Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1624: real assassin killer

But even with this simple step, the result was beyond Huang Shaotian's expectations.

Just when Ye Yusheng was turning to the right, Lord Grim took a step to the right.

Although they both turned one step to the right, the right side of the two of them was just opposite to each other.

The result was that Ye Xiu disappeared from Huang Shaotian's field of vision in an instant, and Ye Xiu's disappearance from Huang Shaotian's field of vision was such a simple step, and even his skills were useless.

And this is the difference between professional players and ordinary players. Controlling a character to take a step can indeed be performed by any person who wants to do so. But the rest is not something that everyone can do, that is, the various calculations that follow.

The distance between the characters on both sides, the influence of the character's posture on the attack range, the angle of view, timing, speed, angle, etc., etc., there are many things that need to be calculated in Glory.

And to do these things that cannot be accurately grasped, it is absolutely impossible to rely on this simple step to disappear from the opponent's perspective.

This seems to be a very simple step, but it contains Ye Xiu as the God of Glory, the result of the combination of more than ten years of experience and technology.

And Huang Shaotian immediately realized that the situation was not good, and immediately turned around and turned his perspective, Ye Xiu did return to his field of vision in an instant, but now Ye Xiu has also appeared in front of him.

Although Huang Shaotian had already met him when he turned around, Ye Xiu's attack came faster this time. After all, his displacement skills were also attack skills. For example, the three-stage slash he used just now!

You must know that Ye Xiujian's current form is a lightsaber, and his attack speed at ten o'clock is not slower than Huang Shaotian's Frozen Rain. In an instant, a blood flower was cut out of the air. And the three-stage slash is not the only one, because the lightsaber hilt is also the reason for the auxiliary function of the single soldier thruster, so when changing the form, Ye Xiu can still use the lightsaber without the swordsman's lightsaber proficient.

In the case of a lightsaber, the three-stage slash can be turned into a five-stage slash, and the speed is extremely fast. Seeing Ye Xiu flickering next to Huang Shaotian, he cut five blood flowers directly on Huang Shaotian's body.

Damn guy!

Huang Shaotian was very depressed right now. Even with his strength, he still couldn't figure out where he went wrong in this whole process.

Was it the wrong time to use the skill Sword Settling the World?

Or did he take Ye Xiu's world teleport behind him too much for granted?

These seem to be reasons to pay attention, but none of them seem to be the most important.

And this feeling was what Huang Shaotian hated the most, but whether it was Tang Yin or Ye Xiu, it always appeared when they were fighting. You have no idea where these two guys suddenly broke your attack.

And that feeling is really annoying.

Winning or losing is something they, as professional players, have already seen. But you at least tell me where I am wrong!

Even Huang Shaotian can't do anything about the stab, even as a swordsman, he is a little discouraged when he encounters such a thing, after all, this kind of feeling really hurts people, whether it's in morale or fighting spirit...

"You bastard, don't be too arrogant!" Huang Shaotian shouted on the channel. But this time it was not so much a clamor for Ye Xiu now, but a reminder to himself. Everyone knew that Huang Shaotian was famous in the professional circle for his trash talk. But few people know that when Huang Shaotian talks trash, most of it is actually a restraint of his own attention.

Huang Shaotian could have absolute confidence that this match was a victory. But the guy who was completely suppressed by him before that finally found a way to crack his attack, and this kind of blow from his double breakthrough in technology and psychology. It really made Huang Shaotian a little depressed, so he needed to remind himself that he must not relax.

What he has to do now is to continue to focus his attention back and keep his state stable.

After all, it is only a slight bite from the opponent, as long as the scene is stabilized.

Don't look at Huang Shaotian's **** talk that looks a little frantic, but in fact he is constantly reminding himself that he must not do anything, and in the end Huang Shaotian's handling is indeed very mature and calm, he successfully suppressed it and wanted to rush it back. company impulse. And this is the opportunism of Glory First, the absolute stoicism of a true assassin killer.

In the face of Huang Shaotian, even Ye Xiu couldn't help but applaud him.

At this time, you can still calmly make the most appropriate handling, which is far more stable and reliable than winning the impatient and strong will take the initiative to play. The situation where the direct organs were exhausted was resolved by this guy so smoothly. Ye Xiu was also very helpless about this.

If he was in a good state, of course he wouldn't be afraid to fight Huang Shaotian so smoothly, but the problem is that his state is very unhealthy now...

"I was thinking of knocking out at least a quarter of your health, but it's a pity. You can barely count this game as a winner." This was posted on the public channel by Ye Xiu before he fell.

"Fuck you, what do you mean you lose! That's a fact in itself!" Huang Shaotian replied angrily. This kind of publicity will make people unable to find his inner calm at all. Following Huang Shaotian's final blow~www.readwn.com~ Lord Grim finally fell.

Sixteen percent!

This was the damage Ye Xiu's last wave of explosions caused to Huang Shaotian.

Ye Xiu's record alone is not bad. Some people even think that Huang Shaotian's performance is a little worse. If Huang Shaotian is a little tougher, he may lose less blood.

But the real professional shows know that Huang Shaotian's handling is already the best solution.

But don't underestimate Ye Xiu's last sentence, it's not meaningless trash talk, if there are really some players facing Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu can really hit his target. After all, he is Ye Xiu!

It can be said that the guys who feel that taking the initiative to attack can also reduce the damage, they are the guys who stand and talk without back pain.

Ye Xiu quickly came out of the competition seat, and the audience burst into applause.

Although most of Ye Xiu's life in this round was 20% of Huang Shaotian's life, it seemed like a complete failure. But glory is not a simple and superficial numbers game.

You must know that Glory's skills are the most important in the battle. Even the magicians who rely on basic attacks to fight melee also need magic enchantments, but Ye Xiu's mana was only 20% at the time. Now the result is almost no mana hits the damage. Not to mention that there are still two rounds of captains before. You must know that Ye Xiu is also one year younger than Han Wenqing...

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