this, Ye Xiu's Thousand Manifestations Umbrella suddenly opened. In the face of the Dao Dao Jian Qi swept in by Ye Yuyu, the last blow of the Phantom Invisible Sword that was ready to be swung was completely blocked by the umbrella of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella.

not good!

Seeing such a change, Huang Shaotian knew that it was not good now.

If it was just a simple shield, it wouldn't do anything, and it wouldn't make Huang Shaotian nervous. Huang Shaotian did this because the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella's defense range was too large, and it blocked Ye Xiu's entire body directly. He couldn't see what Ye Xiu was doing right now.

"Inappropriate words are your biggest flaw." Ye Xiu suddenly sent a message.

Because whoever typed three words directly was in neutral position? At this time, Huang Shaotian's first reaction when he saw Ye Xiu's words. After all, Ye Xiu now has time to send him a message, which means that Ye Xiu still has his method.

At this moment, Huang Shaotian completely burned his direct experience and consciousness. The last blow of the Phantom Invisible Sword was directly dispelled by Huang Shaotian, and replaced by another great move of the swordsman: the sword will fix the world!

The Sword Sets the World: The Awakening Skill of the Swordsman! The swordsman's awakening skill is mainly a status skill. After using this skill, the attack speed, shot speed, and attack power of all swordsman skills of the character will be greatly improved. Even after using it, a three-hundred-and-sixty-five attack circle will appear around the character's body, which is quite a hit in terms of range.

At this time, Huang Shaotian and Tang Rou used this skill not so much to continue to attack, but instead to turn attack into defense. Jianding the world is the superior skill of Wuhen Jianyi. His 360-degree sword qi and Wuhen Jianyi's defense are somewhat similar. They are also both offensive and defensive skills, just from the perspective of defense. It can also be said that there are no dead ends.

Ye Xiu was still behind the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, so Huang Shaotian judged that he would rely on displacement and melee combat to force him directly. Regardless of whether it is a direct confrontation. Or use the shadow clone to circumvent the back~www.readwn.com~ In front of this move, the sword can make an effective defense. It can be said that it is the most suitable skill now. And after this skill came out, he said that he would look at Lord Grim. He wanted to see what Ye Xiu was going to do this time, since he still dared to judge his question.

Seeing Huang Shaotian's sword energy surging after the Frozen Rain, his figure turned slightly beyond the right. Because according to Huang Shaotian's prediction, Ye Xiu would most likely use skills like shadow clone or teleport to attack him directly behind him. After all, this is Ye Xiu's biggest play this season, and now this is the critical moment. Players have and will continue to choose the most familiar and most commonly used play in their subconscious to deal with it. It feels reliable feeling.


Now the perspectives on the electronic screen and in the broadcast are all agreed, and they are all under the perspective of the highest God. So they knew better than Huang Shaotian. Ye Xiu didn't say anything after opening his shield, he didn't make a seal to prepare a shadow clone, and he didn't perform any Mo Fan chant, not to mention the flow of mana like teleportation.

Ye Xiu, who had unfolded his shield, held up his umbrella shield and rammed into the opponent. Carrying Ye Yusheng's annoying attack, he took a step forward.

That's right, Ye Xiu made such a simple act after sending a message to teach Huang Shaotian a lesson. It's so simple that an ordinary Glory player knows, and even those who don't play Glory can easily do this...

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