Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1625: Tang Yin comes on stage

Even in such a desperate situation, Ye Xiu still dealt effective damage while consuming as much of Huang Shaotian's blue bars as possible. In the end, he showed his fangs and carried out a fierce counterattack. You must know that Ye Xiu was suppressed by Huang Shaotian's absolute advantage and counterattacked.

The last one who was caught by Huang Shaotian had the opportunity to suppress it, but he was directly linked to death. Do you mean Yu Feng?

So Ye Xiu's oncoming applause is definitely worth it!

At this moment, all the fans of Happy have a unified idea, that is, although they are already applauding with all their strength, they still dislike the applause of the audience is not warm enough. I also want to continue to increase their applause. It could be said that Ye Xiu was walking back to the player seat, and the level of applause was constantly being refreshed. Beating louder.

"Hard hard work!" Everyone in Happy also got up to greet Ye Xiu, Mu Cheng picked up the warm towel and water that had been prepared a long time ago and handed it to Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu, who was closest to the warmer where the towels were kept, was in charge of this matter, but when Ye Xiu appeared, the closest one was Tang Ye. But after all, Mucheng's relationship with Ye Xiu was here, and Tang Yin was very happy to see it under special circumstances. Anyway, he has a daughter-in-law, so eating dog food has nothing to do with him.

"Then it's up to you." Ye Xiu said to Tang Yin, but what Huang Shaotian said before was not false information, and it was Tang Yin who was in Happy's second match.

"There is no pressure." Tang Yin said with a smile, waved to everyone, and walked to the competition seat very smartly.

"Come on, deputy team!" Everyone in Happy cheered. And this voice once again attracted the attention of the Blue Rain crowd on the other side. Deputy team? Is Tang Yin really the second player to play?

This time, they really didn't understand. Happy let Ye Xiu start, and they could use it as an excuse to boost morale. But now Tang Yin, the second deputy of the team, is the first to go too far. No matter how you look for it, you should leave a core of combat power in the third or fourth place. Happy playing like this, aren't you afraid of crashing?

As for Tang Yin and the others, their thinking is very simple, sorry for the core and main force, we Happy have never lacked. After all, there were Su Mucheng and Zhang Jiale after his two appearances. These two are the absolute core of any team, and they can be perfectly qualified for the third and fourth positions.

It perfectly interprets what it means to have a lot of great players. You can really do whatever you want!

As Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were the only two in the team who had to change their equipment, of course they had to bombard them intensively, so that they could be caught off guard and try to gain an advantage. After all, the ring match is also divided according to the head.

Tang Rou looked at Tang Yin's appearance. Although she knew that Tang Yin was very strong and had a high win rate against Huang Shaotian, it was a match after all. There is nothing absolute in the competition, and as Tang Yin's bedside person during this period of time, she has clearly understood the pressure on Tang Yin. It was his first time to play a game. Tang Yin still had the responsibilities and burdens of the vice team. The teammates of the team still had a lot of rookies to guide. The pressure of his rookie vice team can be imagined.

Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale, and Su Mucheng, they all played in the playoffs, so their game experience is here. Unlike Tang Yin, he is a real newcomer to the professional league, but because Tang Yin's strong fight is a personal strength, people often forget this point, but being forgotten doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

They have worked hard for this game for two years. And according to Ye Xiu's words, Tang Yin had the idea and plan to form a team before him, and how could Tang Yin spend a simple amount of time for this goal?

You must know that they are following, from the beginning, whether it is personnel or equipment, he will support all of them. Especially when Chen Guo hadn't grown up yet. In contrast, the funds spent by Tang Yin are the least worth mentioning...

Looking at Tang Yin's somewhat dashing figure now, Tang Rou still couldn't help but worry.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyin's words will be fine. After all, the master is very strong." It was Mucheng's voice that sounded beside Tang Rou.

"Indeed, you must know that Xiaoyin is a typical arena player. He does get nervous before the game, and he probably has all the mentality that all newcomers have. But when he really stands on the stage, these will not be the same. The problem is, because those so-called negative attitudes will become his nourishment, preventing him from becoming stronger." Ye Xiu said.

After all, in terms of strength, just like Tang Yin knew Ye Xiu better than Mu Cheng, the one who knew Tang Yin's strength and state the most was Ye Xiu.

"Since the second player on Happy's side is Tang Yin, one of their core players!" Pan Sen was also surprised when he saw Tang Yin. After all, they all took Ye Xiu's words about Tang Yin's next game as **** for Huang Shaotian, but they didn't expect it to be true.

"What exactly is Xingxin thinking? Since the two cores of the team are directly placed in the first and second place. If there are no strong players in the final fight, wouldn't it be easy for accidental collapse?" Pan Sen asked curiously.

After all, since each major team has obtained it, the core is placed third and fourth, of course, because only these two positions can fully utilize the core of the team. But now Happy is breaking this routine one after another.

"Xingxin may not be afraid, after all, the core of their team is Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, but there are more than two players with core strength~www.readwn.com~ Li Yibo explained.

Hearing Li Yibo's explanation, Pan Sen also reacted. yes! Su Mucheng and Zhang Jiale. They were not the core of the previous team. Who of them cannot win the third and fourth positions in the selection seat. You know it's not the regular season. During the regular season, Happy would still find opportunities to arrange for some rookies to train, but now it was the playoffs, so of course they had to do their best.

"Speaking of which, Blue Rain defeated Happy twice in a row in the regular season, but Huang Shaotian lost to Tang Yin twice in a row. I don't know if this game will end differently." Li Yibo said curiously. .

"And both of them are also one of the two core members of their respective teams, and they are both sub-teams. In this game, Huang Shaotian still has 80% of his health. The final outcome of this game is really hard to say." Pan. Lin also said.

"Tang Yin is also a legend. He has been the team's vice captain since his debut. He won the best rookie this season and entered the playoffs directly. Even the great players couldn't take it from him. For the next point, there is no second one in the entire league with such a resume." Li Yibo said with some sigh. And the only one who could match Tang Yin's resume and was on the same team as him was Ye Xiu.

"Let's see how this game will develop next." Pan Sen began to bring the topic to the field, because the game was about to start!

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